[ANSWERED 2024] As one learns about all of the wonders of modern technologies, how would you respond (positive or negative, and why) to Dr. Victoria Sweet who wrote

As one learns about all of the wonders of modern technologies, how would you respond (positive or negative, and why) to Dr. Victoria Sweet who wrote

As one learns about all of the wonders of modern technologies, how would you respond (positive or negative, and why) to Dr. Victoria Sweet who wrote: In trying to get control

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 1 for this Course.

Your assignment this week has two parts:

  1. Produce answers to a set of essay questions. After doing the reading for this module we expect you to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission.  Do not just answer the questions.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what. Some questions may intrigue you and prompt you to research and write more.  Others may seem obvious to you and a short concise answer seems to be best.  One size seldom fits all, especially in medicine.Remember to submit your Essay Assignment to the dropbox following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.
  2. Begin work on your class project, described below.  You are expected to spend roughly two hours each of the first seven weeks on the project.  This first week, you are expected to submit a status report explained below.  Class project deliverables are submitted to the same dropbox as the essay assignment, but the submission may not be a “.docx” type file.  For this first week you are expected to submit your status report using PowerPoint, which uses a “.pptx” file type.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

  1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.
  2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.
  3. Consider the course discussions so far and any insights gained from it.
  4. Create your Essay Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources if needed, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.
  5. After you have finished your essay assignment, start working on your class project and produce and submit your status report.

Essay Assignment: Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. As one learns about all of the wonders of modern technologies, how would you respond (positive or negative, and why) to Dr. Victoria Sweet who wrote: In trying to get control of healthcare costs by emphasizing “efficiency,” we’ve headed down a wrong path. Medicine works best—that is, arrives at the right diagnosis and the right treatment for the least cost—when the doctor has enough time to do a good job, and pays attention not only to the patient but to what’s around the patient.

Dr. Sweet calls this approach Slow Medicine, and she believes that, put into wider practice, it would be not only more satisfying for patient and doctor, but also less expensive.

  1. Consider the involvement of insurance companies, the big business of healthcare, and cost-cutting activities. Explain what you believe is meant by a cardiac patient who, upon meeting his surgeon for the first time prior to surgery, says to the surgeon, “Hello, sir. I’m Mr. John Smith, husband of Mary Smith and father of Jeanette Smith. I’m a carpenter who has built close to 80 new homes over the last 20 years with these two hands. I’m not the heart attack in Room 403.” and why.
  1. It’s been said that true quality improvement is only possible when those involved in the process can be completely honest with one another. In the case of healthcare, when mistakes cause serious pain, suffering, and possibly death, how is true quality improvement possible? When leveraging 6 Sigma, is total honesty really necessary? Explain.
  2. Everyone agrees that reading the Electronic Healthcare Records is much easier than the hand-written entries of old, but many complain that too many are focusing too much on the computer screen instead of on the human right in front of them. Is this just lack of skill or training? Is it poor computer system design? Is it just the nature of the transition from the old way to the new? Is patient care suffering because computers and all the displays, alerts, and alarms distract us?

Plan Ahead!

Class Project Presentation – Weekly Expectations:

This course requires you to write a class project paper and produce an overview presentation (with a screencast) in the final module.  To guide you through the process, you will be asked most weeks to produce a project status report presentation using a “.pptx” type file and submit it in the Assignment Dropbox. The weekly Class Project submission will be ungraded, but the final presentation in Week 8 is graded and includes points for the weekly Class Project submissions.

This presentation is designed to showcase the progress you are making on your project and to provide you practice creating effective presentations with slides that are useful both during the presentation, as well as after the presentation. (You will find references to various tools you might consider using to help you capture, edit, and produce your presentation, inside of the Resource Tab in the content window.)

The grade for the project and your all of your status reports will be given in the final module.  By module 5, you are expected to submit three deliverables to the dropbox: 1) the Essay .docx, 2) the Status Report .pptx, 3) and a screencast in a .mov, .wmv, or .mp4 format.  You may submit screencasts earlier in order to practice and develop your skills.  If you do, you will received feedback on your status report presentation screencast along with the feedback on the .docx and the .pptx documents.

