[2024] Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice – Free Expert Answer

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare

Throughout history, technological advancements have appeared for one purpose before finding applications elsewhere that lead to spikes in its usage and development. The internet, for example, was originally developed to share research before becoming a staple of work and entertainment.

But technology—new and repurposed—will undoubtedly continue to be a driver of healthcare information. Informaticists often stay tuned to trends to monitor what the next new technology will be or how the next new idea for applying existing technology can benefit outcomes.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your healthcare organization’s use of technology and offer a technology trend you observe in your environment.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.
  • Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.
  • Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

By Day 3 of Week 6

Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice. Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described.

Then, describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described. Next, explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why. Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management. Be specific and provide examples.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Technology is transforming healthcare delivery, with providers using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) to enhance decision-making and reduce clinical complications.

General Healthcare Technology Trends Related to Information Technology

EHRs are becoming popular among providers committed to preventing adverse health events by using health data. EHR systems integrate hardware and software to store and access patient health data, including health status and medication history. These systems include emergency alert components and automate clinical workflows, allowing clinicians to focus on patient care (Honavar, 2020).

Potential Challenges or Risks in Technologies Linked to the Described Trends

While EHR technology offers benefits, it also raises data safety concerns. Breaches of privacy can occur due to staff’s lack of data security knowledge or hacker attacks. Such breaches can damage an organization’s reputation and violate privacy laws (Basil et al., 2022).

One Benefit and One Risk Linked to Data Safety, Legislation, and Patient Care for the Technologies

EHR systems enhance care coordination by providing a common platform for data storage and retrieval. This allows healthcare teams to create effective intervention plans (Basil et al., 2022). However, data safety is not guaranteed. Unlawful data access can lead to patients withholding information, resulting in misdiagnosis.

Promising Healthcare Technology Trends Influencing Nursing

Telemedicine is a growing trend in nursing, allowing patients to access health services remotely. Healthcare professionals use telemedicine to monitor patients, provide education, and optimize discharge outcomes (Upadhyay & Hu, 2022).

Assessment of the Capacity to Improve Patient Care Outcomes, Efficiencies, and Data Management

Telemedicine can improve patient care outcomes, enhance care delivery, and streamline data management. Providers can educate patients on managing their health, reducing adverse events from incorrect medication use and delayed interventions. Seamless access to patient data informs clinical decisions (Upadhyay & Hu, 2022).


EHRs enable clinicians to meet patient needs by providing a platform for accessing and using data to inform decisions. For example, knowing a patient’s medication history helps providers choose treatments with fewer adverse drug reactions.


Basil, N. N., Ambe, S., Ekhator, C., & Fonkem, E. (2022). Health Records Database and Inherent Security Concerns: A Review of the Literature. Cureus14(10), e30168. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.30168

Honavar S. G. (2020). Electronic medical records – The good, the bad and the ugly. Indian journal of ophthalmology68(3), 417–418. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijo.IJO_278_20

Upadhyay, S., & Hu, H. F. (2022). A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on Healthcare Quality and Safety: Clinicians’ Lived Experiences. Health services insights15, 11786329211070722. https://doi.org/10.1177/11786329211070722.

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How health information technology is used to manage patient information?

Health Information Technology (HIT) is used to manage patient information through electronic health records, facilitating secure data storage, sharing across healthcare settings, decision support, reduced errors, compliance with regulations, and patient access to their own health data.

What digital information technologies or trends are you observing in your healthcare practice or setting?

Current digital information technologies and trends in healthcare include telemedicine, electronic health records (EHRs), artificial intelligence (AI) for diagnostics, wearable health devices, patient portals, and blockchain for secure data management.

Which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice?

The most promising healthcare technology trends in nursing practice include telehealth for remote patient care, electronic health records (EHRs) for efficient data management, wearable health devices for real-time monitoring, and AI-driven tools for predictive analytics and decision support.

How do nurses use health information technology?

Nurses use health information technology to document patient care, access and update electronic health records (EHRs), coordinate with other healthcare providers, monitor patient conditions through wearable devices, and utilize decision support tools for evidence-based practice.

In what ways has health information technology helped achieve the goal of patient safety?

Health Information Technology has enhanced patient safety by reducing medical errors, improving medication management, ensuring accurate and up-to-date patient records, facilitating better communication among healthcare providers, and enabling real-time monitoring and alerts for critical patient conditions.

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