[ANSWERED 2023] Find an article or website that provides guidelines for developing an innovative organization

Find an article or website that provides guidelines for developing an innovative

Find an article or website that provides guidelines for developing an innovative organization

1. Use your favorite Internet search engine and find an example of a successful innovation and one that was not so successful. (Finding failures is difficult.)
o What were the reasons given for success?
o For failure?
o Which of these reasons relate to poor planning?
o What does this tell you about the keys to success in innovation?
2. Do you believe creativity can be learned? Find an article or website that is devoted to capturing creativity in the work environment.
o What does the author say about individual creativity and group creativity?
3. Find an article or website that provides guidelines for developing an innovative organization.
o What do you think of the advice given?
4. In developing an organizational climate that supports innovation, management often overlooks critical issues. This is true especially when setting up and nurturing communication networks. Many good ideas are lost because the right person is not available at the right place at the right time to bring the innovation to fruition.
o What issues do you believe are critical in planning for the integration and sharing of information in an innovative firm?
o How do these issues differ for product and process innovations?
Assignment Expectations
Length: 1750 – 2000 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.
Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.
Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).
File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”)

Expert Answer and Explanation

Successful Innovation

The success or failure of innovation depends on various factors that occur before and during the implementation of a project. Addressing these issues can increase the chances of success while also ensuring the reduction of risks (White & Bruton, 2017). A project manager must come up with means of tracking a project to ensure that all the designed timelines and milestones are met. Other attributes such as the skillset of the team and the availability of resources can be one of the major reasons for a project to fail or succeed. As a project manager, it is also important to understand these key determinants of success and implement them within the project.

Successful and Not So Successful Innovation

Successful Innovation

One of the major successful innovation is Tesla, Inc.’s electric car. Over time the motor industry has dwelled on diesel or petrol-powered engines. The innovation of cars that can use battery power or electricity is one of the successful innovations of the 21st century. Electricity use minimizes carbon emissions and the expense that would be used to purchase fuel. The success of the project has made the owner, Elon Musk, the richest person in the world as the company increases its production of sleek and electric cars (Chen & Perez, 2018).

The reasons for the success can also be attributed to various measures that were taken and the timing of the innovation. To begin with, the company hires highly skilled personnel who share the vision of coming up with products that have limited or no impact on the environment. The current global standpoint is also ensuring that products and innovations that are environmentally friendly are incorporated into the world to help reduce the aspect of global warming.

Additionally, the success of the company also rises from the ready market of electric cars and other forms of transport that would have reduced impact on fuel consumption. The high cost of fuel in many nations has increased the demand for products from Tesla, Inc. (Chen & Perez, 2018). The availability of new and sophisticated technologies also contributes to the success of the company and its innovative technologies. There is also excitement and acceptance of the technology within the mainstream and corporate worlds.

This raises the demands of cars throughout the world. Tesla, Inc. is also set to expand its factory and production lines to fast-track the production to meet the demand. The company is also based on a direct sales model and services, which makes the company interact directly with the clients other than using the franchised dealership (Alghalith, 2018). The organization is also diversifying into other fields such as aerospace and home energy.

Reasons for Failure

One innovation that failed upon its startup was the On-demand Delivery Platform, Shyp (2013-2018). The concept of the innovation was basic as users could take pictures of the item that they required to be shipped and then make use of the Shyp application to schedule a pick-up (Corporate Venturing, 2019). The package would then be picked and dropped at the provided destination at a flat rate of $5.

The collapse of the innovation began after it secured a grant of $62 million from different investors that were used to expand its services to include new cities such as Chicago and New York. With the high presence in various cities, the consumer growth reached a saturation point and began to slow, leading to the inability to sustain the expansion. With the reduced number of clients, the company was not able to maintain different outlets with the $5 flat rate on all commodities.

Another reason for the failure is the decision to increase the charges for larger packages, which led to client backlash. Similarly, the target audience for the company was individuals whose shipment was sporadic and could not be depended upon for continuity of the company (Corporate Venturing, 2019). The management of the company was also slow in re-evaluating the direction of the company, and by the time they were scaling down, it was already too late as the customer loyalty had been affected adversely. The low number of customers led to the untimely collapse of a rather lucrative innovation.