The following are the key steps in your project in the timeline and preparation of your project:

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow.(You must include a screencast presentation by this week.)

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, you need to select a problem that is relevant to the course and to you personally. From the material provided here, from insights obtained from your reading and research, and interactions you may have had in the Discussion Forum and/or directly with your instructor, you need to select an issue or a problem that will be at the heart of this project. You are *not* required to solve the problem or the issue as that may be well beyond your control given this course has a short duration.

Ideally, you will produce a well-document solution proposal and recommendation for your selected problem. For other students, it would be beneficial to their employers and others to advance the effort, even if that just means clarifying the issues, getting agreement on constraints, proposing a strategy, and suggesting various paths forward. The paper should be targeted to people at your level and at those who manage and supervise you.

The goal for this week’s project status report submission is to find a problem that is relevant for the course and meaningful to you; have you explain the relevance and meaningfulness; and conclude with your rationale why you believe you can accomplish something useful in just a few more weeks without overloading yourself or detracting from the effort required to do the rest of the course work.

You are expected to spend roughly two hours on this task, including writing the short status report PowerPoint, and possibly recording the screencast.  (The first couple of times you try to produce a screencast, it may take longer, but the time will come down with practice.  You are encouraged to start experimenting with capturing a screencast with this first assignment, but it is not required.  You will be required to provide a screencast in Module 5, so why not practice now.)

Expert Answer and Explanation

Module 1 Essay Assignment

Question 1

As I read deeper on Dr. Victoria Sweet’s; ‘Gods Hotel’, a physician with 20 years of experience who worked at Laguna Honda Hospital in San Francisco, CA, where she could practice what she called “slow medicine”. I could completely capture a clear picture about her interpretation of “slow medicine” having been in the health care setting myself for the past 15 years.

I think modern technologies have brought more positive than negative impact on both the health care workers and the customers. Even though in the end our main goal is to improve the quality of care of the patient population that we the health care providers serve, the introduction of modern technology has brought a lot of down falls.

On the positive side, modern technology has helped to decrease medical errors, providing accuracy for storage and retrieval of information whilst providing patient’s safety issue. In the hospital, medication errors have been drastically decreased because of the patient scanning and use of pixix for medication dispensing and also a cosigner for all medication look alike, narcotics and dangerous drugs like heparin and insulins (TriStar Horizon Medical Center, n.d). As Dr Sweet wrote, “In trying to get control of health care costs by emphasizing “efficiency”, we’ve headed down a wrong path.

I don’t totally agree with this statement because with modern technology, care of a patient has become very efficient because health informatics has helped to facilitate joined up care been that various departments are interconnected which reduces duplication and speeds up the process (Kudyba, 2020).

This makes patients hospital stay not extended if there is no need. It also saves cost for insurance and saves time. With technology, a patient can get “one stop shop”; like laboratory, radiology, surgery and administrative departments might all be located in the same building and their primary doctor is able to negotiate all need to know patient’s results on the computer and relate results or schedule the patient for a procedure within a short time frame which can help to improve or diagnose a problem.

Health screening programs have been one of the biggest gains with the implementation of modern technology. Modern technology can be interpreted as “slow medicine” as it has helped to improve patient care. Health informatics has not only allowed storage and retrieval of patient information, but has also in fact helped to be a decision-making tool. Computerized guidelines offer benefits to help clinicians and patients make better decisions.

With this, high quality treatments can be maintained, helps to facilitate less time on administrative work and doctors and nurses can have more therapeutic rapport with their patients. Lastly, of course health informatics have tremendously helped to reduce wastage with the paperless systems which is good for the environment.

