Reread Take a Closer Look Exploring Claude Debussy’s “Clair

[ANSWERED] Reread Take a Closer Look Exploring Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” in your textbook 1. Reread Take a Closer Look Exploring Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” in your textbook. 2. Carefully listen to the song “Clair de Lune” and critically examine its components, style, context, and influence. Listen for and try identifying at least TWO basic elements of music described in the required Module 6 textbook pages. You may also wish to refer back to the Module 6 Online Exploration resources as well as the required pages in your textbook for Module 6. 3. Read the essay “Musical Impressionism: The Early History of the Term” by Ronald L. Byrnside from The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 4 (October, 1980), pp. 522-537, published by Oxford University Press here in Module 6. 4. Now that you’ve carefully examined and researched the work of music, write and submit the finished essay using at least three fully developed paragraphs and at least 500 words, in which you: Describe Claude Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” analytically. In doing this, identify at least TWO basic elements of music described in the Module 6 required textbook pages “The Basic Elements of Music.” Identify the “mood” of the song. What kind of “Impression” does it give you? Explain whether “Clair de Lune” is Apollonian or Dionysian, and provide evidence supporting your argument. Knowing that “Clair de Lune” belongs to a musical school known as Impressionism (based on your research) describe the similarities and differences between Impressionism as an artistic movement (as we learned about in Module 5) and as a movement in music. Use evidence from “Clair de Lune” and your exploration of Impressionism to support your arguments. Conclude by commenting on whether or not you believe that Music and Visual Art should share an artistic classification such as “Impressionism. Be sure to use and cite “Musical Impressionism: The Early History of the Term” by Ronald L. Byrnside and/or another essay you have already found and read as a research source article concerning the musical school and movement known as Impressionism Expert Answer and Explanation Clair de Lune Analysis Essay The French composer, Claude Debussy, developed an outstanding masterpiece known as “Clair de Lune” meaning moonlight, and the work was based from several poems, “Fetes Galantes” collection, written by an artist called Paul Verlaine (Byrnside, p529). “Clair de Lune” was an artwork full of creativity. Debussy developed distinct patterns in his music, giving it a touch of smooth rhythm. The tones and notes of this masterpiece almost shared similar frequency throughout the whole work, although there were significant variations in tones. The progression of scale in Clair de Lune is in an organized way with high and low frequencies alternating effectively. The music notes in the masterpiece rise and fall respectively and later advance to more passive or peaceful tones creating an unforgettable melody in the music. Despite the unity in the music, sometimes the work shifts to sporadic for moments then changes back to the normal unity. The artist is dissonant and his use of dissonance goes well with the piece bringing a sense of uniqueness. The essential or primary elements of the music were artistically presented and worked harmoniously throughout the complete masterpiece of Clair de Lune. The song shows a lyrical and light-airy mood filled with romance. This mood leads to the second basic elements which are an impression of peacefulness and calmness (Zellers, np). Besides, it is an amazing masterpiece that relaxes the minds of the audience. The music Clair de Lune exhibits both Apollonian and Dionysian features regarding the fluctuating notes. The work displays more characteristics of Apollonian. The artist Claude Debussy involved great analysis and precision in the structure as well as compositional material of the piece for it to be Apollonian (Byrnside, p529). This masterpiece captures the attention and interest of the greatest musicians ever known. The piece is unique in a way that it offers the audience a quiet place where they can ponder and meditate about life as well as purpose. Besides, the work Clair de Lune triggers deep emotional feelings and sentiment of romance. The feelings evoked bring up exciting experiences and memories hence allowing or enabling one to recall. Generally, the arrangement of concepts of melody, harmony, and rhythm in the piece of music is impressive and relies on qualities of sound that can be described fundamentally as Apollonian. The most critical and recognizable resembles between impressionism in movement in music and artistic movement is that the two movements are both aimed to trigger a certain mood or feeling among the audiences or users of the piece. The critical consideration is about the emotions and expressions about the music in either form, but not about the dimension, for example, two or three dimensional, or the sound of music. Both movements unlock the mind and soul of a person, inducing deep moods and feelings (Zellers, np). Impressionism both as a musical and artistic movement has an ultramodern form of art defying the customary principles of their discipline. A common variation between the two movements is that the artistic movement illustrates the visual impression of life and its perspectives. According to Debussy’s statement, “Rules and chords should not affect or hinder musicians, but rather allow the music to blend into its sound and prominence” (“Claude Debussy Quotes, np). This condition means that it disobeys traditional regulations like the Avant-grade form. Furthermore, the artistic movement creates a picture or visual expression, while musical movement portrays feelings and emotions. References Byrnside, Ronald L. “Musical Impressionism: The Early History of the Term.” The Musical Quarterly, LXVI, no. 4, 1980, pp. 522–537. “Claude Debussy Quotes.” BrainyQuote, Xplore, 2001, Zellers, Daniel. “Impressionism: Music and Art.”, Prezi, 25 Nov. 2014. Place your order now on a similar assignment and get fast, cheap and best quality work written by our expert level  assignment writers. Other Solved Questions: SOLVED! Describe the difference between a nursing practice SOLVED! Case C 38-year-old Native American pregnant ANSWERED!! Assume you are a nurse

Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothe

[ANSWERED 2023] Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothesis testing, and describe the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis. Topic 3 DQ 1 Provide two different examples of how research uses hypothesis testing, and describe the criteria for rejecting the null hypothesis. Discuss why this is important in your practice and with patient interactions. Topic 3 DQ 2 Evaluate and provide examples of how hypothesis testing and confidence intervals are used together in health care research. Provide a workplace example that illustrates your ideas. Expert Answer and Explanation Topic 3 DQ 1: Hypothesis Testing The aspect of hypothesis testing refers to the process of creating inferences or otherwise referred to as educated guesses concerning a specific research parameter. Hypothesis testing can be conducted either through the use of uncontrolled observational study or statistics and sample data (Mellenbergh, 2019). Prior to testing a hypothesis, it is essential to come up with the degree of statistical significance in the hypothesis since a researcher cannot be 100 percent on the educated guess. An example of the use of hypothesis testing is in determining the prevalence of common cold in children who take vitamin C. The null hypothesis would state that the prevalence of flu in children who take vitamin C is similar to those who don’t take vitamin C. the alternative hypothesis would be that children with the uptake of vitamin C have a reduced prevalence of flu in flu seasons. Another example would be research to identify if therapy is more effective than a placebo. In order to reject the null hypothesis, a redetermined number of subjects among the hypothesis test have to prove the alternative hypothesis. The proof will then overturn the original null hypothesis, which will then be rejected. Hypothesis testing is an important aspect of statistics and research as it provides a basis for understanding whether something actually occurred or if certain groups or sets of data are different from each other (Dubois, 2017). Hypothesis testing also helps in identifying if an aspect of the research has more positive effects or if a variable can predict another to form a basis for defining a conclusion. With the help of the calculated probability (p-value), one can easily determine the inclination of the research based on either the null hypothesis of the alternative hypothesis. References Dubois, S. (2017). The Importance of Hypothesis Testing. (2020). Retrieved 18 May 2020, from Mellenbergh, G. J. (2019). Null Hypothesis Testing. In Counteracting Methodological Errors in Behavioral Research (pp. 179-218). Springer, Cham. Topic 3 DQ 2: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals are related in the sense that they both are inferential methods that are based on an approximated sampling distribution. The hypothesis tests make use of data from a given sample to test the predetermined hypothesis (Sacha & Panagiotakos, 2016). On the other hand, confidence intervals make use of data from the sample to provide an estimate of the population parameter. In this manner, it is evident that the simulation methods that are used in the construction of the bootstrap distribution, as well as the randomization distributions, are identical. Confidence intervals are made up of a range of reasonable estimations concerning population parameters. For instance, a two-tailed confidence interval is applied in a two-tailed hypothesis testing. In health care research, a confidence level of 95 percent is mostly used. The level indicates the significance of health research with regards to being precise and accurate with health care data (Hazra, 2017). For instance, while conducting research on the effect of therapy or medication on patients with mental health conditions. The calculation of the p-value will allow the researcher to achieve the results of the null hypothesis. With a low p-value, a researcher is able to comprehend that there is stronger support for the alternative hypothesis. In the workplace setting, research can be conducted on the impacts of evidence-based practice on patient outcomes. Hypothesis testing will facilitate the identification of educated guesses, while the confidence interval will provide a basis for the statistical confidence level that will be used in the research (Sacha & Panagiotakos, 2016). The research will then be used to provide a recommendation for the viability of the EBP. References Hazra A. (2017). Using the confidence interval confidently. Journal of thoracic disease, 9(10), 4125–4130. Sacha, V., & Panagiotakos, D. B. (2016). Insights in Hypothesis Testing and Making Decisions in Biomedical Research. The open cardiovascular medicine journal, 10, 196–200. Place your order now for a similar assignment and get fast, cheap and best quality work written by our expert level  assignment writers.Use Coupon: NEW30 to Get 30% OFF Your First Order

Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK

[ANSWERED] Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire. Describe your preferred learning strategies Learning styles represent the different approaches to learning based on preferences, weaknesses, and strengths. For learners to best achieve the desired educational outcome, learning styles must be considered when creating a plan. Complete “The VARK Questionnaire,”( ) located on the VARK website, and then complete the following: Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores. Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference. Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page). Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style. Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning. In a paper (750‐1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following: Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners. Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion? Cite to at least three peer‐reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Expert Answer and Explanation My Learning Style The ability of people to acquire knowledge differs across different personalities and environments. The learning styles and techniques of someone may be a combination of different styles that could be applied over a wide range of circumstances (Truong, 2016). Regardless of one’s physical presentation, it is necessary to learn that they can develop specific styles of learning in response to present needs. In most schools, the curriculum employed allows learners to use their styles of choice including book-based learning, tutorials, class discussions, as well as exams. Recognizing one’s own learning styles improves the speed and the quality of learning they experience in different environments. Summary of My Learning Style According to the VARK Questionnaire According to the VARK questionnaire, my learning preference is Multimodal, whereby I prefer learning concepts using multiple methods or channels of communication. Among these different ways, my largest preference is Kinesthetic, as I had the highest scores in the category. Kinesthetic learning implies that I prefer using my hands, body, and sense of touch when learning. From the results, it is clear that people with my preference like to use different formats of information such as maps, graphs, and diagrams (Truong, 2016). They also like using discussions, listening, questioning, and taking notes, practical exercises, as well as experiences. Most importantly, they like using things that are real such as case studies in understanding various concepts that boost their learning experience. Fig 1. A screenshot of my scores from the VARK website. My preferred mode of learning is multimodal, with kinesthetic being the highest choice (The VARK Questionnaire, 2019). My Preferred Learning Strategies Among the strategies I prefer in learning include class discussions as well as class lectures that have illustrative diagrams. This relates to my learning style as it is a connection of different styles to achieve one mixture of methods. The main reason why I prefer class discussions is because they allow one to express themselves to class colleagues (and other people horizontally- with common level of education) about their learning experience. Illustrative diagrams also allow one to grasp the concept without much difficulty. How Learning Styles Can Affect the Degree of Performance in Educational Activities Learning styles affect the degree of performance in educational activities in that the better the learning style, the greater the performance. People who have not learnt how to integrate their learning styles with the educational activities find it hard improving the performance in the learning forums that they are involved in (Willingham, Hughes, & Dobolyi, 2015). When working with learners, educators should investigate their individual learning styles as they would understand the most applicable techniques when imparting them with knowledge, and this can greatly improve the learning outcomes. Why Understanding the Learning Styles of Individuals Involved in Health Promotion is Important Health promotion is a marketing strategy in which marketers or members of healthcare units attempt to increase the likelihood of health products becoming more popular among members of the public (Bokhari & Zafar, 2019). Just like teachers and lecturers, individuals participating in such campaign have the goal of increasing the knowledge of various products in a positive way to the members of the public. They can achieve the results through implementing practices and lessons that directly or indirectly result to behavior change and subsequent demand of the health products. Learning styles of the recipients of health promotional material can affect behavior change in that the more the promoter is aware of the recipient’s learning style, the higher the likelihood of changing their behavior (Bokhari & Zafar, 2019). People with a greater coincidence of learning styles knowledge have a higher likelihood of achieving positive results. Behavior change is also accomplished more easily when health promoters have the potential to quickly recognize the effect of their techniques on behavior change. Different learning styles can be accommodated

Post your PICOT question the search terms used, and the nam

[ANSWERED] Post your PICOT question the search terms used, and the names of at least two databases Discussion: Searching Databases When you decide to purchase a new car, you first decide what is important to you. If mileage and dependability are the important factors, you will search for data focused more on these factors and less on color options and sound systems. The same holds true when searching for research evidence to guide your clinical inquiry and professional decisions. Developing a formula for an answerable, researchable question that addresses your need will make the search process much more effective. One such formula is the PICO(T) format. In this Discussion, you will transform a clinical inquiry into a searchable question in PICO(T) format, so you can search the electronic databases more effectively and efficiently. You will share this PICO(T) question and examine strategies you might use to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. To Prepare: Review the materials offering guidance on using databases, performing keyword searches, and developing PICO(T) questions provided in the Resources. Review the Resources for guidance and develop a PICO(T) question of interest to you for further study. By Day 3 of Week 4 Post your PICO(T) question, the search terms used, and the names of at least two databases used for your PICO(T) question. Then, describe your search results in terms of the number of articles returned on original research and how this changed as you added search terms using your Boolean operators. Finally, explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples. Expert Answer and Explanation Searching Databases The PICOT Question Chronic diseases have become common among the ageing population, and hence developing a PICOT question for them can aid in improving the intervention (Pérez-Jover et al., 2018). The target patients for the intervention is chronic disease patients aged above 65 years. The interventions targeted are therapies and medications for these diseases they have. The comparison is having a different line of therapy or lack of treatment completely. The outcome is reduced presentation of symptoms by the patients. The time element is a period of 12 months in which the patient progress is expected to be monitored. The PICOT question therefore reads as follows, ‘What is the impact of implementing telehealth systems in the medication and therapy on the reduction of symptoms of chronic disease patients aged above 65 years for a period of 12 months?’ Databases Used for the PICOT Question There are several databases that could be used to search for information regarding health topics. Since this specific problem involves the use of therapy programs and medication, nursing databases are the most suitable for searching for this kind of information. The CINAHL database is the first candidate, as it is known to have numerous collection of nursing articles, which are summary of evidence since the 1940s (Hopia & Heikkilä, 2020). MEDLINE is also used in this search as it contains articles with a broad range of medical topics. Also, both databases are easily accessible. Search Results in Original Search and After Adding Boolean Operators In the original search, the search results had a broad range of sources that could be crucial in getting much of the background information about the topic in question. These broad sources, however, could not help in getting specific information that is required in decision making for the issue in question. After adding Boolean operators, the search was more refined, as it was easier to find specific information about the database (Usuzaki et al., 2020). Also, the fact that these Boolean operators could help in getting specific results helped to reduce the time taken to get the specific information from the databases (Usuzaki et al., 2020). Among the Boolean operators that were used were OR, NOT, and AND. Strategies to Increase the Rigor of a Database Search on my PICOT Question Among the strategies that can be used to improve the rigor of a database is searching more than one database. While it is likely that much of the information from searching one concept in two databases will be same, it is always likely that one database could have an additional influential finding. Another strategy is combining the search using Boolean operators, which helps to have a broader or narrower search depending on the intentions of the researcher. Also, for one to improve the rigor of a search in a database, it is crucial that they constantly revise their search strategy if they realize that one is not giving the desirable results (Coordinators, 2017).  Most importantly, researchers should have information about some of the basic database rules that could have a large implication on their findings. For example, if a database requires that a researcher performs the search using a specific search strategy, it is likely that employing that search strategy could help to reveal more outcomes of the database. References Coordinators, N. R. (2017). Database resources of the national center for biotechnology information. Nucleic acids research, 45(Database issue), D12. Hopia, H., & Heikkilä, J. (2020). Nursing research priorities based on CINAHL database: A scoping review. Nursing Open, 7(2), 483-494. Pérez-Jover, V., Mira, J. J., Carratala-Munuera, C., Gil-Guillen, V. F., Basora, J., López-Pineda, A., & Orozco-Beltrán, D. (2018). Inappropriate use of medication by elderly, polymedicated, or multipathological patients with chronic diseases. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(2), 310. Usuzaki, T., Shimoyama, M., Chiba, S., Mori, N., & Mugikura, S. (2020). A Method Expanding 2 by 2 Contingency Table by Obtaining Tendencies of Boolean Operators: Boolean Monte Carlo Method. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.04721. Place your order now on the similar assignment and get fast, cheap and best quality work written from scratch by our expert level  assignment writers. Rubric Detail   Excellent Good Fair Poor Main Posting 45 (45%) – 50 (50%) Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