Reasons Relating to Poor Planning

Various attributes are indicative of poor planning on how Shyp conducted their business strategy. To begin with, the expansion of an innovative idea without consideration in the flow of clients or availability of finances to facilitate the continuity of the organization is an example of poor planning. Shyp failed to account for how the flat rate of $5 would be sufficient in sustaining the company even when the client count reduced (Corporate Venturing, 2019).

The company was also focusing on business operations and neglected to track the key performance indicators that would demonstrate the direction of the company. For instance, the company could have kept track of the financial performance and identified the cause for the reduction in cash flow within the company (Ali et al., 2017). Shutting down the new ventures and focusing on the main to create a reputable brand name would be effective in ensuring growth and development.

Key to Success in Innovation

The key to success in innovation is proper planning and understanding the intended market. A proper market dynamic is important towards the growth or the attainment of organizational goals (White & Bruton, 2017). A startup company that plans its model of production understands the market and acquires client loyalty has a high chance of becoming successful than a company that ventures into a market without prior research (Ghaffari et al., 2018). Proper implementation of the innovation and monitoring whether the income flow is in line with the projection can also act as a performance indicator. Addressing challenges in the early stages of implementation can also prevent the failure of innovative ideas.

Learning Creativity

Creativity is an inborn ability and cannot be learned from one person to another. However, people can be taught how to use creative innovations and come up with creative outcomes based on a predetermined foundation. For instance, a worker can use an already developed word processor to come up with designs and better ways of working than using a piece of paper (Nambisan et al., 2017). On the other hand, an accountant cannot be taught how to creatively come up with a system that solves the problem but can make use of excel or SPSS to analyze the cash flow and balance sheets creatively.

Article on Creativity at the Workplace

The article by Alzghoul et al. (2018) focuses on the asset of knowledge management, workplace climate, creativity, and performance. The article emphasizes the role that leaders have in ensuring the staff are creative and make use of available resources to improve performance. The authors have multiple views on aspect of the group and individual creativity.

To begin with, creativity is dependent on the climate of the workplace and authentic leadership. Based on the results of the study, authentic leadership also has an impact on the ability of the staff to be creative and come up with effective and attain better (Alzghoul et al., 2018). Both individual and group innovation can be attributed to authentic leadership from the organization.

Guidelines for Developing an Innovative Organization

Zippia is a career website that details the various ways to bring innovation into the organization and increase productivity. According to the website, innovation is a critical and essential attribute that can be used for the growth of an organization. The advice provided by Park (2016) is authentic and can be effective in developing an innovative organization.

For instance, the website advocates for the need to give the staff a sense of freedom to make their own choices. Assignment of tasks can be made by the manager, but the completion of the task should be decided by the staff without the intervention of the organization. Through his article, Park (2016) also details the need for the provision of resources and tools for the staff to use while implementing an innovative idea. The advice also elaborates on how the different interventions should be implemented to ensure positive and effective outcomes.

Innovation Management and Communication

Integration and Sharing of Information

The success of innovation can also be attributed to the communication medium within the organization. The communication path and bureaucracies needed between different entities is important towards the attainment of a positive outcome. One of the main ways an organization can ensure that innovation is adopted is through the implementation of policies that define the communication channels of the organization (Faried et al., 2017). Setting up a team that would be responsible for oversight of the innovation can adopt innovation and determine the preferred model of implementation.

Various critical issues should be addressed to ensure or promote effective planning, integration, and sharing of innovation. One of the critical issues is creating awareness to the relevant authority who would fund or nurture the process (White & Bruton, 2017). Other critical issues include the availability of resources or technology, support from the management, and a skilled workforce.

Product and Process Innovation

There are various considerations when dealing with product innovation as opposed to when dealing with process innovation. Be that as it may, product innovation is focused on the need to come up with a new product and this calls for innovations and adoption of new equipment to facilitate the changes (Nambisan et al., 2017).

The process of innovation focuses on the implementation of changes regarding the operation or functioning of the organization to match the innovation. The resource attribute creates a difference in the two entities and the means of operations or attainment of outcomes (White & Bruton, 2017). The communication strategy and policy framework required to facilitate a new product are different from that of implementing an innovative process.