Question 2

Whilst there might be a lot of different interpretations to the cardiac patient’s statement to his cardiologist before his surgery, my interpretation first is that the cardiac patient is very scared of the unknown or his prognosis after this cardiac surgery. He is trying to let the doctor know about his loved ones, his wife and his daughter and what will happen to them if ironically he ends up having a heart attack and in denial that, “ I am not the heart attach in room 403” This carpenter as he described himself “had built close to 80 new home over the past 20 years with these two hand”

He is describing himself as a hard working husband who worked very hard labored job with probably not too great of a health coverage to provide for his family. Being a cardiac patient undergoing a cardiac surgery which can have a great impact on one’s health and finances. The treatment and cost of cardiovascular disease in the US as reported in 2010 was about $444 billion (Ollivier, 2022). This included cost for treatment of heart conditions, stroke, peripheral artery disease and high blood pressure. After a heart attack, there are immediate charges such as ambulance, diagnostic tests, hospital charges and possible surgery. Post long term maintenance which include drugs, testing and cardiology appointments.

The largest indirect costs are loss of productivity and income, although many people can return to work a few months after having a heart attack. Could this poor carpenter afford the financial cost involved if he has a heart attack? This question was his main concern as I interpreted it. He is thinking of the health care which could be a big business, “you can get the best care if you are wealthy and the poorer gets nothing”.


Question 3

Quality health care is defined by doing the right thing at the right time in the right way for the best results. It includes attributes such as safety, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity. However, there are often hidden malpractices to avoid lawsuits despite the care owed to patients.

Quality health care is easily defined as doing the right thing at the right time in the right way to achieve the best possible results. These quality in some institutions are classified into six attributes, safety- where patients should not be harmed by the care that is intended to help them. Patient- centered care should be based on individual needs.

Timely- waits and delays in care should be evidence based. Efficient which gears to reduce waste. Equitable- care should be equal for all people. On the contrary, in spite of the quality of care that we owe to the client population, there are a lot of malpractices that go on behind the scene that that is hidden from the patient in order to avoid big law suits.

For example, prior to a surgical procedure, the patient signs a consent to be fully aware of the risks and benefits involved, their signature voids them of any future actions if the procedure didn’t yield good results or which can lead to complications or even death. As a health care worker, I have seen a lot of bad practices that go unreported because of an adverse action to be taken and to avoid law suits. It really makes me believe that “the true quality improvement is only possible when those can be completely honest with one another”.

Question 4

As a nurse who have been in the nursing field for fifteen years, I have been accustomed to manual charting, passing medication and documentation which took a lot of our time. Most of us looked forward to modern technology which has helped to implement the electronic charting in most of the health care settings. Instead of helping to improve both the quality of patient care, reduce medication errors, the “Go Live” experience have brought a lot of mixed experiences in our hospital settings.

Older nurses who were never used to computer systems coupled with other that have health relating problems had to take early retirement packages because of fear of the computerized systems. Cost of hospital to recruit new nurses is becoming an ongoing process (Griffin, n.d). We are having lots of nurses calling sick because they are scared to use the computers or that they are scared to be written up due to continuous tardiness.

As a result, quality of patient care is decreased, nurse spending time with patient has also decreased because the nurse spends too much time trying to document or reconcile errors on the computer within that time frame. My fear now is that how many more good nurses can my hospital afford to lose due to fear of computerized charting?


Griffin, R. M. (n.d.). Heart Disease: What Are the Medical Costs? Retrieved April 11, 2022, from http://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/features/heart-disease-medical-costs#1

Ollivier, D. (2022, May 07). Victoria Sweet: On ‘God’s Hotel,’ Slow Medicine And The Future Of Healthcare. Retrieved April 11, 2017, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/debra-ollivier/victoria-sweet-gods-hotel-slow-medicine-healthcare_b_1472194.html

Kudyba, S. (2020). Healthcare informatics: improving efficiency and productivity. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

TriStar Horizon Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2022, from http://tristarhorizon.com/about/newsroom/what-does-quality-in-health-care-mean

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Other Questions Related to this Class

Module 1 Discussion Question

Rather than fixed discussion questions, we want you to be discussing things from the topics of the course that are current and meaningful to you today.

