[ANSWERED 2023] Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop?

Have you ever been involved in union organizingcollective bargaining, or worked

Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop? If so, share your experience

Power in Organizations

Have you ever been involved in union organizingcollective bargaining, or worked in a union shopIf soshare your experienceIf notlocate a scholarly journal article that describes collective bargaining and describe how it works within an organization.

Have you ever worked in a healthcare facility that had Magnet accreditation, or had experience with shared governance? If soshare your experienceIf notlocate a scholarly journal article that describes shared governance and explain how it could be implemented in your current facility.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Power in Organizations

Over the years, people have been forming organizations to campaign for their employment rights and discuss other social factors. Through the formation of organizations, equality has been achieved in some sectors, such as the treatment of people with different sexual orientations and cultural, ancestral, and racial backgrounds. If people such as Martin Luther King had tried to negotiate for equal treatment individually, probably, he could not be successful.

The phenomenon is also experienced in the workplace, where it is easier for workers to negotiate work conditions as a group than as individuals through collective bargaining. In other situations, companies engage in shared governance as it is necessary to create favorable policies for all participants. Through collective bargaining and shared governance, it is possible to understand organizations’ power in advocating for their members at the workplace.

Collective Bargaining And How It Works In An Organization

Collective bargaining is a process through which working people can negotiate their employment contracts with their employers to understand the terms of employment, job safety, benefits, leave and pay, among others. Over the years, it is through collective bargaining that employees have achieved better status at their workplace and further ensured that their safety is not compromised. According to Cazes et al. (2019), collective bargaining can occur at different levels which include firm level, sectoral level, and national level.

The authors also explain multi-level bargaining, which combines firms and higher-level collective bargaining. Cazes et al. (2019 note that coordinated systems such as those that have organized decentralization have higher employment than full decentralization. It is also notable that in areas where there is collective bargaining, there is lower or greater wage dispersion compared to systems that lack collective bargaining and those that set wages independently. This shows that employees can enjoy the same salaries if they are in the same job group through collective bargaining.

Cazes et al. (2019) further note that in areas where there are centralized bargaining systems, there is likely to have lower productivity. This shows that a lack of flexibility at the firm level, which mostly represents a centralized bargaining system, can affect the firm’s productivity. On the other hand, when there are decentralized systems, it is clear that there are no adverse effects on productivity.

As far as collective bargaining is concerned, Cazes et al. (2019) explain that where coordination works effectively, it is more likely to be supported by employer associations because it moderates wage growth and ensures a high level of mediation. The authors concluded that engaging in collective bargaining greatly contributes to labor market inclusiveness and can create a macroeconomic effect when it covers a large share of workers and companies.

The process of collective bargaining has been essential as it can contribute to either the success or failure of the initiative. It is notable that collective bargaining mostly occurs as a better alternative when comparing options such as strikes and quitting (Julius & DiGiovanni, 2019). The first step in collective bargaining is preparing for bargaining, where the teams are involved in identifying areas they want to improve and determining a strategy to help them move forward with the negotiations (National Education Association).

The second stage involves conducting the negotiations and the union and management explain the rationale behind their proposals. This stage usually depends on the law provisions concerning the areas being addressed. In the third stage, the contract can be ratified if the parties have reached a tentative contract agreement. However, this is after the union has a meeting with the employees to discuss the offers made by the company, and then they are asked to vote using a secret ballot where the majority of votes determines if the contract will be ratified or rejected.

The fourth stage occurs if the parties fail to reach an agreement, and through state law, they can decide on how to resolve the dispute, either using mediation, arbitration, or a strike (National Education Association). The fifth and last stage is changing or clarifying the contracts, where the parties can discuss any section of the ratified contracts and revise it to ensure that issues of mutual concerns are solved as the employees continue their employment contracts.

Shared Governance And How It Can Be Implemented In The Facility

When focusing on nursing, shared governance is crucial as it promotes nursing empowerment and encourages shared decision-making, ensuring that all professionals are accountable for their actions and contribution to the hospital’s processes. Shared governance is therefore defined as a process through which the board of governance, faculties, and staff participation are coordinated in the work and decision-making process and administrative leadership. The main aim of shared governance is to balance participation and ensure that all members take equal responsibility in their organizational roles.

Through shared governance, it is possible to improve patient outcomes as all clinicians are involved in decision-making about the issues that impact them and the hospital’s services. Moreover, shared governance is crucial as it enables a culture that fosters a transparent review of work practices and further supports personal and professional development by involving evidence-based practices.

It is, however, important to understand that implementing shared governance is hard and time-consuming, and therefore more organizations are likely to shun the practice. Nonetheless, the outcomes of shared governance usually outweigh the obstacles experienced, and with a good process in place, it is possible to have an effective, shared governance policy.