[ANSWERED] Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and program-related objectives

[ANSWERED 2023] Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and program-related objectives Individual Success Plan (ISP) Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and program-related objectives. The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires early collaboration with the course faculty and your course preceptor. Students must establish a plan for successful completion of The required 50 community direct clinical practice experience hours, 50 leadership direct clinical practice hours, and 25 indirect clinical experience hours. Completion of work associated with program competencies. Work associated with completion of the student’s capstone project change proposal. Students will use the “Individual Success Plan” to develop an individual plan for completing practice hours and course objectives. As a part of this process, students will identify the number of hours set aside to meet course goals. Student expectations and instructions for completing the ISP document are provided in the “NRS-493 Individual Success Plan” resource, located in the Study Materials and in the assignment instructions. Students should apply concepts from prior courses to critically examine and improve their current practice. Students are expected to integrate scholarly readings to develop case reports that demonstrate increasingly complex and proficient practice. After the ISP has been developed by the student and approved by the course faculty, students will initiate a preconference with the faculty and preceptor to review the ISP. You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. EXPERT ANSWER AND EXPLANATION NRS-493 Individual Success Plan REQUIRED PRACTICE HOURS: 100 Direct Clinical Experience (50 hours community/50 hours leadership) – 25 Indirect Clinical Experience Hours. P R A C T I C E   E X P E R I E N C E Complete Contact Information Student Information GCU Name: E-mail: Phone Number: Course Faculty Information GCU Name: E-mail: Phone Number: Practicum Preceptor Information Practice Setting Name: E-mail: Phone Number: ISP Instructions Use this form to develop your Individual Success Plan (ISP) for NRS-493, the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. An individual success plan maps out what you, the RN-to-BSN student, needs to accomplish in order to be successful as you work through this course and complete your overall program of study. You will also share this with your preceptor at the beginning and end of this course so that he or she will know what you need to accomplish. In this ISP, you will identify all of the objectives and assignments relating to the 100 direct clinical practice experience hours and the 25 indirect clinical practice hours you need to complete by the end of this course. Use this template to specify the date by which you will complete each assignment. Your plan should include a self-assessment of how you met all applicable GCU RN-to-BSN Domains & Competencies (see Appendix A). General Requirements Use the following information to ensure successful completion of each assignment as it pertains to deliverables due in this course: Use the Individual Success Plan to develop a personal plan for completing your clinical practice experience hours and self-assess how you will meet the GCU RN-to-BSN University Mission Critical Competencies and the Programmatic Domains & Competencies (Appendix A) related to that course. Show all of the major deliverables in the course, the topic/course objectives that apply to each deliverable, and lastly, align each deliverable to the applicable University Mission Critical Competencies and the course-specific Domains and Competencies (see Appendix A). Completing your ISP does not earn clinical practice experience hours, nor does telephone conference time, or time spent with your preceptor. Within the Individual Success Plan, ensure you identify all graded course assignments and indirect clinical assignments listed in the table on the next page. Topic Graded Assignment Indirect Clinical Assignments Topic 1 Individual Success Plan Reflection Journal Entry List of potential topics for the change proposal Topic 2 Topic Selection Approval Paper Reflection Journal Entry Search the literature for supporting journal articles Summary of topic category; community or leadership Topic 3 PICOT Question Paper Reflection Journal Entry List of objectives Topic 4 Literature Evaluation Table Reflection Journal Entry List of measurable outcomes Topic 5 Reflection Journal Entry Summary of the strategic plan Midterm Evaluation Tool Topic 6 Literature Review Table Reflection Journal Entry List of resources Topic 7 Reflection Journal Entry Summary of the evaluation plan Remediation-if required Topic 8 Benchmark Written Capstone Project Change Proposal Reflection Journal Entry Topic 9 Reflection Journal Entry Professional Presentation Topic 10 Finalized ISP Scholarly Activity Summary Benchmark-Reflection Journal Summary Summary of presentation Final Clinical Evaluation Tool Practice Clinical Evaluation Tool-Agency Practice Clinical Evaluation Tool-Preceptor   Application-based Learning Course Assignments List of Current Course Objectives Assignment Date Due Self-Assessment: Programmatic Domains & Competencies (see Appendix A) Self-Assessment: GCU RN-to-BSN University Mission Critical Competencies  (see Appendix A) Date Assignment Completed Week 1 Identification of course mentor and selecting topics for the proposed capstone change project. Writing the reflective journal about the topics selected. Identify and analyze problems and issues within hospital care and opportunities for improvement. The issues will be analyzed through the help of the course mentor. Research to identify issues or problems in the pediatric care that can be changed in a move to improve patient outcomes, satisfaction, and intervention efficiencies. Examining the significance and implication of the healthcare issue or problem to nursing practice. Reflecting on the topic and identifying how it can be used to improving nursing profession 15th 06 2023 10 hrs. Domains-1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,2.4 3.1, 3.2 Competences 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 Week 2 Topic selection and project approval Conducting study to identify the most pressing issues in the pediatric care unit and understanding the nursing role in improving the situation in the department. Determine evidence-based solutions that address patient-care or clinical practice quality problems or issues Demonstrate values consistent with the role of a nursing professional through fundamental knowledge and advanced skills. 22nd 06 2023 10 hrs. MC 1,2, and 3. Domain 1,2,3, and 4 Competencies 3.1,3.2,4.1,4.3 Week 3 PICOT question development assignment Reflective journal about the PICOT assignment Developing a research

