[ANSWERED 2023] Describe the fundamental principles of servant leadership. Present two qualities of servant leadership and explain how they support interprofessional communication in providing patient care

Describe the fundamental principles of servant leadership. Present two qualities of

Describe the fundamental principles of servant leadership. Present two qualities of servant leadership and explain how they support interprofessional communication in providing patient care

Topic 3 DQ 1

Describe the fundamental principles of servant leadership. Present two qualities of servant leadership and explain how they support interprofessional communication in providing patient care.

Topic 3 DQ 2

Describe the characteristics of performance-driven team. Describe the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and explain why it is important in understanding the types of motivation when it comes to team performance.

TOPIC 3 DQ 1 Expert Answer and Explanation: Servant Leadership

Fundamental Principles of Servant Leadership

Like the name suggests, servant leadership is leadership in which the managers or leaders focus on serving their subjects, unlike the traditional leadership models where leaders are expected to thrive over other workers in organizations (Spears & Lawrence, 2016). Among the fundamental principles of Servant leadership is listening, where leaders are tasked with appreciating the concept of two-way communication in their organizations (Smith, Minor, & Brashen, 2018).

Servant leaders who want to be effective need to keenly listen to the concerns of staff members and act keenly on all the information they receive. Other fundamental principles of servant leaders include empathy, awareness, healing, stewardship and commitment to growth.

Qualities of Servant Leadership and how they Support Interprofessional Communication in Care

One of the crucial qualities of servant leadership is employee involvement. Unlike in many other leadership styles where the board of directors or the CEO has complete say on the direction of the organization, servant leadership advocates for the engagement of employees in making general decisions (Smith, Minor, & Brashen, 2018; Spears & Lawrence, 2016).

Another pillar of servant leadership is effective communication with colleagues. A leader who does not communicate efficiently and claims to encourage the employees to take up leadership positions (and hence foster servant leadership) is possibly leading wrongly (Smith, Minor, & Brashen, 2018). Servant leaders need to constantly communicate with their team members to help them always appreciate the priviliges and duties they are given under the servant leadership model.

Interprofessional care givers such as nurses and physician can also participate in the servant leadership model efficiently if there is proper communication.


Smith, G., Minor, M., & Brashen, H. (2018). Spiritual Leadership: A Guide to a Leadership Style That Embraces Multiple Perspectives. Journal of instructional research7, 80-89.

Spears, L. C., & Lawrence, M. (Eds.). (2016). Practicing servant-leadership: Succeeding through trust, bravery, and forgiveness. John Wiley & Sons.

Alternative Answer and Explanation

Servant Leadership

Servant can be termed as leading by example where the leader provided practical guidance to the team towards the achievement of a common goal. The fundamental principles of servant leadership are based on self-awareness within which the leader obtains their moral code. Self-awareness among servant leaders is a concept that ensures the leader understands their innate abilities in relation to leadership and governance (Gandolfi et al., 2017).

Self-awareness enables leaders to understand their strengths and weaknesses and how to control these attributes while interacting with others. The concept also ensures the leader is informed of the different issues that might arise from the team based on the team member’s strengths. As a servant leader, there are different attributes that can be applied in the creation of a positive and better working environment. These strategies are essential in ensuring that all the key aspects of the facilities are met and that each team member is conversant with the processes assigned to them.

The first quality of a servant leader is that they are empathetic in nature. The concept of empathy allows the servant leader to understand the different perspectives of the team members and assign work based on the strengths of each member (Newman et al., 2017). Additionally, a servant leaders can demonstrate the quality of stewardship depicted by their ability to lead others and act as a mentor. Based on these qualities, servant leaders are able to support interpersonal communication with other interdisciplinary professionals.

These traits are important as they provide the basis for better performance (Linuesa-Langreo et al., 2018). A servant leader is able to offer coordination, better service delivery, and increased effectiveness of daily operations. These traits are essential in an organization that comprises multiple professionals working together to achieve a common good.


Gandolfi, F., Stone, S., & Deno, F. (2017). Servant Leadership: An Ancient Style with 21st Century Relevance. Review of International Comparative Management/Revista de Management Comparat International18(4).

Linuesa-Langreo, J., Ruiz-Palomino, P., & Elche-Hortelano, D. (2018). Integrating servant leadership into managerial strategy to build group social capital: The mediating role of group citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Ethics152(4), 899-916.

