[SOLVED 2023] Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model. Consider how the following components would be included in an analysis of the

Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model

Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model

Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model

[SOLVED 2023] Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model. Consider how the following components would be included in an analysis of the.


Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model.

Consider how the following components would be included in an analysis of the selected model:

  • Origin of the model
  • Meaning of the model
  • Logical adequacy of the model
  • Usefulness of the model
  • Generalizability of the model
  • Degree of parsimony within the model
  • Testability of the model

What rationale can you provide which validates the selected model as a theoretical framework for nursing practice? Be sure to include scholarly references to support your discussion.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Patient-Centered Nursing Framework

Person-centered nursing (PCN) is a genuine and holistic healthcare approach that assists individuals to manage their health according to their preference. The responsible caregivers respond to patients’ weaknesses, conditions, behavior, and health issues which may have a high impact on their lifelong well-being. Patient-centered care has proven to have a positive outcome to the patients and nurses, on the other hand, attain a level of satisfaction out of their work (Li & Porock, 2014)

Origin of the model

Carl Rogers also referred to as “father of psychotherapy research” commence the idea of PCN. The subsequent development of the PCN approach happened in his career where he practiced as a clinical child psychologist in 1930s. He stressed on individual experience as the fountain healing and living effectively (Fazio, Pace, Flinner, & Kallymer, 2018).

Meaning of the model

PCN centers on a person’s needs rather than the needs of the service. Person-centered means nurses prioritize an individual’s comfort, welfare, and safety. Besides, person-centered care tries to identify a person’s health, spiritual and emotional needs. Spiritual care does not mean only religious beliefs but also implies on self-expression, relationships, and moral obligations.

The holistic approach of PCN is built in personhood philosophy. PCN encourage commitment, empowerment, and independence of health care delivery (Fazio et al.,2018).

Logical adequacy of the model

Different studies have been conducted on the interpretation and improvement of the framework concept. In day to day practice, nurses and other care providers exhibit a clear need for hands-on knowledge of how to offer the best care. Furthermore, there is a need to understand how to provide best-centered care when faced with workload and time-pressure.

Nonetheless, even though there is a rise in awareness, it is not crystal clear of how patient-centered care should be done. Therefore, the chances are that the concept may end up not being sufficiently active just as it was decades before (Cingel et al.,2016).

Select either the PCN Framework or the Chamberlain Care Model. Consider how the following components would be included in an analysis of the

Usefulness of the model

Through empowerment and collaboration with patients, health institution and communities, the healthcare structure will be able to stipulate the right programs that meet individuals’ needs. Besides, the collaboration between the healthcare system and the communities will go an extra mile in continuity and coordination of health care (Santana et al.

Generalizability of the model

PCN approach is designed to make the individual an essential aspect in the treatment process. The approach should be much flexible to address the client’s health requirements regardless of the culture. The healthcare system that supports multi-cultural patients builds up trust and eventually positive results.

It is evident that PCN has been successful in more than thirty countries speaking more than twelve different languages.

Also, Joseph and Murphy (2012) suggested a linked PCN model that support the professional interaction with clients and the addition of interventions and measures that build up the healthcare policies.

Degree of parsimony within the model

A person-centered model is focused on promoting access to health care while at the same time reduces the costs. PCN has the potential of utilizing the healthcare services, lessen hospital admissions, and lower mortality and morbidity (Santana et al.,2018).

Testability of the model

A few studies have surveyed PCN patient’s opinion. Sharp, McAllister, and Broadbent (2015) interviewed ten patients to understand their experience with PCN. Results show that the care provided led to the emotional, personal and spiritual response that translated to a positive outlook and patient awareness.

What rationale can you provide which validates the selected model as a theoretical framework for nursing practice? Be sure to include scholarly references to support your discussion.

The PCN Model has led to support of delivery and efficient services across the healthcare systems. The newly structured patient-informed and evidence-based framework has led to the addition of essential factors that have been integrated into the PCN model. The best practice that has been established from the model has been linked to the health care system and healthcare providers.

  Santana (et al., 2018), highlights that the PCN framework has been generalized and implemented to different health care systems.