NURS 6050 Week 4 Assignment Legislation Comparison Grid

[ANSWERED] NURS 6050 Week 4 Assignment Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement NURS 6050 Week 4 Assignment Legislation Comparison Grid and Testimony/Advocacy Statement As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice. Many nurses encounter daily experiences that motivate them to take on an advocacy role in hopes of impacting policies, laws, or regulations that impact healthcare issues of interest. Of course, doing so means entering the less familiar world of policy and politics. While many nurses do not initially feel prepared to operate in this space effectively, the reward is the opportunity to shape and influence future health policy. To Prepare: · Select a bill that has been proposed (not one that has been enacted) using the congressional websites provided in the Learning Resources.( The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid; 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement) Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Comparison Grid Template. Be sure to address the following: · Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed. · Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill. · Identify the target populations addressed by the bill. · Where in the process is the bill currently? Is it in hearings or committees? · Is it receiving press coverage? Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement Based on the health-related bill you selected, develop a 1- to 2-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement that addresses the following: · Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position. · Describe how you would address the opponent to your position. Be specific and provide examples. · Recommend at least one amendment to the bill in support of your position. Expert Answer and Explanation Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement Part 1: Legislation Comparison Grid Health-related Bill Name H.R. 3 – The Lower Drug Costs Now Act   Bill Number H.R. 3 Description The Bill develops various requirements and programs relating to offering prices to prescription drugs. Also, the bill wants to give power to the US government to negotiate drug prices with private companies for Medicare recipient. Federal or State? This bill is meant to affect the federal government, and thus it is a federal bill. Legislative Intent The prices of prescription drugs are so high. According to a report by the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, big pharmaceutical companies in the US have raised the prices of the drugs 10 times higher than how the drugs are sold outside the US (Pelosi, n. d). Also, the report mentions that the firms make huge profits even though they sell the same drugs outside the US for lower prices. For instance, in the US, the cost of insulin drugs is ten times much higher than the cost of the same drugs in the UK, France, or Germany. The cost of the drugs has increased drastically since 1990s (Sterling, 2018). The current laws forbid Medicare from negotiating drug prices. The intention of H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act is to grant Medicare power to negotiate the drug prices in a move to reduce the cost of drugs in the country. Proponents/ Opponents Proponents: The proponents of the bill are house democrats. All the democrats in the house unanimously voted for the bill. In addition, Jaime Herrera Beutler and Brian Fitzpatrick also jointed the democrats in supporting the bill. According to Zhou (2019), out of 422 representatives, 230 passed the bills. Opponents: The bill was opposed by house republicans. However, two of the republicans supported the bill along with the democrats (Benen, 2019). Apart from the house republicans, the White House led by president Donald Trump and the Senate Republicans have also opposed the bill. Target Population The bill targets people with chronic diseases such as diabetes. When the bill will become law, the prices of prescription drugs will reduce because the government will now have the power to negotiate of behalf of Medicare recipients. Status of the bill (Is it in hearings or committees? Is it receiving press coverage?) The bill has been discussed in the house of the representatives and passed. Currently, the bill is an act that will be submitted in the house of senate for further discussions and reviews. The American media has given the bill fair coverage because it affects their health. After the bill was passed in the house of representatives, the speaker of the house gave a press conference about the bill and what she expects the senate to do about it. General Notes/Comments     This bill will change the healthcare system by providing Medicare with power to develop tools that the institution can use to force drug companies to reduce the price of drugs. As a result, the bill will ensure that people with chronic conditions get regular access to their prescriptions. Part 2: Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement My Position for the Bill As a nurse I support the H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act bill due to the following reasons. First, the bill will make the work of nurses easy. Horvath and Anderson (2019) mention that a nurse has a responsibility of ensuring that his or her patient is given quality care. However, the current prices of prescription drugs prevent nurses from delivering on their mandates. The nurses find it hard to provide care because their patients do have access to prescription drugs due to the high prices. Second, the bill will allow the reinvestment in researches and innovations for new treatments and cure. The savings that will be collected after reducing the prices of drugs will be used in supporting evidence-based innovations and researches to improve healthcare service delivery. The bill is in the favor of Americans. It will prevent the drug companies from raising the price of prescription