Innovations are one of the key aspects in the attainment of positive outcomes within an organization. Ensuring that there is an effective planning process can be the difference between success and failure of the process. Innovations are implemented to improve the overall operation of the organization. Success can be attained if all the critical issues are addressed, and the market is identified to prevent interruptions in the future. Organizational managers should include key measures that would lead to the development of an innovative organization. The measures not only improve the work environment but also, improve the success of the innovative ideas.


Alghalith, N. (2018). Tesla: Innovation with Information Technology. International Journal of Business Research and Information Technology5(1), 37-51.

Ali, A., Warren, D., & Mathiassen, L. (2017). Cloud-based Business Services Innovation: A Risk Management Model. International Journal of Information Management37(6), 639-649.

Alzghoul, A., Elrehail, H., Emeagwali, O.L. and AlShboul, M.K. (2018), “Knowledge Management, Workplace Climate, Creativity and Performance: The Role of Authentic Leadership”, Journal of Workplace Learning, 30(8), 592-612. https://doi.org/10.1108/JWL-12-2017-0111

Chen, Y., & Perez, Y. (2018). Business Model Design: Lessons Learned from Tesla Motors. In Towards a Sustainable Economy (pp. 53-69). Springer, Cham.

Corporate Venturing. (2019). 13 Failed Innovations and How to Avoid Them. Retrieved From https://bundl.com/corporate-venturing/13-failed-innovations-corporate-startups/

Faried, M., Saad, M., & Almarri, K. (2017, March). Key Success Factors Impacting the Success of Innovation in UAE Construction Projects. In International Sustainable Buildings Symposium (pp. 482-505). Springer, Cham.

Ghaffari, S., Arab, A., Nafari, J., & Manteghi, M. (2017). Investigation and Evaluation of Key Success Factors in Technological Innovation Development Based on BWM. Decision Science Letters6(3), 295-306.

Nambisan, S., Lyytinen, K., Majchrzak, A., & Song, M. (2017). Digital Innovation Management: Reinventing Innovation Management Research in a Digital World. Mis Quarterly41(1).

Park, C. (2016). 8 Ways to Bring Innovation Into Your Organisation. (2016). Retrieved 8 February 2021, from https://www.zippia.com/employer/workplace-innovation/

White, M., & Bruton, G. (2017). Management of Technology & Innovation: A strategic Approach (3rd ed.). Cengage. ISBN: 9781337655729. Read Chapter 3

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Agile Modeling: Enhancing Flexibility and Efficiency in the Development Process

In the fast-paced world of software development, the need for adaptable and streamlined processes has never been greater. Agile modeling emerges as a powerful approach that prioritizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development to meet these demands. In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of agile modeling, exploring its principles, benefits, implementation strategies, and real-world applications.

Agile modeling, often considered an integral part of the broader agile methodology, revolutionizes the software development process. It shifts the focus from rigid, extensive documentation and one-size-fits-all approaches to a more adaptable and collaborative way of working.

Understanding Agile Modeling

Agile modeling is a methodology that prioritizes collaboration and communication among developers, stakeholders, and clients throughout the software development lifecycle. It emphasizes the creation of simple, efficient, and practical models that evolve alongside the project’s requirements.

Key Principles of Agile Modeling

  1. Simplicity: Agile modeling encourages the creation of minimalistic models that address the immediate needs, avoiding over-engineering.
  2. Flexibility: The methodology accommodates changes in requirements, allowing models to evolve as the project progresses.
  3. Collaboration: Agile modeling emphasizes open communication and active involvement of stakeholders, fostering a shared understanding of the project.
  4. Iterative Development: Projects are divided into small iterations, allowing for regular feedback and continuous improvement.

Benefits of Agile Modeling

  • Adaptability: Agile modeling enables quick responses to changing requirements, enhancing the software’s relevance.
  • Efficiency: By focusing only on necessary models, development teams save time and resources.
  • Enhanced Communication: Stakeholders’ involvement and continuous feedback reduce misunderstandings and improve project outcomes.

Agile Modeling in Practice

Consider a mobile app development project. Using agile modeling, the team collaborates with designers, developers, and clients to create basic wireframes. As the project evolves, these wireframes transform into more detailed models that reflect the changing requirements and incorporate user feedback.

