[SOLVED 2023] For this assignment select a specific business; it can be one you work for or, better yet, one you would like to work for in the future. Make sure the company you select meets the following criteria

For this assignment select a specific business; it can be one you work for or, better yet,

For this assignment select a specific business; it can be one you work for or, better yet, one you would like to work for in the future. Make sure the company you select

Unit VIII Assignment 1


For this assignment select a specific business; it can be one you work for or, better yet, one you would like to work for in the future. Make sure the company you select meets the following criteria: It must have a written code of ethics and operate at the benevolent level of CSR (corporate social responsibility).

Search online for the company’s website, and review its code of ethics and its report on its corporate social responsibility programs; be sure to identify any of its sustainability practices—this may be a separate link.

Write a report on your chosen company’s code of ethics and CSR. In your report, address whether you believe that leaders of organizations have a duty to all stakeholders or just to stockholders. Present a business argument either for or against corporate social responsibility.

Be sure to include an introduction. Your report must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. Adhere to APA style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Unit VIII Assignment 1


In an attempt to offer fulfilled services to clients, companies have set code of ethics that also allow them to avoid manipulation of different stakeholders. The presence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs by companies also allows them to participate in community development activities and hence boost their reputations among current and existing customers (Jamali, Lund-Thomsen, & Jeppesen, 2017). Google is one of the multinational companies that have a strong code of ethics and CSR practices that provide a ground for establishing sustainable practices in the management of the organization.

Review of the Company’s Code of Ethics on its CSR Programs

The guiding code of conduct in Google is that everything done in the business should be set within the highest applicable standards of business conduct. This includes the individual respect of the users of the company products and commitment to attending to their individual needs. As a part of the ethics of the company, the core values of usefulness, integrity, security, privacy, take action, responsiveness, and freedom of expression build to the sustenance of moral practices (Alphabet Investor Relations, 2020).

Being a technology company, Google is more concerned with ensuring data privacy and proper management of information (Whelan, 2019). For example, during Google-enabled surveys, the company has put in place features that prohibit any party from extracting data from other parties without their informed consent. Such elements have contributed to the success of the company.

Among the CSR operations of Google is Google Green, a project in which Google products are focused to conserving the environment. Under this project, Google has invested over 1 billion USD in the renewable energy projects of different companies (Alphabet Investor Relations, 2020). Other CSR operations mainly affect the employees, where the company ensures proper employee compensation and workplace designs that are convenient.

Sustainable Practices

Some of the sustainable practices of the company include equal employment opportunity, where the employee recruitment process in the company is purely based on merit. Sexual, physical, mental, or any other form of harassment is condemned in the organization. The company has a solid reporting system where employees who face discrimination or bullying, even from the managers, can report the perpetrators (Dasgupta, Nagaraj, & Nagamani, 2016). To ensure that the company environment is safe, it prevents any form of substance abuse that could alter the normal working of the individuals in the organization.

Duty of the Organizational Leaders to all Stakeholders

Organizational leaders are responsible to ensuring a suitable environment not only to stockholders but all to the entire stakeholders. This is especially because they are the overall managers of firms, and failure to follow the proper leadership guidelines could mean inadequate managerial representation. Google’s organizational leaders are expected to help employees enjoy a safe environment, customers enjoy the company products, and stockholders to generally have proper returns on their investments (Alphabet Investor Relations, 2020).


Google is one of the companies that have solid CSR and programs that allow the engagement of the company with the immediate environment. The code of ethics of Google also allows proper privacy and data security, which could otherwise be among some of the major problems in the technology giant. Sustainable practices in the company include but are not limited to a hiring system that is based on merit. 


Alphabet Investor Relations, (2020). Google Code of Conduct. https://abc.xyz/investor/other/google-code-of-conduct/

Dasgupta, A., Nagaraj, R., & Nagamani, K. (2016). An internet of things platform with Google eddy stone beacons. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications9(6), 291-295.

Jamali, D., Lund-Thomsen, P., & Jeppesen, S. (2017). SMEs and CSR in developing countries. Business & Society56(1), 11-22.

Whelan, G. (2019). Born political: A dispositive analysis of Google and copyright. Business & Society58(1), 42-73.