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Consid

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part 1” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses. Use the practice problem and two qualitative, peer-reviewed research article you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment. In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two qualitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. Expert Answer and Explanation Research Critique Guidelines – Part II (Quantitative Studies) Dealing with postoperative pain, nausea, and vomiting is one of the issues that patients encounter after surgical procedures that affect their comfort and satisfaction and outcomes. Dealing with these challenges can affect the recovery process of the patient and may even prolong the discharge period. Several studies have tried to pinpoint different interventions that can assist in dealing with the issue of postoperative pain nausea and vomiting, with each having different results. The PICOT question, therefore, aimed to establish whether in adult patients undergoing general anesthesia, does giving preoperative analgesic and antiemetics decrease pain, nausea and vomiting postoperatively and provide better patient outcomes as compared to not receiving preoperative meds. Quantitative Studies To answer the PICOT question, this paper selected two quantitative research studies that had evidence-based interventions of dealing with postoperative pain nausea and vomiting. The selected studies were conducted by Elgohary et al. (2017) and Chetna et al. (2014). Some of the elements identified from the studies are detailed in the subsequent sections Background The first quantitative article reviewed was an article by Elgohary et al. (2017). The study wanted to carry out a comparison between the effectiveness of the ERAS program and the conventional perioperative care in patients who have undergone elective colorectal surgery. The author notes that the ERAS program has been revolutionary is assisting patients who have undergone colorectal surgery, among other surgical procedures, to respond better to stress and improving postoperative outcomes. The authors also note that the main aim of the ERAS pathway is to reduce the duration of hospitalization and allow the patient to recover quickly. However, the adoption of the program, especially in developing countries, has been slow despite sufficient evidence showing the effectiveness of the program. Therefore, the authors wanted to carry out a supportive investigation on the effectiveness of the ERAS pathway in patients after undergoing elective colorectal surgery. The findings collected in this study holds major significance in nursing practice since the results collected will facilitate the adoption of the ERAS pathway as a viable intervention in improving postoperative patient outcomes. The main aim of the research conducted by Elgohary et al. (2017), was to examine the feasibility and safety of the ERAS pathway in elective colorectal surgery. The research question identified from this objective can be quoted as “is the ERAS pathway feasible and safe for use in patients who have undergone elective colorectal surgery. The second quantitative study selected was conducted by Chetna et al. (2015). The study elaborated on the use of gabapentin for postoperative pain relief for patients who have undergone upper abdominal surgery. The researcher noted that in patients who have undergone upper abdominal surgeries, postoperative pain not only causes them distress but also leads to inadequate respiratory effort and cough reflexes, therefore, a need to have a pain relief strategy. The authors go further to site the efficacy of gabapentin in dealing with pain on patients who have undergone other types of surgical procedures. Therefore, the study was purposed at identifying whether the drug will still be effective in dealing with postoperative pain, for patients who have undergone upper abdominal surgery. The findings obtained in that research are relevant in enhancing patient recovery period and outcomes by eliminating postoperative pain, and in turn, improving respiratory efforts and cough reflex of the patient. The research question used in the study can be quoted as follows “How effective is gabapentin in reducing postoperative pain in patients who have undergone upper abdominal surgery?” How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose? The main aim of the PICOT question was to establish viable methods of dealing with postoperative pain, nausea, and vomiting. The two articles provide evidence-based interventions on how postoperative pain can be dealt with. The first article by Elgohary et al. (2017) focuses on the ERAS pathway on reducing postoperative pain while the second article by Chetna et al. (2015) focuses on gabapentin on dealing with postoperative pain in patients who have undergone upper abdominal surgery. The finding on both studies will be used as a basis of assessing the effectiveness of using preoperative analgesics and antiemetics to decrease pain, nausea, and vomiting in patients postoperative as intended by the PICOT question. The first study was majorly focused on patients who have undergone elective colorectal surgery, while the second article was focused on patients who have undergone upper abdominal surgery. For both studies, the participants were placed in two groups. The first study by Elgohary et al. (2017) used the conventional recovery pathway as their comparison group, while the second study placed their comparison group under placebo. The intervention groups were placed under different perioperative pain regimen. This will be the same approach to be used by the PICOT question, with the difference being the target participants. The PICOT question used adult patients who had undergone general anesthesia