Even before you begin reading, we want each of you to capture a list of 3-5 real concerns, if not fears, you have about healthcare: both as a professional in the domain and as an individual, child of a parent, parent of a child, and friend to someone you care about.

Post these concerns and why they are important to you in the course discussion forum; read what others have written; read the first two chapters of the text; reflect on what others have posted; refine your post; ask questions; and start working to dig deeper and go further than you probably have in many courses. In each of the following 7 weeks, your instructor will select and post topics and questions from these initial posts and the class will be required to answer the questions and discuss the answers.

Please follow the guidance about what constitutes a reasonable post (both in content and amount). Your posts are an important contribution to the course and they need to be given proper attention and respect. Posts fewer than 250 words do not contain enough content to make a true contribution to the discussion and properly acknowledge the contributions of the others in the class. Take your time and do a good job.

Module 2 Discussion Questions:

1)  How do you feel technology has affected the role of the nurse?  Include in your reflection items like electronic medical records, other technological advancements that particularly interest you in your work as a nurse, etc.  Do you feel the advancements are positive, negative, or both in terms of staffing, allocation of resources, etc.and explain your rationale for your response.

2) What role do you feel technology should play in terms of the work of nursing or the nursing profession?  Explain your rationale or position in your response.

Please make sure to answer all parts and follow the rubric in terms of sources and citations.  First person writing is appropriate for this discussion in places where you are writing about your personal experiences.

You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates. Your initial post(s) should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion question. You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

The discussion board is never a place to use text language or emoticons. You will also be asked to respond to your classmates. This is designed to enhance the academic discussion around the topic. It is all right to disagree with something posted by another, however your responses should always be thoughtful and respectful and reflect your opinions professionally.

Module 2: Assignment

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 2 for this Course.

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M02.docx. For example, J.Smith_M02.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.

4. Create your Essay Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. After the reading for this module, you are expected to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission.  Do not just answer the questions.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.

Assignment: Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. Attack or defend the following: “With growing complexity and costs, a new and better collaboration is needed among various healthcare providers, patients, and the family and friends of the patients. Enabling this collaboration will require true life-long learning for all of the groups and mechanisms to facilitate communication and informed decision making. This is where computing and informatics can play a major role in healthcare improvement.”
  1. When so many people focus on cost of smartphones, computers, and tablet and appear to ignore the total cost of ownership, the cost to train those who use them and support them until they can realize the benefits even in time of stress and overload, as well as the impact and consequences of viruses, malware, and data theft, what do you believe healthcare providers should do to properly evaluate alternative solutions and why?
  1. Consider a major change in your professional life (or the life of someone you know). To what extent do you feel the change was well conceived and handled as a well-managed project as outline in Chapter 4? Think about each of the major aspects of the project raised in the chapter as you reflect on the change. Attack or defend the notion that the process outlined in Chapter 4 is generically wise and should be at the heart of major changes in the domain of healthcare.
  1. It is common for organizations to invest in training workers during major process changes, but the amount of training given to support the organization’s processes and procedures, especially to recent hires, declines over time. Attack or defend the notion that any organization that claims to be above average must carefully ensure that newcomers are successfully transformed to perform in ways that are consistent with the values, processes, and procedures of the organization before they are assigned regular duties.

Project Presentation – Weekly Expectations:

As a reminder, here are the key steps in the timeline and preparation of your project: (You should be in Week 2 now.)

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow.(You must include a screencast presentation by this week.)

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, you need to further the research you started in week 1 and find references and sources to help you address, if not solve, the problem you have posed. Based solely on the title and the abstract for scholarly papers, and no more than 15 minutes of study for website and non-scholarly works, pull together a potential list of papers and sources, provide a short justification for each, and a summary justification to the point you believe these references and sources will provide you with most all of what your project will need.