For this assignment, select a specific business; it can be one you work for or, better yet, one you would like to work for in the future. Make sure the company you select meets the following criteria: It must have a written code of ethics and operate at the benevolent level of CSR

Alternative Expert Answer and Explanation


Coca-Cola is one of the companies in the world with a brand that has been dominant for decades.  Therefore, the strategies that the company has been using in their marketing and product awareness creation have been the best and this has given them the edge that has made the company to be more profitable compared to their competitors (Scutaru, 2020).  There are some strategies that have created a positive culture for the company making it appealing to the customers and also motivate their employees to give their best in their assigned duties which are having a working code of ethics and being involved in corporate social activities (CSR)

Code of ethics and corporate social responsibilities for Coca-Cola

The code of ethics in Coca-Cola suggests that all their employees share be treated fairly in their workplaces regardless of their ethnicity, gender, race or spirituality.  This is necessary as it will lead to the diversity that the company needs (Shaikh & Usmani, nd). Diversity has been one of the leading factors that leads to innovation making the organization have multiple ways of solving problems and also addressing to the needs of the customers.  Due to this fact Coca-Cola has been able to win the hearts of many customers in many markets and societies.

The corporate social responsibility of Coca-Cola   involves ensuring that the organization does not pollute the immediate environment for the local communities (Talukder, 2019). This has been achieved by ensuring there is no release of effluents that have not been treated into water sources making the immediate community lack enough water for domestic use.  In addition to that Coca-Cola   gives first priority to the immediate community on employment vacancies. Bu so doing the buying potential of the immediate community improves and they become customers to Coca-Cola making the brand to increase its sales.

Leaders’ duty to all stakeholders

In regard to the code of ethics and corporate social responsibility of Coca-Cola   the leaders have a duty for all their stakeholders without being selective.  The code of conduct suggests that Coca-Cola should advocate for fairness in all their processes such as recruitment and promotion. The employees are important stakeholders in Coca-Cola who the leaders have to treat well.  The management of Coca-Cola   should ensure that the morale of their employees remains to be high due to the fair practices that they would be advocating for in accordance to their code of conduct.

On the other hand, the leaders of Coca-Cola have a duty on all their stakeholders in regard to corporate social responsibility (Brondoni, S. M. (2019).  The leaders have an obligation to the immediate community who are also important stakeholders to the company and they cannot be ignored due to the important role that they play in helping the company successful. The leaders of the company have to ensure that the immediate community in involved in activities in the organization. In addition to that the company should improve the infrastructure in the immediate community.  By so doing the quality of life for the immediate community will improve and this will have positive effects to the company.


The code of ethic and corporate social responsibilities of Coca-Cola have been some of the most effective tools that have led to the success that they have achieved over the years.  In addition to that the leaders of the organization have a duty to all their stakeholders.


Brondoni, S. M. (2019). Shareowners, stakeholders & the global oversize economy. The coca-cola company case. Symphonya, (1), 16-27.

Scutaru, L. (2020). ETHICS AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Ecoforum Journal, 9(2).

Shaikh, A. A., & Usmani, G. Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development. JournalNX, 102-105.

Talukder, O. (2019). Impact of Corporate Social Responsibilities on Revenue Generation: A case study of Coca-Cola (Doctoral dissertation, University of East London).

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60 questions to ask an entrepreneur

