After reviewing Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Co

After reviewing Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Competency” and the “Health Literacy Universal Precautions

After reviewing Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Competency” and the “Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 2nd Edition,” located in the topic Resources, choose an ethnic minority group and explore health disparities for the chosen group. Describe how to integrate the components of health literacy and cultural considerations into a health promotion teaching plan for one health disparity identified in the research and how health literacy supports overall health promotion.

Required resource

Read “Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Competency,” by Becze, from ONS Voice (2021).

Expert Answer and Explanation

Cultural Humility And Health Promotion

Currently, Hispanic/Latino people experience poor health outcomes as compared to other people. This is attributed to many factors, including limited access to healthcare services. Notably, most Hispanic people do not have insurance coverage, and this usually makes healthcare very expensive for them. Additionally, some of them experience language barriers as they do not understand English, the primary language spoken in the country.

It is also notable that they have higher rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and other conditions (Dragomanovich & Shubrook, 2021). Another issue is the low health literacy levels. Most of them are concerned with working and do not focus on health knowledge or how to interact with the healthcare system. Overall, this reduces their health outcomes, making it crucial to enhance their health integration literacy.

How To Integrate the Concept of Health Literacy

When considering Latino/Hispanic people, healthcare providers should use plain language when integrating the concept of health literacy. Using complex medical terms makes it hard for laypeople to understand the idea and miss out on the essential aspects (Babalola et al., 2021). Additionally, it is crucial to provide information in Spanish and English as Hispanic/Latino people mainly speak the language. In the health literacy program, other aspects apart from speaking should be used. This can include visual aids or videos showing a health issue and how the population can protect themselves.

Cultural Considerations

When educating Hispanic/ Latino communities, it is crucial to be respectful of their traditional beliefs and practices. Most of them have deep religious beliefs, and going against them can be considered to be insensitive and inconsiderate, and therefore, they might be dismissive of the lessons (Ly et al., 2023). It is also crucial to involve family members in the process, as family is an essential unit in the Hispanic culture. Moreover, when suggesting activities they should carry out to enhance their health, it is crucial to understand their culture’s position on such activities.

Teaching Plan For Diabetes Prevention

One of the health issues experienced by Hispanic/Latino people is a high prevalence of diabetes. The learning objectives include understanding the risk factors for diabetes. This will make them understand the factors that can lead to obesity and try to avoid them (Goff et al., 2020). Another learning objective is to identify healthy eating habits that will reduce the risk of having diabetes. Additionally, it is essential to teach them about the importance of physical activity to general health and in lowering diabetes prevalence in general.

The teaching method will include a combination of activities, presentations, and discussions that will engage participants. Through the interactive lesson, it will be possible to ensure that the participants understand all shared information (Dragomanovich & Shubrook, 2021). Additionally, there will be peer support groups, which will provide a chance for individuals to discuss with each other and even share their experience with the disease and how to avoid it for others. All material shared must be culturally sensitive.

They will be asked to restate the primary information to evaluate the learners. Additionally, the health educator will gather their feedback on the lesson and clarify any information that is still vague.

Health Literacy Supports Overall Wealth Promotion

Through health literacy, individuals can make informed decisions concerning their health. This way, following the health belief model, they can take control of their health and even make better decisions concerning their well-being. Additionally, they can navigate the healthcare system and get all the resources needed for their well-being. It is also notable that through health literacy, individuals can self-manage chronic disease, reducing costs and improving their well-being.


Babalola, O. M., Garcia, T. J., Sefcik, E. F., & Peck, J. L. (2021). Improving Diabetes Education in Mexican American Older Adults. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 32(6), 104365962199466.

Dragomanovich, H. M., & Shubrook, J. H. (2021). Improving Cultural Humility and Competency in Diabetes Care for Primary Care Providers. Clinical Diabetes, 39(2), cd200063.

Goff, L. M., Moore, A., Harding, S., & Rivas, C. (2020). Providing culturally sensitive diabetes self-management education and support for black African and Caribbean communities: a qualitative exploration of the challenges experienced by healthcare practitioners in inner London. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 8(2), e001818.

Ly, A. L., Flynn, P. M., & Betancourt, H. M. (2023). Cultural Beliefs About Diabetes-Related Social Exclusion and Diabetes Distress Impact Self-Care Behaviors and HbA1c Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.

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