[SOLVED 2023] Discuss the four spheres of political action in nursing. In addition, please develop a brief argument sharing how these spheres are interconnected and overlapping by applying an example from your practice

Discuss the four spheres of political action in nursing. In addition, please develop a brief

Discuss the four spheres of political action in nursing. In addition, please develop a brief argument sharing how these spheres are interconnected and overlapping by applying an example from your practice

Discuss the four spheres of political action in nursing. In addition, please develop a brief argument sharing how these spheres are interconnected and overlapping by applying an example from your practice.  What are some ethical considerations here?

Expert Answer and Explanation

Four Spheres of Political Action in Nursing

The very act of being a nurse makes one politically involved even though most nurses view themselves as politically powerless. (Cameron, Ceci, & Salas 2011). The four spheres of political action are areas where nurses have an opportunity for political involvement. Even though each sphere has its own independent function, they all work together to create change. The four spheres of political action in nursing include the workplace, government, professional organizations and the community. (Mason, Leavitt, & Chaffee, 2013).


It addresses affecting jobs and patient care. Nurses should advocate for the issues that require a change in the workplace and also those that affect patient care. They should be politically informed to ensure that policies that regard their workplace are adequately addressed. (Cameron, Ceci, & Salas 2011).


It addresses rules, laws and regulations governing nursing practice. (Mason, Leavitt, & Chaffee, 2013). The government is the main influencer in the health care-related changes due to their role in political action. We as nurses ought to work closely with the government to create change.

Professional Organizations

They address issues that shape nursing practice. They influence policy changes in health care as contributors and also implementers. They also lobby for the political backing of the health care policies they deem beneficial to them and the community they serve.


It addresses issues that affect community health. Since they have a good understanding of the specific health needs of the population, they should work closely with nurses to address them. For a political action in nursing to be realized, it requires input from all spheres hence they are interconnected.

In an area I was attached to, there were many incidents of domestic violence with a large number of patients being victims. Through nursing political action, we formulated policies to protect victims and stop the violence. Professional organizations were able to influence change and involve the government in implementing the changes.

The hospitals served as the center for members of the community to be sensitized about the issue and also for treatment of victims. Through collaborative action from all the spheres we were able to reduce the number of cases of domestic violence reported.

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Importance of politics in nursing

Politics plays a significant role in nursing, influencing various aspects of the profession and the healthcare system. Here are several ways in which politics is important in nursing:

  1. Healthcare Policy Advocacy:
    • Nurses can play a crucial role in advocating for policies that promote public health, patient safety, and the well-being of communities. Involvement in political processes allows nurses to influence healthcare policies at local, state, and national levels.
  2. Patient Advocacy:
    • Political engagement empowers nurses to advocate for the rights and interests of their patients. This may involve addressing issues such as access to healthcare, health equity, and the delivery of high-quality and patient-centered care.
  3. Regulatory Environment:
    • Nurses work within a regulatory framework that is often shaped by political decisions. Understanding and participating in the political process can help nurses contribute to the development of regulations that ensure professional standards, ethical practice, and patient safety.
  4. Resource Allocation:
    • Political decisions impact the allocation of resources within the healthcare system. Nurses, as frontline healthcare providers, can advocate for fair distribution of resources, adequate staffing levels, and appropriate funding for nursing education and training.
  5. Workplace Conditions:
    • Political decisions influence workplace conditions for nurses, including issues such as staffing ratios, working hours, and workplace safety. Active involvement in political processes allows nurses to address these issues and contribute to creating optimal working environments.
  6. Educational Policy:
    • Policies related to nursing education and professional development are shaped by political decisions. Nurses can engage in advocacy to influence policies that support continuous education, training, and career advancement opportunities.
  7. Public Health Initiatives:
    • Nurses can contribute to the development and implementation of public health initiatives through political engagement. This includes involvement in vaccination campaigns, disease prevention programs, and community health promotion efforts.
  8. Ethical Decision-Making:
    • Political decisions can sometimes raise ethical concerns in healthcare. Nurses may need to navigate ethical dilemmas related to resource allocation, access to care, and the rights of vulnerable populations. Political awareness is crucial in addressing these ethical challenges.
  9. Global Health Advocacy:
    • Nurses can participate in global health advocacy by engaging in political discussions related to international healthcare issues, such as infectious disease control, humanitarian assistance, and global health equity.
  10. Professional Autonomy:
    • Political engagement helps nurses advocate for their professional autonomy and the recognition of nursing as an essential and autonomous healthcare profession.

