[2023] Using your problem statement and SAE’s website locate 3 relevant SAE papers for the project/system.  Cut and paste the paper number, title, and description into a word document

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Using your problem statement and SAE’s website locate 3 relevant SAE papers for the project/system.  Cut and paste the paper number, title, and description into a word document

Using your problem statement and SAE’s website locate 3 relevant SAE


Using your problem statement and SAE’s website locate 3 relevant SAE papers for the project/system.  Cut and paste the paper number, title, and description into a word document.

Using the Internet/Library etc., find 5 more quality relevant sources to help with your research.  These can be papers, articles, books etc.  In the same word doc as above, provide the title, description of the source and where I could find this source ie web link, library etc.

The research topic, problem statement and sources are due 3/28/23 at 10am – printed out and brought to class.

Finally, write a 5 page research paper on the project/ topic/ system that you have formulated your problem statement on.  The paper needs to be in SAE format which a template can be downloaded from SAE’s website. https://www.sae.org/participate/volunteer/author/event-paper-process.

The paper needs to be at least 5 pages of body text and needs to contain a reference section which is not part of the 5 pages of body text.  Appendixes are optional but always help.  Please do not play around with the text size or margins in the SAE format.  Doing so will lower your grade since you won’t be following their format.

Place your order now for a similar assignment and get fast, cheap and best quality work written by our expert level  assignment writers.Using your problem statement and SAE’s website locate 3 relevant SAE papers for the project/system.  Cut and paste the paper number, title, and description into a word documentUse Coupon: NEW30 to Get 30% OFF Your First Order

What are the requirements for SAE technical paper?


SAE technical papers play a vital role in disseminating valuable research findings and technical knowledge within the engineering community. These papers are a fundamental part of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organization and are essential for sharing advancements in automotive and aerospace engineering. If you are considering contributing to the SAE community by writing a technical paper, it is crucial to understand the requirements and guidelines that govern the preparation of these papers. This article will provide you with insights into the necessary elements and structure to create a successful SAE technical paper.

Understanding SAE Technical Papers:

SAE technical papers are formal documents that present original research, analysis, and developments related to engineering disciplines, especially those focused on mobility technology. These papers serve as a platform for engineers, researchers, and industry experts to share their findings, methodologies, and innovations with the global engineering community.

The Purpose of SAE Technical Papers:

The primary purpose of an SAE technical paper is to communicate technical information and knowledge effectively. These papers facilitate the exchange of ideas, promote collaboration, and contribute to the advancement of engineering technologies. Moreover, SAE technical papers are often referenced by other researchers and professionals, making them an integral part of academic and industrial research.

Requirements for Writing an SAE Technical Paper:

Writing an SAE technical paper involves adhering to specific guidelines and requirements to ensure uniformity and consistency across all published papers. Below are the essential elements that should be included in your SAE technical paper:

Title and Abstract:

The title of your paper should be concise, descriptive, and clearly represent the content of the research. The abstract, which comes after the title, should provide a brief overview of the paper’s objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions.


The introduction sets the context for your research and provides the reader with background information. Clearly state the problem or research question that your paper addresses and explain why it is significant.

Literature Review:

Incorporate a literature review that highlights the existing research and knowledge related to your topic. This shows your understanding of the subject and positions your work within the broader context of the field.


Explain the methods and procedures used in your research. This section should be detailed enough for others to replicate your study and validate your findings.

Results and Analysis:

Present your research findings in a clear and organized manner. Use graphs, charts, and tables to support your analysis. Interpret the results and discuss their implications.


Summarize the key points of your paper and reiterate your main findings. Discuss the significance of your research and suggest potential areas for further investigation.


Provide a comprehensive list of all the sources cited in your paper. Use a standard citation style approved by SAE.

Formatting and Structure of an SAE Technical Paper:

The format and structure of your SAE technical paper are equally important as its content. Adhering to the following guidelines will enhance the readability and professionalism of your paper:

Length and Style:

SAE technical papers vary in length, but generally, they should be between 4,000 to 10,000 words. Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex terminology.

Sections and Subsections:

Organize your paper into logical sections and subsections. Use headings and subheadings to guide the reader through the content smoothly.

Figures and Tables:

Incorporate relevant figures, charts, and tables to support your findings visually. Ensure they are properly labeled and referenced in the text.

Review and Approval Process:

After submitting your technical paper to SAE, it goes through a peer-review process to assess its quality, originality, and relevance. Be prepared to make revisions based on the feedback received.