Cingel, M., Brandsma, L. Dam, M. Dorst, M. Verkaart, C., & Velde, C. (2016). Concepts of person-centered care: A framework analysis of five studies in daily care practice. International Practice Development Journal, 6(2), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.19043/ipdj.62.006

Fazio, S., Pace, D., Flinner, J., & Kallmyer, B. (2018). The fundamentals of person-centered care for individuals with dementia. The Gerontologist, 58(1), S10–S19. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnx122.

Joseph, S., & Murphy, D. (2012). Person-centered approach, positive psychology, and relational helping: building bridges. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 53(1), 26-51. doi:10.1177/0022167812436426.

Li, J., & Porock, D. (2014). Resident outcomes of person-centered care in long-term care: a narrative review of interventional research. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(10), 1395-1415.

Santana, M. J., Manalili, K., Jolley, R. J., Zelinsky, S., & Lu, M. (2018). How to practice person-centered care: A conceptual framework. Health Expectations, 21(2), 429–440. https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12640

Sharp, S., McAllister, M., & Broadbent, M. (2015). The vital blend of clinical competence and compassion: How patients experience person-centered care. Journal of Contemporary Nurse, 52(2), 300-312. https://doi.org/10.1080/10376178.2015.1020981.

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What is the PCN Framework?

The PCN framework, also known as the Personal-Context-Network framework, is a conceptual model that aims to understand and analyze the complex interactions between individuals, their social context, and their network connections. It provides a structured approach to examining how personal factors, environmental factors, and social networks influence human behavior and decision-making processes.

In this article, we will explore the key components of the PCN framework and its significance in various fields.

Introduction to the PCN Framework

The PCN framework provides a comprehensive understanding of human behavior by considering the interplay between personal factors, contextual factors, and network connections. It recognizes that individuals are influenced by a multitude of factors beyond their own characteristics, including the environment they inhabit and the social networks they belong to.

By examining these elements together, the PCN framework enables researchers and practitioners to gain insights into complex human behaviors and decision-making processes.

Understanding Personal Factors

Personal factors play a crucial role in shaping individual behavior. These factors encompass a range of characteristics, including personality traits, beliefs and values, and skills and abilities. Let’s delve into each of these components:

Personality Traits

Personality traits refer to enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish one individual from another. The PCN framework acknowledges that these traits can influence how individuals perceive and respond to their social context and network connections. For instance, an extroverted person may be more likely to seek out and thrive in social networks compared to an introverted person.

Beliefs and Values

Beliefs and values encompass the cognitive and moral frameworks through which individuals interpret the world around them. The PCN framework recognizes that these deeply held beliefs and values can shape an individual’s decision-making process and influence their interactions within their social context and network connections.

For example, a person with strong environmental values may be more inclined to engage in pro-environmental behaviors and seek like-minded individuals within their network.

Skills and Abilities

Skills and abilities refer to the specific competencies and capacities that individuals possess. These can include cognitive skills, physical abilities, and emotional intelligence. The PCN framework emphasizes that an individual’s skills and abilities can impact their engagement within their social context and network connections.

For instance, someone with strong communication skills may be more effective at building and maintaining relationships within their network.

Exploring Contextual Factors

Contextual factors refer to the broader environmental and social context in which individuals exist. These factors include cultural influences, socioeconomic factors, and environmental conditions. Understanding how these elements interact with personal factors and network connections is essential in comprehending human behavior.

Cultural Influences

Cultural influences encompass the shared beliefs, values, customs, and traditions of a particular group or society. The PCN framework acknowledges that individuals are embedded in cultural contexts that shape their identity, behavior, and decision-making. Cultural factors can influence the norms and expectations within an individual’s social context and network connections.

Socioeconomic Factors

Socioeconomic factors include elements such as income, education, occupation, and social class. The PCN framework recognizes that these factors can significantly impact an individual’s access to resources, opportunities, and social networks. Socioeconomic disparities can influence the dynamics within an individual’s social context and network connections, shaping their experiences and choices.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors encompass the physical surroundings and conditions in which individuals live and interact. The PCN framework acknowledges that the built environment, natural environment, and social environment can influence an individual’s behavior and decision-making. For example, the presence of green spaces in a neighborhood can promote physical activity and social interaction within a person’s network.