How can nurses get involved in politics

Nurses can get involved in politics in various ways to advocate for their profession, influence healthcare policies, and contribute to positive changes in the healthcare system. Here are several ways nurses can engage in politics:

  1. Educate Yourself:
    • Stay informed about current healthcare policies, legislative issues, and political developments at the local, state, and national levels. Understand how these issues impact nursing practice, patient care, and the healthcare system.
  2. Join Professional Organizations:
    • Join nursing organizations and associations that actively engage in political advocacy. These organizations often provide resources, updates on policy issues, and opportunities for nurses to participate in advocacy efforts.
  3. Attend Legislative Sessions:
    • Attend local or state legislative sessions to observe the political process and gain firsthand knowledge of how healthcare policies are discussed and developed. Some nursing organizations may organize visits to legislative sessions for their members.
  4. Network with Policymakers:
    • Build relationships with policymakers, legislators, and other key decision-makers. Attend town hall meetings, public forums, and healthcare-related events where you can connect with those who influence healthcare policies.
  5. Participate in Grassroots Advocacy:
    • Engage in grassroots advocacy efforts by participating in letter-writing campaigns, phone call initiatives, and social media campaigns to express your views on specific healthcare issues. Grassroots efforts can have a significant impact on policymakers.
  6. Join Advocacy Training Programs:
    • Take advantage of advocacy training programs offered by nursing organizations or community groups. These programs can provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively communicate with policymakers.
  7. Serve on Advisory Boards:
    • Seek opportunities to serve on advisory boards or committees related to healthcare and nursing. Your involvement can provide valuable input into decision-making processes.
  8. Run for Office:
    • Consider running for public office at the local or state level. Nurses bring a unique perspective to policymaking, and having nurse representation in government is essential for addressing healthcare issues.
  9. Write Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor:
  10. Attend Conferences and Forums:
    • Attend conferences and forums focused on healthcare policy, where you can learn from experts, engage in discussions, and network with professionals who share similar interests.
  11. Encourage Political Engagement Among Peers:
    • Encourage fellow nurses to get involved in political advocacy. By building a collective voice, nurses can have a more significant impact on policymaking.
  12. Stay Engaged During Elections:
    • Stay engaged in the political process during elections. Research candidates’ positions on healthcare and nursing issues, and encourage your colleagues and community members to vote.

How politics affect nursing profession?

Politics can have a profound impact on the nursing profession, influencing various aspects of nursing practice, education, and the overall healthcare system. The ways in which politics affects the nursing profession include:

  1. Healthcare Policy and Legislation:
  2. Scope of Practice:
    • The scope of practice for nurses is often defined by laws and regulations influenced by political decisions. Nurses may engage in advocacy efforts to expand or protect their scope of practice, ensuring that they can provide a broader range of services to meet evolving healthcare needs.
  3. Staffing Levels and Work Conditions:
    • Political decisions related to healthcare funding and staffing regulations directly impact nursing work conditions. Issues such as nurse-patient ratios, working hours, and workplace safety are often subject to political considerations.
  4. Professional Autonomy:
    • Political decisions can either empower or limit the professional autonomy of nurses. Advocacy for policies that recognize nurses as autonomous healthcare professionals is crucial for maintaining high-quality patient care.
  5. Education and Training:
    • The funding and standards for nursing education are influenced by political decisions. Adequate funding for nursing programs, accreditation standards, and support for continuous education are important considerations that impact the quality of nursing education.
  6. Access to Healthcare:
    • Political decisions related to healthcare access, insurance coverage, and affordability directly affect the ability of patients to receive nursing services. Nurses may advocate for policies that improve access to healthcare for all individuals.
  7. Ethical Dilemmas:
    • Political decisions may raise ethical concerns for nurses, such as those related to resource allocation, patient rights, and healthcare disparities. Navigating these ethical dilemmas requires political awareness and advocacy.
  8. Workforce Planning and Nursing Shortages:
    • Political decisions influence workforce planning and strategies to address nursing shortages. Immigration policies, education funding, and investment in nursing programs all contribute to addressing or exacerbating workforce challenges.
  9. Health Information Technology:
    • Policies related to health information technology, electronic health records (EHRs), and telehealth are influenced by political decisions. Nurses need to adapt to technological changes that impact patient care and documentation.
  10. Global Health Initiatives:
    • Political decisions at the international level can affect nurses’ involvement in global health initiatives, including humanitarian assistance, infectious disease control, and health equity efforts.
  11. Advocacy for Vulnerable Populations:
    • Political engagement allows nurses to advocate for the needs of vulnerable populations. Nurses may work to influence policies that address social determinants of health and reduce health disparities.
  12. Research Funding:
    • Political decisions on healthcare budgets impact funding for nursing research. Adequate funding is essential for advancing nursing science, evidence-based practice, and the overall quality of patient care.