According to Brennan & Wendt (2021), several principles should be ensured when implementing shared governance. They include accountability, innovation, autonomy, team building, leadership, ownership, and practice equity. Combining these models makes it possible to create a shared governance model that ensures quality patient care and promotes continuous quality improvement in the health facility. When forming shared governance, Kiwanuka (2022) explains using Kotter’s eight-step change theory to ensure success. In the first stage, the company should create a sense of urgency surrounding the need for change.

In the facility, this can include a discussion of the importance of shared governance and how it can effectively enhance the company’s productivity. In this stage, the company can also discuss various scenarios that can be accomplished through shared governance and further determine the opportunities and the potential threats that can be experienced. The second stage is to form coalitions with leaders who can convince their followers of the importance of the change, as this will increase responsibility amongst leaders (Carman et al. 2019).

In the third step, the leaders can create a vision of change by determining the values central to the change and creating a strategy that aims to execute the vision. In the fourth stage, the change can be communicated to the shareholders effectively, making it easy for them to believe in the change and even support it (Carman et al. 2019). In this stage, it is also important for the leaders to address all members’ concerns and further take in the contribution of members hence customizing the shared governance into what the organization needs.

The fifth step involves removing obstacles, such as convincing the people resisting change and addressing other obstacles. The sixth step explains that the organization can create short-term wins that will encourage the company to continue the process. The seventh step focuses on building on the change, and through it, victory is not declared, but the leaders work on perfecting the program to ensure that it addresses the needs as needed (Carman et al. 2019).

The last step included anchoring the changes in a corporate culture where the leaders work on making the adapted model part of the company’s culture hence making it ingrained in its practices. By abiding by this change model, it can be possible for the facility to implement shared governance in the company seamlessly.


Organizations have much power, and by effectively utilizing it, it can be possible to ensure the quality of work life for the members and to ensure further that productivity is enhanced at the workplace. Through collective bargaining, employees can ensure that they work in a safe environment and that their pay and benefits reflect the work they are accomplishing.

On the other hand, shared governance ensures that everyone in the organization has an equal chance to make a difference and can further be accountable for their actions. This is especially important in healthcare facilities where some professionals feel that they do not have a sufficient role to play. Through shared governance, every member participates and is responsible for the care outcomes.


Brennan, D., & Wendt, L. (2021). Increasing Quality and Patient Outcomes with Staff Engagement and Shared Governance. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing26(2).

Carman, A. L., Vanderpool, R. C., Stradtman, L. R., & Edmiston, E. A. (2019). Peer Reviewed: A Change-Management Approach to Closing Care Gaps in a Federally Qualified Health Center: A Rural Kentucky Case Study. Preventing chronic disease16.

Cazes, S., Garnero, A., & Martin, S. (2019). Negotiating our way up Collective bargaining in a changing world of work. OECD Publishing: Paris, France.

Julius, D. J., & DiGiovanni Jr, N. (2019). Academic collective bargaining: status, process, and prospects. Academic Labor: Research and Artistry3(1), 11.

Kiwanuka, K. (2022). A Contemporary Shared Governance Structure and Its Role in Managing Nurse Turnover. School of Nursing, the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. Theses.

National Education Association. The 5 Stages of Collective Bargaining. https://www.nea.org/resource-library/5-stages-collective-bargaining

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Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop?

NLRB Retaliation for Union Activity: How to Protect Your Rights

As an employee, it is your right to join a union and engage in collective bargaining. However, in some cases, employers may retaliate against employees who engage in union activity. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is responsible for protecting employees’ rights to engage in union activity and preventing retaliation from employers. In this article, we will discuss the NLRB’s role in protecting employees’ rights, what constitutes retaliation, and how to protect yourself from retaliation.

Understanding the NLRB’s Role

The NLRB is an independent federal agency that enforces the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The NLRA protects employees’ rights to form, join, and assist unions, engage in collective bargaining, and engage in other protected concerted activity. The NLRB is responsible for investigating unfair labor practices, including retaliation against employees who engage in union activity.

What Constitutes Retaliation?

Retaliation can take many forms, including termination, demotion, reduction in hours or pay, disciplinary action, or harassment. Retaliation is illegal under the NLRA, and employees who experience retaliation may file a charge with the NLRB.

How to Protect Yourself from Retaliation

There are several steps you can take to protect yourself from retaliation:

1. Educate Yourself on Your Rights

Before engaging in union activity, educate yourself on your rights under the NLRA. You have the right to join a union, engage in collective bargaining, and engage in other protected concerted activity. You also have the right to refrain from engaging in any of these activities.

2. Keep Records of Your Union Activity

Keep a record of your union activity, including dates, times, and any conversations you have with management or coworkers. This can be helpful if you need to file a charge with the NLRB.

3. Report Any Retaliation to Your Union Representative

If you experience any retaliation for engaging in union activity, report it to your union representative as soon as possible. Your union representative can help you file a charge with the NLRB.

4. File a Charge with the NLRB

If you experience retaliation for engaging in union activity, you may file a charge with the NLRB. The NLRB will investigate your charge and take appropriate action if they find that your employer violated the NLRA.