Update the project status update PowerPoint that you used the previous week week and resubmit in the dropbox, this week. (If you have not yet started producing a screencast of the state report, remember that it will be required starting in Week 5.)

The goal for this week’s project update submissions is to show that you have done an initial search for references, that you have found some, and why you believe the set is close to adequate. You do *not* need to quote the abstracts or provide more than a solid APA reference to the item and a two or three key points about why you believe this paper is important and useful for your project. The summary at the end should explain why you believe you have enough material to believe you can complete the project in just six more weeks.

Module 3 Discussion Question:

1)  In your current or past work settings describe your experience with clinical information systems.

2)  What were some specific barriers to implementation of this systems?

3)  What are some advantages or disadvantages to these information systems?

4)  How do you perceive your organization has mitigated implementation of information systems in your facilities or what are their plans if they are not in place?

Please post your initial response by Thursday and your responses by Monday night.

You will be discussing things from the topics of the course that are current and meaningful to you today. From the discussion from Week 1 and following, your instructor will post a question or two to the discussion forum for this week. Please follow the guidance about the proper content and size of your posts.

Module 3: Assignment

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 3 for this Course.

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M03.docx. For example, J.Smith_M03.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and the any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. After the reading for this module, you are expected to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission.  Do not just answer the questions.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.

Assignment: Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. Attack or defend the following statement and then explain what you would do, in concrete terms, to improve things in your involvement or what you have observed. “It seems that the people behind the new computerized systems perceive that the people who work here and the roles they play are to make the computer’s job easier as opposed to the systems being here to help transform average healthcare workers into super workers.”
  1. It has been argued that getting nursing involved in the implementation of all of the computer systems in healthcare is a good thing, but doing that is in conflict with current patient care and the reality that many nurses are uncomfortable with some of the changes they see and would rather not be involved. To what extend does this resonate with your personal experience? What do you believe are the key prerequisites that must be addressed before enough of the right nurses and other key role players in the healthcare process and what concrete steps would you recommend to address these and why?
  1. Chapter 5 in the text provides a perspective for implementing Clinical Information Systems. From your experience, what are the more critical issues or concerns you have with the material presented in this chapter and what would you advocate should be done to improve the likelihood that such projects would be successful. (You can address technical issues, skill issues, change and fear issues, as well as business and/or leadership issues.)
  2. Chapter 6 focuses on the Electronic Medical Records and physician adoption and utilization. Reflect on your experiences with physicians and other key, scarce, and therefore costly healthcare professionals. How well do you believe these professionals would react to the kinds of changes and approaches covered in the chapter. Have the authors done a good job addressing the really key issues and concerns? If not what did they miss? To what extend do you believe what is advocated would work in your environment or healthcare facilities with which you are familiar? Sketch what you might propose be done differently, if anything.

Project Submission – Weekly Expectations:

As a reminder, here are the key steps in the timeline and preparation of your project: (You should be in Week 3 now.)

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow.(You must include a screencast presentation by this week.)

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, you are expected to produce an annotated bibliography that expands upon and refines your previous work. You are expected to write 1-2 paragraphs (roughly 250 words) on the key point from the reference that relate to the topic of your paper. There is no need to comment about aspects of the paper that are not relevant to your work.

That would be a waste of your time and your instructor’s. If you can’t find a paragraph or two worthy of content, that is a strong indication that this may not be a relevant reference. You may need to find an additional reference or two to fill in some of the holes.

You do not need to make a presentation or a video for this week’s submission, but remember you will be required to produce them by Week 5.

Module 4 Discussion Question:

Reducing the gap between the health care patients receive compared to what they should receive is an important goal of healthcare informatics.

1.  Select a topic, article, web-page, resource, etc that deals with patient education.  Please include a link to the webpage, sources, etc. (I would suggest less professional sources for this assignment only)

2.  Identify the education patients are supposed to receive versus what is conveyed as described in article, website, or resource. (I suggest an advantages versus disadvantages approach).