Analyzing Network Connections

Network connections refer to the relationships and connections individuals have with others, both offline and online. These connections play a crucial role in shaping behavior and decision-making processes. The PCN framework recognizes the significance of network connections and their influence on individuals.

Social Networks

Social networks comprise the relationships and interactions individuals have with their family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. The PCN framework highlights that these social connections can impact an individual’s attitudes, behaviors, and decision-making. Strong ties within a social network can provide emotional support, influence opinions, and facilitate the spread of information.

Online Communities

Online communities have become increasingly relevant in today’s interconnected world. The PCN framework acknowledges the role of online communities in shaping behavior and decision-making. Online communities provide platforms for individuals to connect, share information, and engage in discussions.

These communities can have a significant influence on individuals’ beliefs, attitudes, and choices.

Peer Influence

Peer influence refers to the impact that peers and social groups have on an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The PCN framework recognizes that individuals are influenced by their peers within their social context and network connections. Peer influence can shape preferences, opinions, and adoption of behaviors, both positive and negative.

Applications of the PCN Framework

The PCN framework finds applications in various fields due to its comprehensive nature. Let’s explore some of the key domains where the PCN framework is utilized:

Marketing and Consumer Behavior

In marketing and consumer behavior, the PCN framework helps understand how personal factors, contextual factors, and network connections influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. Marketers can leverage this understanding to develop targeted marketing strategies that resonate with consumers’ personal values and leverage the power of social networks in influencing purchasing behaviors.

Education and Learning

The PCN framework is relevant in the field of education and learning. By considering personal factors, contextual factors, and network connections, educators can design effective learning environments and interventions that cater to individual students’ needs and leverage peer influence to enhance learning outcomes.

Social Psychology

Social psychology benefits from the PCN framework by providing insights into the complexities of human behavior within social contexts. Researchers can examine the interplay between personal factors, contextual factors, and network connections to gain a deeper understanding of social phenomena such as conformity, social influence, and group dynamics.

Advantages and Limitations of the PCN Framework

The PCN framework offers several advantages in understanding human behavior holistically. By considering personal factors, contextual factors, and network connections, it provides a comprehensive view of individuals and their interactions. However, like any conceptual framework, it has limitations. The PCN framework may oversimplify complex behaviors, and its application may vary across different cultures and contexts.

Researchers and practitioners should be mindful of these limitations when applying the PCN framework in their work.


The PCN framework offers a valuable approach to understanding human behavior by considering the interactions between personal factors, contextual factors, and network connections. By acknowledging the multidimensional nature of individuals and their environments, the PCN framework provides a comprehensive perspective on behavior and decision-making processes.

Its applications in various fields highlight its significance in gaining insights into complex human behaviors.


  1. What does PCN stand for in the PCN framework? PCN stands for Personal-Context-Network.
  2. Can the PCN framework be applied to different cultures? Yes, the PCN framework can be applied to different cultures. However, cultural influences should be taken into account when interpreting the findings.
  3. How can the PCN framework be used in marketing? The PCN framework can be used in marketing to understand how personal factors, contextual factors, and network connections influence consumers’ behavior and decision-making.
  4. Are online communities considered part of the PCN framework? Yes, online communities are an essential component of the PCN framework, as they play a role in shaping behavior and decision-making processes.
  5. What are the advantages of using the PCN framework? The advantages of using the PCN framework include gaining a comprehensive understanding of human behavior, considering various influencing factors, and identifying insights for targeted interventions.

chamberlain care model

What are the 4 Principles of Person-Centered Care?

Person-centered care is an approach to healthcare that places the individual at the forefront of their own care, considering their unique needs, preferences, and values. It recognizes the importance of involving patients in decision-making and tailoring care to meet their specific requirements. In person-centered care, the focus shifts from solely treating the medical condition to a more holistic approach that takes into account the person as a whole.