Newman, A., Schwarz, G., Cooper, B., & Sendjaya, S. (2017). How servant leadership influences organizational citizenship behavior: The roles of LMX, empowerment, and proactive personality. Journal of business ethics145(1), 49-62.


Topic 3 DQ 2: Expert Answer and Explanation

Performance Driven Teams and Motivation

Characteristics of a Performance-Driven Team

The biggest characteristic of a performance-driven team is a sense of purpose. Companies or groups with a common shared vision is one of the biggest reasons why their employees work collaboratively in achieving the goals. Team members need to have a sense of purpose for them to work efficiently in achieving their goals (Lin et al., 2020).

Performance-driven teams also have effective working procedures in which they can gather and organize their information. Trusts and mutual respect is also a key quality of a performance driven team. Members need to show honesty to each other by giving feedback to improve the performance of each other.

Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation happens when individuals do something because they find it interesting or because they love it. It is an internal form of motivation where people want to achieve various goals because of personal gratification (Putra, Cho, & Liu, 2017).

On the other hand, extrinsic motivation happens when people want to do something because it has an external reward such as fame, money or praise. Extrinsic motivation also drives individuals to do things that protect them from external undesirable things.

Why it is Important to Understand the Types of Motivation in Team Performance

Team performance is crucial to allow people to achieve higher goals in the company. Identifying the different types of motivation also helps in streamlining the efforts of team players. For example, if the company manager realizes that most people are able to deliver positive results when they are given incentives for doing the work, it is clear that the external motivation is the one building more on the performance, and hence there should be increased investment towards the same.


Lin, C. P., Liu, C. M., Liu, N. T., & Huang, H. T. (2020). Being excellent teams: managing innovative climate, politics, and team performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence31(3-4), 353-372.

Putra, E. D., Cho, S., & Liu, J. (2017). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on work engagement in the hospitality industry: Test of motivation crowding theory. Tourism and Hospitality Research17(2), 228-241.

Alternative Expert Answer

Characteristics Of Performance-Driven Team

Teamwork is a common phenomenon within the workplace setting that is used to help in the distribution of resources or help in binding among workmates. While different teams have different prerequisites and roles to play in the organization, there are constant characteristics that are used in the determination of a performance-driven team (Newman et al., 2017).

One of the main characteristics that can help determine whether a team is driven by performance is the availability of a common purpose. There is the mission of the organization, but there are also individual goals or those of the team. When each member of the team is ascribed to the same goals and has the same purpose, they are able to improve their performance and ensure the attainment of successful outcomes (Linuesa-Langreo et al., 2018).

The other key characteristic of performance-driven teams is that they have a proper communication framework that is open and easily understood by all team members.

Employee motivation is also a key factor that helps in the determination of success. However, it is important to understand the issues of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation deal with the activities that are personally rewarding the employee while extrinsic motivation is based on external pressure such as punishment, or because of a reward (Gandolfi et al., 2017).

Understanding the motivating factor of the employees can help the organization determine the mode of intervention they can use in ensuring optimum performance within the facility. Offering both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation would help improve the effectiveness of the facility. Motivation plays an important role in the acquisition of company goals and objectives. The leaders are responsible ion identifying the motivating factors among employees and providing the needed motivation.


Gandolfi, F., Stone, S., & Deno, F. (2017). Servant Leadership: An Ancient Style with 21st Century Relevance. Review of International Comparative Management/Revista de Management Comparat International18(4).

Linuesa-Langreo, J., Ruiz-Palomino, P., & Elche-Hortelano, D. (2018). Integrating servant leadership into managerial strategy to build group social capital: The mediating role of group citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Ethics152(4), 899-916.

Newman, A., Schwarz, G., Cooper, B., & Sendjaya, S. (2017). How servant leadership influences organizational citizenship behavior: The roles of LMX, empowerment, and proactive personality. Journal of business ethics145(1), 49-62.

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What Is Servant Leadership?

In the realm of leadership theories, servant leadership stands out as a compassionate and people-centric approach. Rather than focusing on accumulating power and authority, servant leadership revolves around selflessly serving others and empowering them to reach their full potential. This leadership style encourages collaboration, empathy, and a deep commitment to the growth and well-being of the team. In this article, we will delve into the concept of servant leadership, its origins, principles, benefits, challenges, and its application in various spheres.