Tips for Writing a Successful SAE Technical Paper:

To increase the chances of your paper’s acceptance and recognition, consider the following tips:

Focus on Original Research:

SAE technical papers should contribute new and valuable insights to the field of engineering. Ensure your research is innovative and adds value to the existing body of knowledge.

Be Clear and Concise:

Present your ideas in a straightforward manner and avoid unnecessary complexity. Aim for clarity to ensure your message reaches a wide audience.

Use Appropriate Language and Terminology:

Tailor your writing to the target audience, which may include engineers, researchers, and industry professionals. Use technical language but define terms that might not be universally understood.

Include Visuals:

Visual aids can enhance the reader’s understanding of complex concepts. Utilize graphs, images, and diagrams where applicable.

Review and Edit:

Thoroughly review your paper for grammatical errors, typos, and coherence. A well-edited paper reflects professionalism and dedication to your research.


Writing an SAE technical paper requires attention to detail, adherence to guidelines, and a clear presentation of research findings. By understanding the requirements and following the provided tips, you can contribute valuable knowledge to the engineering community and establish yourself as a respected voice in your field.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

  1. Q: Can I submit a previously published paper to SAE? A: No, SAE only accepts original, unpublished work for technical papers.
  2. Q: How long does the peer-review process typically take? A: The peer-review process can vary, but it usually takes several weeks to a few months.
  3. Q: Are there specific templates for formatting an SAE technical paper? A: Yes, SAE provides templates and guidelines for authors to follow when formatting their papers.
  4. Q: Can I include mathematical equations in my paper? A: Yes, you can include mathematical equations, but ensure they are properly formatted and explained.
  5. Q: Are there any specific word limits for the abstract and conclusion sections? A: The abstract should typically be around 250-300 words, while the conclusion section can vary depending on the content, but it is generally concise.

How do I publish a research paper in SAE?

To publish a research paper in SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), you need to follow a systematic process that involves preparing your paper according to SAE guidelines and submitting it for review. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to publish a research paper in SAE:

  1. Conduct Original Research: Conduct thorough research in your area of interest and aim to generate original findings or insights that contribute to the field of automotive engineering or related disciplines.
  2. Review SAE Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with SAE’s guidelines for paper preparation and submission. These guidelines outline the formatting requirements, style, and structure that your paper must adhere to. You can find the guidelines on the SAE website.
  3. Prepare Your Paper: Organize your research into a well-structured paper. Include the following sections in your paper:
    • Title: A concise and descriptive title that represents the content of your research.
    • Abstract: A brief summary of your paper’s objectives, methods, key findings, and conclusions.
    • Introduction: Provide background information, the research problem, and the significance of your study.
    • Literature Review: Review and cite relevant literature related to your research topic.
    • Methodology: Describe the methods and procedures used in your research.
    • Results and Analysis: Present your findings and analyze the data.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key points and the significance of your research.
  4. Format Your Paper: Format your paper according to SAE guidelines. Pay attention to details like font size, margins, citations, and section headings. Ensure that your paper is clear, concise, and easy to read.
  5. Review and Edit: Review your paper for grammatical errors, clarity, and coherence. Edit the content to improve its overall quality and ensure it meets the submission requirements.
  6. Get Feedback: Before submitting your paper, seek feedback from colleagues or mentors to ensure that your research is well-presented and meets academic standards.
  7. Submit Your Paper: Once your paper is ready, visit the SAE website and follow the instructions for paper submission. Create an author account if required, and fill in the necessary details about your paper and co-authors.
  8. Peer Review Process: After submission, your paper will undergo a peer-review process. Expert reviewers in the field will evaluate your paper for originality, relevance, methodology, and clarity.
  9. Revise if Needed: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, you may be asked to make revisions to your paper. Address all the reviewers’ comments and suggestions thoroughly.
  10. Publication Decision: After revisions, your paper will be evaluated again by the reviewers. If accepted, you will receive instructions on how to proceed with publication.
  11. Copyright and Consent: You may be required to sign a copyright agreement and provide consent for publishing your paper in SAE publications.
  12. Publication and Recognition: Once your paper is accepted, it will be published in the designated SAE publication, making your research accessible to the engineering community. You will be recognized as an author of the published work.

By following these steps and adhering to SAE guidelines, you increase your chances of successfully publishing your research paper in SAE. Remember to be patient throughout the review process and address any reviewer feedback promptly and thoroughly. Good luck with your publication!



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