3.  Identify how informatics might assist with bridging what was posted versus what is received .  You can suggest whatever you think will work in the context of informatics.

Please follow the guidance about what constitutes a reasonable post (both in content and amount). Your posts are an important contribution to the course and they need to be given proper attention and respect. Posts fewer than 250 words do not contain enough content to make a true contribution to the discussion and properly acknowledge the contributions of the others in the class. Take your time and do a good job.

Module 4: Assignment

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 4 for this Course.

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M04.docx. For example, J.Smith_M04.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Essay Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. After the reading for this module, you are expected to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission.  Do not just answer the questions.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.

Assignment: Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. Advocates of computers and these online systems speak about the benefits in glowing terms, but few seem to address the changes in workflow and the impact on production during the time it takes to learn and then become skilled at using these systems. Healthcare workers are being asked to do more in less time under the justification that the computer will speed the process. Describe your personal experience with automation and new information systems. How true are the claims about the benefits and the impact on the professionals? (e.g. Did the system turn a world-class healthcare worker into a data entry clerk?)
  1. How often are the challenges the authors discuss on page 195 and 196 actually issues? If you were to rewrite that section, what challenges would you include? Be concrete and give examples.
  1. Perform a critique of the three case studies from Chapter 8. How believable are these case studies and the results? What are the key lessons you took away from these case studies and why? (None is an acceptable answer, but you must be explicit about what you found troubling and/or unbelievable about each.
  1. Do research to see what has been reported about the longer-term result from these three case studies and write about what you discover. If you are unable to find anything for any of the three, explore the issue of long-term healthcare worker satisfaction with such solutions and see how that data compares to what you found from the case studies.

Project Presentation – Weekly Expectations:

As a reminder, here are the key steps in the timeline and preparation of your project: (You should be in Week 4 now.)

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow.(You must include a screencast presentation by this week.)

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, your job is to refine the goals and purpose of your paper based on the reality of the information you have been able to find. Rewrite your initial problem identification and justification using your annotated bibliography as the support for your refined position. Add a list of key points you intend to make that addresses the refined problem.

The goal for this week’s project update presentation is showing you’ve refined your problem statement and have a reasonable set of key points to support your solution or recommendation. This time, you should indicate what you have found that supports your key points. The summary at the end should explain why you believe you have enough material to believe that you can complete the project in just four more weeks.

Module 5 Discussion Question:

Discussion Questions:

1.  What is the difference between business versus clinical analytics?

2.  Discuss why healthcare is struggling with the use of advanced analytics and what is meant by the term “analysis paralysis”.

You will be discussing things from the topics of the course that are current and meaningful to you today. From the discussion from Week 1 and following, your instructor will post a question or two to the discussion forum for this week. Please follow the guidance about what constitutes a reasonable post (both in content and amount).

Your posts are an important contribution to the course and they need to be given proper attention and respect. Posts fewer than 250 words do not contain enough content to make a true contribution to the discussion and properly acknowledge the contributions of the others in the class. Take your time and do a good job.

Considering the five stakeholders in health care: consumers, providers, payers, suppliers, and regulators – what role can each play in health care quality, and cost containment?

Module 5: Assignment

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 5 for this Course.

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M05.docx. For example, J.Smith_M05.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Essay Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. After the reading for this module, you are expected to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission.  Do not just answer the questions.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.

Assignment:  Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. Patient stays in the hospital are being reduced for any number of reasons, but that does not mean the patients should not be monitored. In your opinion, identify no more than four new real-time devices you believe are crucial for a large enough pool of patients that every patient should be tethered to them, both in the hospital and at home during recuperation and rehabilitation. Explain your rationale and provide evidence.
  1. Explain how data analytics leads to improved outcomes from both what you have read and from any personal experiences you can share.
  1. In combat aviation, the concept of situational awareness and data fusion is critical. Attack or defend the notion that healthcare providers need similar kinds of data fusion to provide a more robust patient situational awareness, especially in situations of noisy and conflicting data.
  1. Explain the key concepts behind six sigma analytics and explain why or why such approaches should not be used. Explain and support your position.