Origins of Servant Leadership

The concept of servant leadership can be traced back to ancient times, but it gained prominence in the 20th century, thanks to the writings of Robert K. Greenleaf. In 1970, Greenleaf published an essay titled “The Servant as Leader,” where he introduced the idea of leaders as servants first and foremost. He believed that a true leader should prioritize the needs of their followers and help them become the best versions of themselves.

The Core Principles of Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is built upon several fundamental principles, each contributing to its distinctiveness. These principles include:

1. Empathy and Self-Awareness

A servant leader must possess a high degree of empathy and self-awareness. Understanding the feelings and concerns of their team members allows them to provide the necessary support and guidance effectively.

2. Listening and Communication

Effective communication is crucial for a servant leader. They actively listen to their team members, making them feel valued and fostering an open and collaborative environment.

3. Empowerment and Development

Servant leaders empower their team members, giving them the autonomy to make decisions and providing opportunities for personal and professional development.

4. Ethical Decision-Making

Integrity and ethical decision-making are paramount for a servant leader. They uphold strong moral values and set an ethical example for their team.

5. Leading by Example

A servant leader leads by example. They demonstrate the behaviors and values they expect from their team members.

Characteristics of a Servant Leader

Servant leaders exhibit specific characteristics that distinguish them from traditional authoritarian leaders. Some of these characteristics include:

1. Humility

Servant leaders prioritize the needs of others over their own ego. They are humble and do not seek personal glory.

2. Patience and Compassion

These leaders are patient and compassionate, understanding that personal growth takes time and support.

3. Vision and Purpose

A servant leader has a clear vision and purpose. They inspire and motivate their team to work towards a shared goal.

4. Trust and Respect

Trust and respect are the cornerstones of servant leadership. Leaders build strong relationships with their team members based on these values.

5. Commitment to Service

Servant leaders are deeply committed to serving others. They find joy and fulfillment in helping their team succeed.

Servant Leadership in Business

The concept of servant leadership has found its way into the business world, with many organizations adopting this approach to create a positive and productive work culture. In a servant-led organization, leaders prioritize employee well-being, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. This, in turn, leads to higher employee engagement, increased productivity, and reduced turnover rates.

Benefits of Servant Leadership

Servant leadership offers various benefits for both leaders and their teams. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Improved team morale and motivation
  • Higher levels of trust and loyalty among team members
  • Enhanced problem-solving and collaboration
  • Increased creativity and innovation
  • Better employee retention and reduced turnover
  • Higher overall organizational performance and success

How to Develop Servant Leadership Skills

Becoming a servant leader requires continuous self-improvement and development of certain skills. Some steps to develop servant leadership skills include:

  1. Practicing active listening and empathy
  2. Seeking feedback and learning from mistakes
  3. Encouraging a culture of open communication and transparency
  4. Fostering an environment of trust and psychological safety
  5. Leading by example and demonstrating servant leadership traits

Overcoming Challenges of Servant Leadership

While servant leadership has numerous advantages, it also comes with its challenges. Some common challenges faced by servant leaders are:

  • Balancing authority and consensus-building
  • Navigating power dynamics within the organization
  • Dealing with resistance from team members accustomed to traditional leadership styles
  • Addressing the potential for exploitation by subordinates

Servant Leadership in Different Cultures

The concept of servant leadership may manifest differently in various cultural contexts. While the core principles remain the same, cultural nuances can influence how servant leadership is perceived and practiced.

Examples of Servant Leadership in History

Throughout history, several notable leaders have embodied the principles of servant leadership. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa exemplified humility, compassion, and a commitment to serving others.

Servant Leadership in Modern Times

In modern times, servant leadership continues to shape the leadership landscape in various sectors. Many successful organizations, such as Starbucks and Southwest Airlines, have embraced this approach and have seen significant positive results.

Criticisms of Servant Leadership

Like any leadership style, servant leadership is not without its critics. Some common criticisms include:

  • Perceived lack of decisiveness and assertiveness in leaders
  • Potential for exploitation by subordinates
  • Difficulty in implementing in certain hierarchical structures

Servant Leadership vs. Other Leadership Styles

Comparing servant leadership with other leadership styles, such as transformational, transactional, and autocratic leadership, highlights the unique attributes and benefits of servant leadership.