  1. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
  2. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?
  3. How did you come up with your business idea?
  4. What were the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business?
  5. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start their own business?
  6. How do you stay motivated during tough times?
  7. What is your company’s mission statement?
  8. What are your goals for the future of your business?
  9. What is the most rewarding aspect of being an entrepreneur?
  10. What was your biggest failure as an entrepreneur, and what did you learn from it?
  11. How do you prioritize your daily tasks as an entrepreneur?
  12. What is your leadership style?
  13. What is the biggest risk you’ve taken in your business, and did it pay off?
  14. How do you handle stress as an entrepreneur?
  15. How do you stay up-to-date with industry trends?
  16. What sets your business apart from others in the same industry?
  17. How do you measure the success of your business?
  18. What is the biggest misconception about entrepreneurship?
  19. What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to find their passion?
  20. How do you balance your personal life and your business?
  21. What is your process for making important business decisions?
  22. How do you handle setbacks and failures?
  23. What do you think is the most important characteristic for an entrepreneur to have?
  24. How do you handle competition in your industry?
  25. What is your company culture like?
  26. How do you stay focused on your goals?
  27. How do you stay organized?
  28. How do you make sure your business is meeting the needs of your customers?
  29. What have you learned from your biggest successes?
  30. How do you manage your time effectively as an entrepreneur?
  31. What is the biggest challenge you currently face in your business?
  32. How do you stay creative in your business?
  33. What is your process for hiring employees?
  34. What are your thoughts on failure?
  35. What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in your industry over the past few years?
  36. What are your thoughts on work-life balance?
  37. How do you approach marketing your business?
  38. What have you learned about yourself as an entrepreneur?
  39. What is your process for developing new products or services?
  40. How do you stay connected with your customers?
  41. What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from a mentor?
  42. How do you stay innovative in your business?
  43. What is your process for developing and implementing new strategies?
  44. What is your biggest achievement as an entrepreneur?
  45. What is your process for scaling your business?
  46. What are the biggest mistakes you’ve made in your business, and what did you learn from them?
  47. How do you approach risk management in your business?
  48. What is your process for managing your finances?
  49. How do you handle difficult conversations with employees?
  50. What are your thoughts on delegation?
  51. What is your process for networking?
  52. How do you stay motivated to continue growing your business?
  53. What do you think is the most important skill for an entrepreneur to have?
  54. How do you handle negative feedback from customers?
  55. What is your process for creating a positive company culture?
  56. How do you approach partnerships in your business?
  57. What is your process for tracking your business metrics?
  58. How do you approach pivoting your business strategy?
  59. What is your process for setting and achieving goals?
  60. What are your thoughts on social responsibility for businesses?

What are the 4 types of corporate social responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social, and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. There are various dimensions or types of CSR, and while frameworks may differ, the following four types are commonly recognized:

  1. Economic Responsibility:
    • Focuses on a company’s obligation to produce goods and services that meet the needs and expectations of its customers.
    • Involves generating profits, providing employment opportunities, and contributing to economic development.
  2. Legal Responsibility:
    • Pertains to a company’s commitment to operate within the legal framework and comply with laws and regulations governing its industry.
    • Involves ensuring that business practices and operations adhere to local, national, and international laws.
  3. Ethical Responsibility:
    • Centers on a company’s commitment to conducting business ethically and morally, beyond mere legal compliance.
    • Encompasses fair and honest business practices, integrity in dealings, and consideration of ethical implications in decision-making.
  4. Philanthropic Responsibility:
    • Relates to a company’s voluntary contributions to society that go beyond its economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities.
    • Includes charitable donations, community development initiatives, and support for social or environmental causes.

What is one of the ways that companies have adopted corporate social responsibility policies?

One common way that companies have adopted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies is by integrating sustainability practices into their operations. This involves incorporating environmental, social, and ethical considerations into various aspects of the business. Here are some key elements of how companies implement CSR through sustainability:

  1. Environmental Sustainability:
    • Companies adopt eco-friendly practices to minimize their environmental impact. This may involve reducing energy consumption, implementing waste reduction and recycling programs, and sourcing materials responsibly.
    • Some companies set targets for reducing their carbon footprint, water usage, and overall environmental footprint. They may also invest in renewable energy sources to power their operations.
  2. Social Responsibility:
    • Companies focus on social initiatives that benefit communities, employees, and other stakeholders. This may include promoting diversity and inclusion within the workforce, ensuring fair labor practices, and fostering a positive workplace culture.
    • Social responsibility initiatives may extend beyond the workplace to include community engagement programs, philanthropy, and support for education and healthcare projects.
  3. Ethical Business Practices:
    • Companies establish and adhere to ethical standards in their business dealings. This includes fair and transparent business practices, honest marketing and advertising, and responsible supply chain management.
    • Ethical considerations may also involve ensuring product safety, avoiding conflicts of interest, and maintaining integrity in financial reporting.
  4. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Companies actively engage with stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and local communities, to understand their expectations and concerns. This engagement informs the development of CSR policies and initiatives.
    • Dialogue with stakeholders helps companies identify areas where they can make a positive impact and address societal or environmental challenges.
  5. Reporting and Transparency:
    • Many companies publish sustainability reports or integrate sustainability metrics into their annual reports. These documents provide transparent insights into the company’s CSR initiatives, performance, and progress toward sustainability goals.
    • Reporting helps build trust with stakeholders by demonstrating accountability and commitment to responsible business practices.

