[SOLVED 2023] Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain why you would use these techniques

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques

Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. As an advanced practice nurse, you must be aware of these factors and tailor your communication techniques accordingly.

Doing so will not only help you establish rapport with your patients, but it will also enable you to more effectively gather the information needed to assess your patients’ health risks.

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for a particular new patient assigned by your Instructor.

To prepare:

With the information presented in Chapter 1 of Ball et al. in mind, consider the following:

· By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned a new patient profile by your Instructor for this Discussion. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your new patient profile assignment.

Case C 38-year-old Native American pregnant female living on a reservation

· How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?

· How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s social determinants of health?

· What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks.

· Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration.

· Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented in Chapter 1 or Chapter 5 of the Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient.

· Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history.

By Day of Week 1

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain why you would use these techniques. Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected, and justify why it would be applicable to the selected patient. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient.


Building A Health History

A Brief Summary of the Interview

This interview involved a 38-year-old Native American pregnant woman residing on a reservation. The woman had come to the health facility to check up on health during the pregnancy period. The interview found that this woman was four weeks pregnant, and this pregnancy was her third one. The interview also revealed that her second birth was in the form of a cesarean section.

During the interview, it was found that the patient’s family has a history of twins. She has brothers who are identical twins. When asked if she has ever suffered any chronic condition, she said no. In terms of financial capability, it was found that the patient’s income was 100% above the federal poverty level. She is working as a librarian assistant in one of the state libraries in her region.

She also has an insurance package from Indian health programs. Through the interview, it was found that she has never had a blood transfusion, no history of tuberculosis, and it allergic to penicillin medication. She also said that after this child, she would like to undergo family planning program that can take her to her menopause period because she does not want to conceive again.

Communication Techniques to be used by Assigned Patient

The first technique that I would use with my assigned patient is offering her a genuine smile. Arnold and Boggs (2019) mention that a genuine smile can immediately convey openness and warmth. I would use this technique to lobby the patient to be open with me and to know that I will be real with her. Also, a genuine smile will help be build trust with the patient.

The second technique is asking the right questions. This technique will be used to understand the thoughts of the patients and to learn new things about her. Open-ended questions will better fit this patient and allow her to express herself clearly (Brooks, Ballinger, Nutbeam, Mander and Adams (2018). Another technique I will use with the patient is active listening. This technique will help me understand what the patient is saying. Janssen, Ruiter and Waters (2018) argue that active listening can also show that the communicator is empathetic.

The last technique that will be used to connect with the patient is to provide feedback when needed and receive the one given diligently (Turkelson, Aebersold, Redman & Tschannen, 2017). When one provides feedback, it can show that he or she takes the other person seriously.

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient

The Risk Assessment Instrument Selected

The instrument selected to assess risk in this scenario is the Historical, Clinical, Risk Management-20 (HCR-20). This tool is often used by psychological professionals to assess the level of violence and psychological problems the patients are undergoing. Cheng, Haag and Olver (2019) mention that marital violence is reported more in native American nations more compared to other parts of the country. This tool will be applicable to this patient because it will be used to assess if the patient is stressed about the type of birth she had previously. Also, the tool will be used to assess if the patient is undergoing any violence, either physically or mentally (Shepherd, Campbell & Ogloff, 2018).

The Targeted Questions

  1. When last did you see your menstrual cycle?
  2. Is this your first pregnancy?
  3. Have you ever suffered any chronic condition?
  4. Have you ever had any major surgery?
  5. Does your family have any history of twins?


Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2019). Interpersonal Relationships E-Book: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Brooks, C., Ballinger, C., Nutbeam, D., Mander, C., & Adams, J. (2018). Nursing and allied health professionals’ views about using health literacy screening tools and a universal precautions approach to communication with older adults: a qualitative study. Disability and rehabilitation, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2018.1538392

Cheng, J., Haag, A. M., & Olver, M. E. (2019). Predictors of Historical Clinical Risk Management-20 Version 3 (HCR–20: V3) summary risk ratings. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 26(4), 682-692. DOI: 10.1080/13218719.2019.1618753

Janssen, E., Ruiter, R. A., & Waters, E. A. (2018). Combining risk communication strategies to simultaneously convey the risks of four diseases associated with physical inactivity to socio-demographically diverse populations. Journal of behavioral medicine, 41(3), 318-332. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10865-017-9894-3

Shepherd, S. M., Campbell, R. E., & Ogloff, J. R. (2018). The Utility of the HCR–20 in an Australian sample of forensic psychiatric patients. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 25(2), 273-282. https://doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2017.1364676

Turkelson, C., Aebersold, M., Redman, R., & Tschannen, D. (2017). Improving nursing communication skills in an intensive care unit using simulation and nursing crew resource management strategies. Journal of nursing care quality, 32(4), 331-339. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000241

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What Are 4 Key Skills That a Nurse Needs for Effective Interviewing

Skill 1: Active Listening

Active listening is an essential skill for nurses during interviews. It involves not only hearing what the patient is saying but also paying attention to nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions. By actively listening, nurses can better understand patients’ concerns, emotions, and unspoken needs. This skill allows nurses to establish trust and create a comfortable environment where patients feel heard and understood.

Skill 2: Empathy and Compassion

Empathy and compassion are vital attributes for nurses when conducting interviews. Empathy involves understanding and sharing the feelings of another person, while compassion refers to the desire to alleviate suffering. When nurses approach interviews with empathy and compassion, they can build strong connections with patients, fostering an environment of trust and support. This enables patients to open up and share their concerns more freely, leading to better-informed care decisions.