Implementing Agile Modeling

  1. Assessment: Understand the project’s scope, stakeholders, and objectives.
  2. Model Selection: Choose appropriate modeling techniques based on the project’s needs.
  3. Collaboration: Involve stakeholders in model creation and gather their input.
  4. Iteration: Continuously update and refine models in response to feedback and changing requirements.

Tools for Agile Modeling

  • Whiteboard and Markers: For collaborative brainstorming and initial sketching.
  • Digital Modeling Tools: Tools like Balsamiq, Sketch, or Axure for creating digital prototypes.

Comparing Agile Modeling with Traditional Approaches

Agile modeling stands in stark contrast to traditional methods that rely heavily on exhaustive documentation and rigid planning. Traditional approaches often struggle to accommodate changes mid-project, leading to delays and budget overruns.

Challenges and Mitigations

  • Resistance to Change: Team members may be resistant to the iterative and collaborative nature of agile modeling. Education and clear communication about the benefits can address this.
  • Lack of Clarity: Insufficient understanding of modeling techniques can hinder effective implementation. Training and resources can bridge this gap.

The Future of Agile Modeling

As software development continues to evolve, agile modeling is expected to gain even more prominence. Its emphasis on flexibility and collaboration aligns well with the ever-changing landscape of technology and user needs.

Real-World Success Stories

  1. Spotify: The music streaming giant employs agile modeling to continuously improve its user interface, adapting to changing user preferences.
  2. Airbnb: By utilizing agile modeling, Airbnb rapidly develops and refines new features based on user feedback.


Agile modeling is more than a development methodology; it’s a philosophy that embraces change and collaboration. By focusing on simplicity, flexibility, and iterative development, it enables development teams to create software that aligns seamlessly with evolving requirements and user expectations.


  1. Is agile modeling suitable for all types of software projects? Agile modeling is particularly effective for projects with changing requirements and a need for continuous collaboration.
  2. How does agile modeling handle documentation? Agile modeling prioritizes practical and relevant documentation over exhaustive and rigid documents.
  3. Can agile modeling be combined with other development methodologies? Yes, agile modeling can be integrated with other approaches like Scrum or Kanban to enhance development efficiency.
  4. Does agile modeling reduce the need for project planning? While agile modeling promotes flexibility, some level of planning is still necessary to guide the iterative process effectively.

What is an example of agile modeling?

Imagine a team of developers working on creating a new e-commerce website for a clothing brand. In the traditional approach, they might spend a significant amount of time upfront creating detailed design documents, wireframes, and mockups. However, with agile modeling, the process would be more iterative and adaptable.

  1. Iteration 1 – Initial Concept: The team starts with a basic sketch or a low-fidelity wireframe of the homepage. They focus on the core elements like navigation, search bar, and featured products. This simple model is presented to stakeholders for feedback.
  2. Iteration 2 – User Feedback: Based on the feedback, the team quickly makes changes to the wireframe, incorporating suggestions and improvements. They might add a carousel for featured products and a login section. This updated model is again presented for feedback.
  3. Iteration 3 – Adding Details: Now, the team takes the improved wireframe and adds more details. They include product categories, filters, and a shopping cart icon. This model is shared with designers and developers to begin the actual implementation.
  4. Iteration 4 – Development and User Testing: As the development progresses, the team regularly updates the model to reflect the evolving website. They might add a color scheme, product images, and refine the layout. Users are invited to test the website and provide feedback, which is then incorporated into the model.
  5. Iteration 5 – Refinement: With continuous user feedback, the team refines the model further. They might adjust the placement of elements based on user interactions and preferences. The model becomes more detailed and closely resembles the final product.
  6. Iteration 6 – Mobile Responsiveness: The team focuses on ensuring the website is mobile-responsive. They modify the model to showcase how the website adapts to different screen sizes and orientations.
  7. Final Iteration – Launch Preparation: The last iteration involves finalizing the model and ensuring all design elements, functionality, and user interactions are accurately represented. The website is thoroughly tested, and the model serves as a visual guide for developers during the final implementation.

By following this agile modeling approach, the team benefits from regular feedback, adapts to changing requirements, and creates a website that aligns closely with user expectations. The model evolves along with the project, providing a dynamic and adaptable roadmap for development. This iterative process allows the team to save time, resources, and effort while delivering a high-quality product that meets user needs effectively.



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