Is it possible for a company to be profitable and socially responsible at the same time?

Yes, it is entirely possible for a company to be profitable and socially responsible at the same time. In fact, an increasing number of companies recognize that integrating social responsibility into their business practices can have positive effects on both their bottom line and their reputation. This concept is often referred to as the “triple bottom line,” which considers not only financial performance but also social and environmental impact.

Several reasons support the idea that profitability and social responsibility can be mutually reinforcing:

  1. Enhanced Reputation and Brand Image:
    • Socially responsible practices can contribute to a positive brand image, fostering trust and loyalty among customers. Consumers are increasingly inclined to support companies that demonstrate a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.
  2. Risk Mitigation:
    • Socially responsible practices can help mitigate certain business risks. For example, companies that prioritize ethical sourcing and labor practices may face fewer risks related to supply chain disruptions, legal issues, or reputational damage.
  3. Attracting and Retaining Talent:
    • Companies that prioritize social responsibility often find it easier to attract and retain top talent. Employees, especially from younger generations, are increasingly seeking employers with values aligned with their own, including a commitment to sustainability and social impact.
  4. Cost Savings Through Efficiency:
    • Sustainable and environmentally friendly practices can lead to cost savings through increased efficiency. For example, reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and optimizing supply chain processes not only benefit the environment but can also result in lower operational costs.
  5. Access to New Markets and Opportunities:
    • Socially responsible practices can open doors to new markets and business opportunities. Some consumers and investors actively seek out companies that align with their values, providing a competitive advantage for socially responsible businesses.
  6. Positive Relationships with Stakeholders:
    • Engaging with communities, employees, customers, and other stakeholders in a socially responsible manner helps build positive relationships. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, better community relations, and support from investors.

How important are the social responsibilities to corporations?

Social responsibilities are increasingly recognized as important to corporations for several reasons, and their significance has grown over the years. Here are some key aspects highlighting the importance of social responsibilities for corporations:

  1. Reputation and Brand Image:
    • Socially responsible practices contribute to building a positive reputation and brand image for corporations. Consumers are more likely to support and remain loyal to companies that demonstrate a commitment to ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible behavior.
  2. Consumer Expectations and Preferences:
    • Consumers, particularly in the younger demographic, are placing greater importance on corporate social responsibility. Many customers actively seek products and services from companies that align with their values, which include ethical and sustainable business practices.
  3. Employee Engagement and Talent Attraction:
    • Socially responsible companies often find it easier to attract and retain top talent. Employees are increasingly motivated by a sense of purpose and a desire to work for organizations that prioritize not only financial success but also positive social and environmental impact.
  4. Risk Mitigation:
  5. Access to Capital and Investment:
    • Investors are paying more attention to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions. Companies with strong social responsibility practices are more likely to attract investments and may have easier access to capital.
  6. Regulatory Compliance and Legal Considerations:
    • Many countries and regions are implementing regulations that require companies to consider and report on their social and environmental impact. Social responsibilities are, therefore, essential for corporations to ensure compliance with evolving legal standards.
  7. Community Relations and License to Operate:
    • Corporations operate within communities, and positive relationships with these communities are crucial. Socially responsible initiatives that benefit local communities can enhance a company’s “license to operate” and foster goodwill among stakeholders.
  8. Innovation and Market Opportunities:
    • Addressing social and environmental challenges can lead to innovation and the identification of new market opportunities. Companies that proactively tackle issues such as climate change, inequality, and poverty may find innovative solutions that also create new revenue streams.
  9. Long-Term Sustainable Business Practices:
    • Social responsibility is aligned with the concept of sustainable business practices. Corporations that integrate social and environmental considerations into their strategies are better positioned for long-term success, as they contribute to a healthier and more stable business environment.

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