Political issues in nursing

Nursing, like any other profession in the healthcare sector, is influenced by various political issues that impact the practice, work environment, and overall healthcare system. Some key political issues in nursing include:

  1. Staffing Levels and Nurse-Patient Ratios:
    • Adequate nurse staffing is crucial for patient safety and quality care. Political decisions regarding nurse-patient ratios and staffing levels can significantly impact nurses’ ability to provide safe and effective care.
  2. Workplace Safety:
    • Political issues related to workplace safety include regulations and policies addressing violence against healthcare workers, infectious disease control, and the provision of a safe and secure work environment.
  3. Access to Healthcare:
    • Nurses are often at the forefront of providing care, and political decisions related to healthcare access, insurance coverage, and affordability can impact the ability of patients to receive timely and comprehensive nursing services.
  4. Scope of Practice:
    • Regulations defining the scope of practice for nurses vary by jurisdiction and can be influenced by political decisions. Advocacy for expanding or protecting the scope of practice is a political issue for nurses.
  5. Professional Autonomy:
    • Nurses may face challenges to their professional autonomy, particularly in hierarchical healthcare settings. Political issues related to empowering nurses as autonomous professionals can impact the quality of patient care.
  6. Education Funding and Standards:
    • Political decisions on education funding and standards affect the quality of nursing education. Adequate funding for nursing programs, accreditation standards, and support for continuous education are critical political considerations.
  7. Healthcare Funding and Budgeting:
    • Funding decisions at the governmental level influence the resources available for healthcare services. Nurses may advocate for adequate funding to ensure optimal patient care and maintain healthcare infrastructure.
  8. Nursing Shortages:
    • The global nursing shortage is a political issue influenced by factors such as workforce planning, immigration policies, and investment in nursing education. Addressing these issues is essential to ensure an adequate supply of qualified nurses.
  9. Healthcare Reform:
    • Ongoing healthcare reform efforts, including changes in policy and legislation, can have a profound impact on nursing practice, reimbursement structures, and the organization of healthcare delivery.
  10. Technology Integration:
    • Political decisions related to the adoption and regulation of healthcare technologies, including electronic health records (EHRs) and telehealth, can affect how nurses provide care and communicate with patients and other healthcare professionals.
  11. Ethical Dilemmas:
    • Political decisions may raise ethical concerns for nurses, such as those related to resource allocation, patient rights, and healthcare disparities. Navigating these ethical dilemmas requires political awareness and advocacy.

Four spheres of political action in nursing

Political activities can occur and where nurses can engage in advocacy and political action to shape the future of healthcare and the nursing profession. The four spheres of political action in nursing are:

  1. Micropolitics: Refers to the political actions that occur within the workplace and involve individual nurses and their interactions with patients, colleagues, and healthcare organizations.
  2. Mesopolitics: Involves the political dynamics of healthcare organizations and the relationships between nurses, managers, and administrators.
  3. Macropolitics: Relates to the larger societal and political forces that shape healthcare policy and the nursing profession, such as government regulations, funding, and laws.
  4. Global politics: Concerns the impact of international and global factors on nursing and healthcare, including international health policies, migration of healthcare professionals, and cross-border health initiatives.

In each of these spheres, nurses can engage in political action and advocacy in order to shape the future of healthcare and the nursing profession. This can involve participating in the development and implementation of healthcare policies, lobbying, and working to improve patient care and working conditions for nurses.

To which branch of government does the medpac report to?

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) is an independent legislative branch agency in the United States government. It was established by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, and is tasked with providing advice and recommendations to the U.S. Congress on issues related to the Medicare program.

MedPAC is not a part of any executive branch agency, such as the Department of Health and Human Services, but instead operates under the jurisdiction of the legislative branch of government. Specifically, MedPAC reports directly to the U.S. Congress, and its recommendations are used by Congress to inform its policy decisions related to the Medicare program.

What are the 4 spheres of accountability in nursing?

The four spheres of accountability in nursing refer to the different domains in which nurses can be held accountable for their actions. These spheres are:

  1. Legal accountability: This refers to the legal obligations and responsibilities of nurses, including those related to patient care, informed consent, and confidentiality.
  2. Ethical accountability: This refers to the ethical obligations and responsibilities of nurses, including those related to patient autonomy, beneficrimination, respect for patients, and maintaining confidentiality.
  3. Professional accountability: This refers to the responsibilities and obligations of nurses as members of a professional organization, including adherence to professional standards, continuing education requirements, and compliance with professional codes of conduct.
  4. Organizational accountability: This refers to the responsibilities and obligations of nurses within their healthcare organizations, including compliance with policies and procedures, and upholding organizational standards for patient care and safety.

It is important for nurses to be accountable in all of these spheres in order to maintain the highest standards of patient care and to protect the integrity of the nursing profession.

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