Identify your selected healthcare concern in your city or

Identify your selected healthcare concern in your city or state that needs your advocacy Identify your selected healthcare concern in your city or state that needs your advocacy with an elected official. What is the impetus and rationale for your selection? What is your solution to this concern? Describe the model of policy making that you feel would be best applied to your policy concern and the rationale for selecting this model. Expert Answer and Explanation The selected Healthcare Issue and Rationale for the Selection Mental health is the selected concern, and it encompasses various mental disorders and conditions. Examples are depression, phobia and schizophrenia. There is disparity in access to the mental health services, and people with mental health problems often face discrimination. In Texas, these concerns can impede efforts focused on meeting the health needs of people with mental illnesses. This is a key rationale for the selection of the mental illness as a problem that requires advocacy (Boehme, Biehl, & Mühlberger, 2019). Another reason why healthcare professionals need to advocate for the issue is to help reduce mortality rates based on mental health concerns. The Solution for the Concern The key solution for this concern is the expansion and funding of programs focused on increasing screening and treatment of people with mental health problems. In this case, it is important to call for the state government to allocate more funds into programs which address this particular health concern. The funds can be used to purchase medications, and resources which create awareness about mental health problems. However, subsidizing costs of treating this healthcare concern, through government-managed insurance plans, can equally help address the problem (Li et al., 2021). The Suitable Model of Policy Making and Rationale The institutional model would apply to the policy concern. Under this model, the authority lends legitimacy to the laws, and these laws equally apply to everyone. This is the rationale for the selection of the model. Using this model, the government can come up with policies which require the allocation of resources and funds to help manage the mental health challenges (Niedziałkowski & Putkowska-Smoter, 2020). It can use the local authorities or agencies which are responsible of enforcing the laws. References Boehme, S., Biehl, S. C., & Mühlberger, A. (2019). Effects of Differential Strategies of Emotion Regulation. Brain sciences, 9(9), 225.Doi: Li, Y., Scherer, N., Felix, L., & Kuper, H. (2021). Prevalence of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 16(3), e0246454.Doi: Niedziałkowski, & K., Putkowska-Smoter, R. (2020). What makes a major change of wildlife management policy possible? Institutional analysis of Polish wolf governance. PLoS ONE 15(4), e0231601. Doi: Place your order now on the similar assignment and get fast, cheap and best quality work written from scratch by our expert level  assignment writers. Other Solved Questions: SOLVED! How would your communication and interview SOLVED! Describe the difference between a nursing practice SOLVED! Discuss how elimination complexities can affect SOLVED! Case C 38-year-old Native American pregnant ANSWERED! In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two [ANSWERED] Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes [ANSWERED] Post a description of the national healthcare ANSWERED!! Explain how you would inform this nurse ANSWERED!! In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the

In a 4 to 5 page project proposal written to the leadership

In a 4 to 5 page project proposal written to the leadership In the Discussion for this module, you considered the interaction of nurse informaticists with other specialists to ensure successful care. How is that success determined? Patient outcomes and the fulfillment of care goals is one of the major ways that healthcare success is measured. Measuring patient outcomes results in the generation of data that can be used to improve results. Nursing informatics can have a significant part in this process and can help to improve outcomes by improving processes, identifying at-risk patients, and enhancing efficiency. To Prepare: Review the concepts of technology application as presented in the Resources. Reflect on how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence may help fortify nursing informatics as a specialty by leading to increased impact on patient outcomes or patient care efficiencies. The Assignment: (4-5 pages) In a 4 to 5 page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following: Describe the project you propose. Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project. Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples. Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why. Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team. Expert Answer and Explanation The Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies Among the ways that informatics has helped to transform care is improved documentation systems, where care providers can easily access important patient and staff information that leads to coordinated care. The introduction of nurse informatics also helps to improve the processes in care and hence to generate improved care outcomes (Robert, 2019). Also, with informatics, healthcare givers can identify at-risk patients in a timely fashion and give them more priority to care. Description of Proposed Project: The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Nurse Informatics Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, is the simulation of intelligence of humans to machines to make these machines adopt human functions. Over the years, there have been improvement of the AI functions as technologies continue improving. Today AI applications include but are not limited to speech recognition, machine vision, natural language processing, and expert systems. Healthcare implements AI by using complex software and algorithms to interpret and comprehend complex medical data (Clancy, 2020). The fact that AI uses technologies that can gain information and process it to refined outputs means that it can have limitless applications in healthcare. In this project, the implementation of AI in the field of nurse informatics is closely examined. Stakeholders Impacted by the Project There are several stakeholders who are impacted by the project, with the patients being on the first line. Most of the actions in the project involve patient care, as the objective of the project is to improve the patient care outcomes. The second most impacted stakeholders are the healthcare givers and specifically the nurses, who also play a crucial role in coordinating patient care with other healthcare givers. Nurses are the individuals who are in contact with the patients for the longest periods hence it becomes easy to monitor them. Patient families are also influential stakeholders in this project as much of the actions will require their consent as well as their opinion output on the options available. Regulators will also take a primary position in the project, especially because machine learning and other elements of artificial intelligence can also have drastic patient outcomes if reckless researchers or healthcare providers are allowed to take the center-stage in implementing non-proven measures. Lastly, the healthcare financiers will be part of the stakeholders since AI is an expensive field that requires strategic financing. Patient Outcomes or Patient Care Efficiencies that the Project is aimed at Improving The first patient outcome that the project is aimed at improving is the diagnostic procedures of care. Through application of AI in nursing informatics, nurses can efficiently perform nursing diagnoses to improve the detection of the presence of absence of disease and determine the best care operations for specific patents. Among the diseases that can be efficiently diagnosed using AI is cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which are among the leading causes of mortality worldwide. AI is also expected to help in the integration of telehealth in the care of patients. Telemedicine or telehealth helps in monitoring of patient information using strategic and remote techniques, and using automated means. It allows patients with chronic conditions to have long contact with the healthcare providers regardless of the physical barriers (Erikson & Salzmann-Erikson, 2016). Using AI in telehealth improves the efficiency of administration of drugs, as patients can consult physicians at their convenience of their homes. Also, these programs allow the education and advice of patients, remote admissions, as well as constant monitoring. The project is also aimed at showing the relevant drug interactions that could help the patients achieve synergy of the drugs and improve the effects. Also, in the same way, AI technology can help to identify lethal interactions that could lead to risking of the patients’ lives. Specifically, the project helps patients to identify the most suitable options when it comes to drug administration. It is easy to find that most chronic disease patients experience polypharmacy, and they are confused whether taking an additional drug would lead to improved outcomes. With AI, healthcare givers do not have to take multiple lab tests to determine the suitability of an additional medication for the patient. The project is aimed at boosting the interaction of the patients as well as the healthcare givers with electronic health records. The digitization of information in facilities has often been cited to have some drawbacks such as having burnout among users and also cognitive overloads. Automation of these processes can help to