As an employee, it is your right to engage in union activity without fear of retaliation. The NLRB is responsible for protecting your rights and preventing retaliation from employers. If you experience retaliation for engaging in union activity, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Educate yourself on your rights, keep records of your union activity, report any retaliation to your union representative, and file a charge with the NLRB if necessary.

5 Steps of Collective Bargaining Process

Collective bargaining is a process used by employers and unions to negotiate terms and conditions of employment. The process involves negotiations between the two parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Collective bargaining can be complex, but it is an essential process for ensuring that employees’ rights are protected, and their interests are represented. In this article, we will explore the five steps involved in the collective bargaining process.

Step 1: Preparation for Negotiation

The first step in the collective bargaining process is preparation. This involves identifying the issues that are important to the union and the employer. The union and employer must gather information about each other to understand their respective positions. It is also important to determine who will represent each party during the negotiations.

During this step, the union and employer will also set ground rules for the negotiations. This includes determining the date, time, and location of the meetings. It also includes establishing the rules for how the negotiations will be conducted. For example, will they be held in private or in public? Will there be a mediator or a neutral third party present?

Step 2: Initial Proposals

The second step in the collective bargaining process is the exchange of initial proposals. The union and employer will present their respective proposals for the terms and conditions of employment. These proposals will be based on the issues that were identified in the preparation stage.

The initial proposals are usually broad and may not be specific. This is because the parties want to leave room for negotiation. The proposals will be reviewed and analyzed by both parties to determine the areas of agreement and disagreement.

Step 3: Bargaining

The third step in the collective bargaining process is bargaining. This is where the parties will negotiate the specific terms and conditions of employment. During this stage, the parties may make counter-proposals and compromises.

Bargaining can be a lengthy process, and it may require several meetings. The parties may also use tactics such as strikes or lockouts to pressure the other party into making concessions.

Step 4: Finalizing the Agreement

The fourth step in the collective bargaining process is finalizing the agreement. This is where the parties will agree on the final terms and conditions of employment. The agreement will be written and signed by both parties.

The agreement will include details such as wages, benefits, hours of work, and job security. It will also outline the process for resolving disputes that may arise during the term of the agreement.

Step 5: Implementation and Monitoring

The final step in the collective bargaining process is implementation and monitoring. This involves ensuring that the terms and conditions of the agreement are being implemented as agreed.

The union and employer will monitor the implementation of the agreement to ensure that both parties are fulfilling their obligations. If either party fails to meet their obligations, the other party may take legal action to enforce the agreement.


Collective bargaining is a complex process, but it is essential for ensuring that employees’ rights are protected, and their interests are represented. The five steps involved in the collective bargaining process include preparation, initial proposals, bargaining, finalizing the agreement, and implementation and monitoring. Each step is critical to the overall success of the process.

Have you ever been involved in union organizing, collective bargaining, or worked in a union shop?

Are Unions Still Relevant Today?

Unions have played a vital role in the history of labor movements around the world, protecting workers’ rights and improving their working conditions. However, in recent years, the relevance of unions has been questioned by some due to the changing dynamics of the labor market and the economy. In this article, we will explore the role of unions in today’s world and whether they are still relevant.


Unions are organizations that represent groups of workers, usually within a specific industry or profession, to negotiate with employers for better pay, benefits, and working conditions. Unions have been around for centuries and have played a significant role in shaping the modern workplace. In the early 20th century, unions were instrumental in securing basic workers’ rights, such as the eight-hour workday, minimum wage, and safe working conditions.

The purpose of this article is to explore the relevance of unions in today’s world. While unions have achieved many successes, their role has been questioned in recent years due to the changing dynamics of the labor market and the economy.

The Evolution of Labor Markets

The labor market has undergone significant changes in recent years, which have affected the relevance of unions. One significant change is the casualization of the workforce. More and more workers are employed on a casual or temporary basis, rather than full-time permanent roles, which makes it more challenging for unions to represent their interests effectively.

Another significant change is the growth of the gig economy, where workers are employed on a short-term, freelance basis through online platforms. These workers are not considered employees in the traditional sense, which means they are not entitled to the same protections and benefits as unionized workers.

The decline of the manufacturing industry is another factor that has affected the relevance of unions. Many unions have their roots in the manufacturing industry, and the decline of this sector has led to a decline in union membership.

The Role of Unions Today

Despite these challenges, unions continue to play a vital role in today’s world. One of the most important roles of unions is collective bargaining. This is the process of negotiating with employers on behalf of workers to secure better pay, benefits, and working conditions. Unions can use their collective bargaining power to achieve better outcomes for workers than they would be able to achieve as individuals.

Unions also play an important role in protecting workers’ rights. They fight against discrimination and harassment in the workplace and advocate for health and safety measures to protect workers from injury or illness.

Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 10, which begins “The elderly patient resided at the nursing home for almost a year before she died at the hospital.”



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