Project Presentation – Weekly Expectations:

As a reminder, here are the key steps in the timeline and preparation of your project: (You should be in Week 5 now.)

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow. (You must include a screencast presentation by this week.)

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, you are to create an outline for your project, building upon the work you have done so far.

The goal for this week’s project status update presentation is to explain your progress and the status of your project. You are to submit your project outline, your presentation, and a screencast of you giving your status presentation. The presentation is to provide the supporting explanation and information to help your instructor to appreciate why it is reasonable to assume you will be able to complete your project in just three more weeks.

Module 6 Discussion Question:

1.  What is does the term “data mining” mean?

2.  Find an article that includes multivariate analytics and explain first what is meant by this term and how the article authors used multivariate analytics in their research.  Your article can be healthcare or technology related, but explain the variables used in the article analysis.

You will be discussing things from the topics of the course that are current and meaningful to you today. From the discussion from Week 1 and following, your instructor will post a question or two to the discussion forum for this week. Please follow the guidance about what constitutes a reasonable post (both in content and amount). Your posts are an important contribution to the course and they need to be given proper attention and respect. Posts fewer than 250 words do not contain enough content to make a true contribution to the discussion and properly acknowledge the contributions of the others in the class. Take your time and do a good job.

Module 6 Assignment

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 6 for this Course.

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M06.docx. For example, J.Smith_M06.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Essay Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. After the reading for this module, you are expected to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission.  Do not just answer the questions.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.

Assignment: Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. From your personal experiences with healthcare workflows as a professional (if possible, else as a patient) and from the lessons you have been learning from this course, do you see the adoption of information technology as having been a smooth and graceful experience or a turbulent and sometimes painful one? Dig more deeply into your experiences and point to what you believe were the most critical contributors to the success or the causes of problems with the adoption. Be specific and support your position with references.
  1. Based on your reflective analysis in question 1, which do you believe is a larger problem, lack of enough information or information overload? What evidence do you have to support your position?
  1. Attack or defend the following assertion: “While it is true that a very small fraction of the population accounts for a significantly large fraction of total costs (e.g. “hot spots”), many of the root causes for these conditions have taken years if not decades to develop and to eliminate these hot spots will require significant life style changes, some with strong cultural reinforcements, long before the symptoms appear.” Support your position with solid evidence.
  1. You have been brought in to help a regional hospital implement a major informatics upgrade that promises to significantly improve efficiency and patient outcomes. Leadership is nervous due to concerns that many of the “older” professionals will resist these changes. What strategy would you employ to maximize the probability of success with this new adoption effort? Explain the underlying rationale and support your position with evidence.

Project Presentation – Weekly Expectations:

As a reminder, here are the key steps in the timeline and preparation of your project: (You should be in Week 6 now.)

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow.(You must include a screencast presentation by this week.)

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, you are to expand your initial outline into an expanded outline with two new levels of detail (where is makes sense to do so). The goal of this outlining is to ensure all of the key points of the entire paper are known and there is good support for each. With this outline, all that remains is creating the smooth and compelling flow to the paper.

The goal for this week’s project status update presentation is to convince others that all of the key points required by your paper have been identified and supported with references and explanations. You are expected to include a screencast of your presentation.

Module 7 Discussion Question:

Imagine you wanted to create a blog post for a topic in healthcare.  Answer the following questions regarding your blog.

1) First what is a blog and what is the purpose?

2) What topic did you choose to “blog” about?

3) What information do you think should be included and how did you decide what to include?

4) Cite a blog post site that incorporates aspects that you think are essential in a blog post.

5) Visit a blog post cited in a two peers’ posts and comment on their evaluation of the blog for your responses.

You will be discussing things from the topics of the course that are current and meaningful to you today. From the discussion from Week 1 and following, your instructor will post a question or two to the discussion forum for this week. Please follow the guidance about what constitutes a reasonable post (both in content and amount).