Mrs. J is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of

[ANSWERED] Mrs. J is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span. Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your evaluation, and complete the Critical Thinking Essay assignment, as instructed below. Health History and Medical Information Health History Mrs. J is a 63-year-old married woman who has a history of hypertension, chronic heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Despite requiring 2L of oxygen/nasal cannula at home during activity, she continues to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day and has done so for 40 years. Three days ago, she had sudden onset of flu-like symptoms including fever, productive cough, nausea, and malaise. Over the past 3 days, she has been unable to perform ADLs and has required assistance in walking short distances. She has not taken her antihypertensive medications or medications to control her heart failure for 3 days. Today, she has been admitted to the hospital ICU with acute decompensated heart failure and acute exacerbation of COPD. Subjective Data Is very anxious and asks whether she is going to die. Denies pain but says she feels like she cannot get enough air. Says her heart feels like it is “running away.” Reports that she is exhausted and cannot eat or drink by herself. Objective Data Height 175 cm; Weight 95.5kg. Vital signs: T 37.6C, HR 118 and irregular, RR 34, BP 90/58. Cardiovascular: Distant S1, S2, S3 present; PMI at sixth ICS and faint: all peripheral pulses are 1+; bilateral jugular vein distention; initial cardiac monitoring indicates a ventricular rate of 132 and atrial fibrillation. Respiratory: Pulmonary crackles; decreased breath sounds right lower lobe; coughing frothy blood-tinged sputum; SpO2 82%. Gastrointestinal: BS present: hepatomegaly 4cm below costal margin. Intervention The following medications administered through drug therapy control her symptoms: IV furosemide (Lasix) Enalapril (Vasotec) Metoprolol (Lopressor) IV morphine sulphate (Morphine) Inhaled short-acting bronchodilator (ProAir HFA) Inhaled corticosteroid (Flovent HFA) Oxygen delivered at 2L/ NC Critical Thinking Essay In 750-1,000 words, critically evaluate Mrs. J.’s situation. Include the following: Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mrs. J. Discuss whether the nursing interventions at the time of her admissions were appropriate for Mrs. J. and explain the rationale for each of the medications listed. Describe four cardiovascular conditions that may lead to heart failure and what can be done in the form of medical/nursing interventions to prevent the development of heart failure in each condition. Taking into consideration the fact that most mature adults take at least six prescription medications, discuss four nursing interventions that can help prevent problems caused by multiple drug interactions in older patients. Provide a rationale for each of the interventions you recommend. Provide a health promotion and restoration teaching plan for Mrs. J., including multidisciplinary resources for rehabilitation and any modifications that may be needed. Explain how the rehabilitation resources and modifications will assist the patients’ transition to independence. Describe a method for providing education for Mrs. J. regarding medications that need to be maintained to prevent future hospital admission. Provide rationale. Outline COPD triggers that can increase exacerbation frequency, resulting in return visits. Considering Mrs. J.’s current and long-term tobacco use, discuss what options for smoking cessation should be offered. You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. EXPERT ANSWER AND EXPLANATION Patient Assessment and Treatment One’s physiological wellbeing depends on a wide range of factors including lifestyle behaviors. The prolonged use of the psychotic substances, for example, can expose one to the risk of developing health problems, and the nature of the medical condition one develops depends on the substance they use. For instance, smoking tobacco exposes smokers to the risk of developing respiratory issues. Equally, the type of food one eats and their levels of physical activity can have a certain level of impact on their physiological wellbeing. It is imperative to explore the case of patient with COPD, in terms of the effectiveness of the intervention she receives, and examine the contributors to the heart failure. Mrs. J’s Clinical Manifestations Based on the Mrs. J’s medical history and subjective data, she exhibits a number of clinical manifestations. One of these manifestations is the acute exacerbation of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Another clinical manifestation present in the patient is acute decompensated heart failure. These two conditions explain the reason why she experiences difficulties breathing, and her heart rate is irregular. She has Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). Mrs. J also shows sign of hypertension considering that her blood pressure level is 90/58, and this is more than the 120/80 average (Lin et al., 2016). Additionally, the patient has fever, and besides this fever, she cannot perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). She coughs blood-tinged sputum, and this indicates a possible respiratory problem. Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Nursing Interventions Mrs. J takes a number of medications to help promote her recovery, and while these medications are effective, some may not be necessary in her case. She takes IV furosemide, and this intervention is appropriate based on her case. This is because this medication would help relieve her heart failure problem by helping improve the heart’s blood-pumping capacity. Given the patient’s

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