Servant leadership offers a refreshing perspective on leadership, emphasizing the well-being and growth of team members above all else. It promotes collaboration, empathy, and ethical decision-making, leading to enhanced team performance and organizational success. By adopting the principles of servant leadership, leaders can create a positive work environment that fosters employee satisfaction and personal development.


  1. What are the origins of servant leadership? Servant leadership can be traced back to ancient times but gained prominence in the 20th century through Robert K. Greenleaf’s writings.
  2. What are the core principles of servant leadership? The core principles include empathy, listening, empowerment, ethical decision-making, and leading by example.
  3. How does servant leadership benefit businesses? Servant leadership improves team morale, trust, collaboration, and overall organizational performance.
  4. What are some challenges of practicing servant leadership? Challenges include balancing authority and consensus-building, navigating power dynamics, and addressing potential exploitation.

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What are the four main principles of servant leadership?

The four main principles of servant leadership are:

  1. Servant leaders prioritize the needs of their followers: Servant leaders focus on meeting the needs of their followers and putting their interests before their own. They actively listen to their followers, empathize with them, and seek to understand their perspectives.
  2. Servant leaders empower their followers: Servant leaders encourage their followers to develop their own skills and talents, and provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed. They create a culture of trust and collaboration, where followers feel safe to take risks and innovate.
  3. Servant leaders lead with humility: Servant leaders are humble and recognize that they don’t have all the answers. They acknowledge their own limitations and mistakes, and are open to learning from others. They also recognize the contributions of their followers and celebrate their successes.
  4. Servant leaders have a long-term view: Servant leaders prioritize the long-term success of their followers and organization over short-term gains. They invest in the development of their followers and work to create sustainable systems and processes that will continue to benefit the organization in the future.

The role of a servant leader in the development of an organization

The role of a servant leader in the development of an organization is to prioritize the growth and well-being of the organization’s people, culture, and mission. By prioritizing the needs of their followers and empowering them to succeed, servant leaders can create a culture of trust and collaboration that fosters innovation and productivity.

A servant leader encourages their followers to develop their skills and talents, and provides them with the resources and support they need to succeed. They work to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where everyone is encouraged to take risks and learn from their failures.

Additionally, a servant leader is committed to the long-term success of the organization. They invest in the development of their followers and work to create sustainable systems and processes that will benefit the organization for years to come. They are also open to feedback and willing to make necessary changes to improve the organization’s performance.

By embodying the principles of servant leadership, a leader can create a culture of trust and collaboration that fosters innovation and growth, and ultimately leads to the long-term success of the organization.

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How effective is servant leadership?

Evaluating the effectiveness of servant leadership with precise statistics and percentages can be challenging due to the complex and context-specific nature of leadership. However, some studies and surveys have provided insights into the impact of servant leadership. Here are some findings, though it’s important to note that exact percentages can vary widely based on the specific context and research methodology:

  1. Employee Satisfaction:
    • Various studies have shown that servant leadership is associated with higher levels of employee satisfaction. For instance, a study published in the “Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies” found a strong positive correlation between servant leadership and employee job satisfaction, with reported percentages indicating a significant impact.
  2. Employee Engagement:
    • Servant leadership has been linked to increased employee engagement. According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, teams led by engaged leaders are 59% more likely to have engaged employees, indicating a substantial positive impact.
  3. Reduced Turnover:
    • Servant leadership can contribute to lower turnover rates. While precise percentages vary by industry and organization, studies have reported that employees under servant leaders are less likely to leave their jobs prematurely.
  4. Organizational Performance:
    • Research suggests that servant leadership positively impacts organizational performance. A study published in the “Journal of Management & Organization” found a significant positive relationship between servant leadership and organizational performance, with statistical percentages indicating a noteworthy effect.
  5. Innovation and Creativity:
    • Servant leadership fosters a culture of innovation and creativity. While exact percentages can vary, research has indicated that employees under servant leaders are more likely to engage in creative problem-solving and innovation.
  6. Health and Well-Being:
    • Servant leadership can positively affect employees’ health and well-being. Studies have reported reduced stress levels and burnout among teams led by servant leaders, though exact percentages may differ.
  7. Employee Development:
    • Servant leaders prioritize the personal and professional development of their team members. This approach often results in higher percentages of employees acquiring new skills and advancing in their careers.



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