Your posts are an important contribution to the course and they need to be given proper attention and respect. Posts fewer than 250 words do not contain enough content to make a true contribution to the discussion and properly acknowledge the contributions of the others in the class. Take your time and do a good job.

Module 7 Assignment

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 7 for this Course.

Remember to submit your Essay Assignment following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M07.docx. For example, J.Smith_M07.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources.  Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources.  Choose your sources carefully.

3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

4. Create your Essay Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

5. After the reading for this module, you are expected to spend roughly 8 hours doing detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your submission.  Do not just answer the questions.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.

Assignment: Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

  1. From your reading of the textbook, identify a success attributed to informatics in the text. Follow up on the success and see if it continued, led to even better improvements or was short term in nature. Summarize your findings and support them with new evidence.
  1. Reflect on what you have learned about decision support and the kind of work you do or want to do. What does decision support mean to you? What kinds of decisions can big data and data mining and analytics help you make? Given examples and support your claims with sold credible evidence.
  1. Identify a new aspect of big data and data mining that is interesting to you. Explain the concept and how it might bring value to healthcare. Support your claims and provide evidence.
  1. With the increase of BLOGs come an increase is trolling and publishing falsehoods for personal gain. How does data mining and big data deal with false information? Explain and support your answer with credible sources.

Project Presentation – Weekly Expectations:

As a reminder, here are the key steps in the timeline and preparation of your project: (You should be in Week 7 now.)

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow.(You must include a screencast presentation by this week.)

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, you are expected to further expand your outline into a draft for your paper. Please use the required format and style. All of the outlined elements must be converted into complete thoughts. There must be enough flow in your draft so your instructor can tell whether or not your paper is self-consistent and technically solid.

There is no presentation for this week. Your draft paper is the only required submission.

Module 8 Discussion Question:

Reflect on the course and answer the following:

1) What was one thing about informatics or this course that you learned that was new or that you enjoyed learning about?

2) If you were to be in charge of designing this course, what is one suggestion you would have to improve the course?

3) How will you apply knowledge gained in this course into your nursing practice?

This is due by midnight Monday PST, the last day of Module 8 for this Course.

Remember to submit your Project Report following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M08.docx. For example, J.Smith_M08.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.

Module 8: Assignment

Start by reading and following these instructions:

1. Quickly skim the assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.

2. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.

3. Create your Project Report submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.

4. You are expected to spend roughly 10 hours finishing the detailed research, writing, editing, and polishing your Project Report, a Project presentation, and the creation of a screencast of your presentation.  Demonstrate your understanding of the material by digging deeper, getting to the heart of the matter and make clear you fully appreciate the why and how as well as the what.


As a reminder, here are the key steps in the timeline and preparation of your project: (You should be in Week 8 now.)

Week 1: Problem Identification and Justification – What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you?

Week 2: Potential References and Sources – What references and information sources will you be drawing from to help you with your project and why are these relevant?

Week 3: Annotated Bibliography – Expand Weeks 2’s presentation with a short summary of the key points from each reference and source and expand the list if you see the need.

Week 4: Key Points – Identify the key points you plan to make and support in your paper and link them back to the annotated bibliography.

Week 5: Initial Outline – Produce a top-level outline following the standard protocols for a paper to show both what is to be covered, as well as the flow.

Week 6: Expanded Outline – Produce a refined and expanded outline that take each outline point and expands it to at least two new levels of detail.

Week 7: Draft Paper – Refine the expanded outline into a draft paper.

Week 8: Final Paper and Oral Presentation

This week, you will focus the bulk of your effort on producing a final draft of your Project Report in the proper format with solid citations and references. The paper should be targeted to people at your level and at those who manage and supervise you.

The goal for this week’s presentation and screencast is to provide a compelling executive overview of the key points of your paper, using no more than five content slides, designed to attract readers to your paper. It is important that your presentation clearly and honestly summarizes the key points without hype and without duplicating the paper’s content.



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