Four key principles guide person-centered care, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, respect, and individual empowerment. In this article, we will explore these principles in detail.


Person-centered care is an approach that prioritizes the individual receiving care, placing their needs, values, and preferences at the center of the healthcare process. It moves away from the traditional model where the healthcare provider makes decisions on behalf of the patient, towards a collaborative and empowering approach.

Principle 1: Respect for Individuals

Respect for individuals is a fundamental principle of person-centered care. It involves recognizing the uniqueness and dignity of each person and treating them with empathy, compassion, and cultural sensitivity. Healthcare providers uphold the autonomy and rights of individuals, involving them in decision-making and actively listening to their concerns.

Respect for individuals also includes valuing diversity and acknowledging the individual’s role as an expert in their own health and well-being.

Principle 2: Collaboration and Partnership

Collaboration and partnership between healthcare providers and patients are crucial in person-centered care. It recognizes that both parties bring valuable knowledge and expertise to the healthcare journey. Through open and honest communication, healthcare providers actively involve patients in discussions about their care, sharing information, and seeking their input.

Collaborative decision-making allows for shared responsibility and helps ensure that the care plan aligns with the individual’s goals and preferences.

Principle 3: Individualized Care and Preferences

Person-centered care emphasizes the importance of individualized care tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each person. It recognizes that no two individuals are alike, and their healthcare should reflect that. Healthcare providers take into account the person’s physical, emotional, and psychosocial needs, as well as their values and beliefs.

This individualization extends to treatment options, where choices are presented based on the person’s preferences, with a focus on shared decision-making.

Principle 4: Empowering the Individual

Empowerment is a key principle of person-centered care, promoting the individual’s active participation and engagement in their own care. Healthcare providers support individuals in understanding their health conditions, treatment options, and self-management strategies. They provide education, resources, and support to help individuals make informed decisions and take ownership of their health.

Empowering individuals fosters a sense of autonomy, confidence, and control over their well-being.

Benefits of Person-Centered Care

Person-centered care has numerous benefits for both patients and healthcare providers. For patients, it leads to improved satisfaction, better health outcomes, and increased adherence to treatment plans. It also promotes a sense of dignity, respect, and well-being. Healthcare providers benefit from enhanced communication and collaboration, increased job satisfaction, and a deeper understanding of their patients’ needs.

Person-centered care contributes to a positive and therapeutic healthcare environment.

Implementing Person-Centered Care

Implementing person-centered care requires a shift in mindset and the adoption of specific strategies. Healthcare organizations can provide training and education to healthcare providers, emphasizing the principles and skills necessary for person-centered care. Creating systems and processes that support collaborative decision-making and individualized care is crucial.

Gathering feedback from patients and continuously evaluating and improving care practices are integral to maintaining person-centered care as an ongoing priority.


Person-centered care revolves around the individual, recognizing their uniqueness, preferences, and values. The principles of respect, collaboration, individualization, and empowerment guide this approach, promoting a patient-provider partnership and ensuring that care aligns with the individual’s needs and goals.

By embracing person-centered care, healthcare providers can enhance the quality of care, improve patient satisfaction, and foster positive health outcomes.


  1. What is person-centered care? Person-centered care is an approach to healthcare that prioritizes the individual receiving care, involving them in decision-making and tailoring care to their unique needs, preferences, and values.
  2. Why is collaboration important in person-centered care? Collaboration is important in person-centered care as it recognizes that both healthcare providers and patients bring valuable knowledge and expertise. Collaborative decision-making ensures shared responsibility and care plans that align with the individual’s goals and preferences.
  3. How does person-centered care empower individuals? Person-centered care empowers individuals by involving them in their care decisions, providing education and support, and promoting active participation in managing their own health.
  4. What are the benefits of person-centered care? Person-centered care leads to improved patient satisfaction, better health outcomes, increased adherence to treatment plans, and enhanced communication and collaboration between patients and healthcare providers.
  5. How can healthcare organizations implement person-centered care? Healthcare organizations can implement person-centered care by providing training, creating systems that support collaborative decision-making and individualized care, and gathering feedback from patients to continuously improve care practices.



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