Skill 3: Effective Communication

Effective communication is a fundamental skill for nurses in any healthcare setting. During interviews, nurses must communicate clearly and concisely to ensure patients understand their questions and provide accurate information. They should use language that is simple, jargon-free, and culturally sensitive, adapting their communication style to suit each patient’s needs. By communicating effectively, nurses can establish rapport, build trust, and gather the necessary information to make informed clinical decisions.

Skill 4: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are crucial for nurses during interviews, especially when patients present complex or ambiguous symptoms. Nurses must be able to analyze the information gathered, identify patterns, and make sound judgments. This involves asking relevant follow-up questions, seeking clarification, and integrating data from various sources. By utilizing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, nurses can identify potential health issues, assess risks, and develop appropriate care plans.


In conclusion, effective interviewing is a vital skill for nurses, enabling them to gather accurate and comprehensive patient information. Active listening, empathy and compassion, effective communication, and critical thinking are four key skills that nurses need to conduct interviews successfully. By mastering these skills, nurses can establish rapport, gather relevant information, and provide high-quality patient-centered care.


  1. Why is active listening important during interviews? Active listening allows nurses to understand patients’ concerns, emotions, and unspoken needs, fostering trust and creating a comfortable environment for open communication.
  2. How does empathy and compassion impact the interviewing process? Empathy and compassion enable nurses to establish strong connections with patients, encouraging them to share their concerns more freely and leading to better-informed care decisions.
  3. What role does effective communication play in nursing interviews? Effective communication ensures that patients understand the questions and instructions, allowing nurses to gather accurate information and make informed clinical decisions.
  4. Why are critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for nurses during interviews? Critical thinking and problem-solving skills help nurses analyze information, identify patterns, and make sound judgments, especially when patients present complex symptoms.
  5. How do these key skills contribute to providing high-quality patient-centered care? By mastering these skills, nurses can establish rapport, gather relevant information, and develop personalized care plans, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

What Is the Purpose of Interviewing a Patient?

Interviewing a patient is a crucial aspect of the healthcare process. It serves multiple purposes, from gathering essential information to building trust and establishing effective communication. Through patient interviews, healthcare professionals can gain insights into the patient’s medical history, symptoms, concerns, goals, and expectations. This comprehensive understanding enables them to diagnose and treat medical conditions, monitor treatment progress, and ensure the delivery of high-quality healthcare. In this article, we will explore the significance of patient interviews and how they contribute to improved healthcare outcomes.

1. Introduction

In the field of medicine, patient interviews play a pivotal role in the diagnostic and treatment process. By engaging in a conversation with patients, healthcare providers can acquire valuable information that helps guide their decision-making and ensure the most effective care.

2. Understanding the Importance of Patient Interviews

Patient interviews are conducted to achieve several vital objectives. They serve as an opportunity to gather a comprehensive medical history, establish a rapport with the patient, assess symptoms and concerns, identify patient goals and expectations, screen for risk factors, and more.

3. Gathering Comprehensive Medical History

One of the primary purposes of patient interviews is to obtain a detailed medical history. Healthcare professionals delve into the patient’s past illnesses, surgeries, medications, allergies, and family history. This information aids in diagnosing current conditions, identifying potential risk factors, and selecting appropriate treatment options.

4. Establishing a Rapport and Building Trust

Building a strong rapport with patients is essential for effective healthcare delivery. By conducting interviews, healthcare providers can establish trust, create a comfortable environment, and encourage open communication. This fosters a positive patient-provider relationship and enables patients to share their concerns more openly.

5. Assessing Symptoms and Concerns

Patient interviews allow healthcare providers to assess and evaluate the symptoms and concerns reported by the patient. Through active listening and asking relevant questions, providers can gather valuable information about the nature, duration, severity, and triggers of the symptoms. This aids in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

6. Identifying Patient Goals and Expectations

Understanding a patient’s goals and expectations is crucial for tailoring treatment plans to their specific needs. Interviews help uncover what patients hope to achieve through medical intervention, whether it is pain relief, improved mobility, better quality of life, or other objectives. This knowledge guides healthcare providers in setting realistic treatment goals.

7. Screening for Risk Factors and Red Flags

During interviews, healthcare professionals have the opportunity to screen for risk factors and red flags that may indicate underlying health issues. By asking targeted questions and assessing the patient’s responses, providers can identify potential warning signs and take appropriate actions, such as ordering further diagnostic tests or referrals to specialists.

8. Diagnosing and Treating Medical Conditions

Patient interviews provide critical information that aids in accurate diagnosis and treatment selection. By carefully analyzing the gathered data, healthcare providers can make informed decisions about appropriate tests, procedures, medications, or therapies. This ensures effective management of the patient’s medical condition.

9. Monitoring Treatment Progress and Adjustments

Interviewing patients at regular intervals allows healthcare providers to monitor treatment progress and make necessary adjustments. By discussing treatment outcomes and assessing any changes in symptoms, providers can modify treatment plans to optimize results and address any emerging issues.

10. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Interventions

Patient interviews are instrumental in evaluating the effectiveness of medical interventions. By assessing the patient’s subjective experience, providers can gauge the impact of treatments on symptoms, functionality, and overall well-being. This feedback informs decisions about ongoing or alternative interventions.

11. Enhancing Patient Education and Empowerment

Interviews serve as an opportunity for healthcare providers to educate patients about their condition, treatment options, and self-management strategies. By providing relevant information, answering questions, and addressing concerns, providers empower patients to actively participate in their own care and make informed decisions.

12. Gathering Research and Clinical Data

Patient interviews also contribute to the collection of valuable research and clinical data. With patient consent, anonymized and aggregated information from interviews can be used for statistical analysis, identifying trends, improving treatment protocols, and advancing medical knowledge.

13. Improving Healthcare Quality and Outcomes

By conducting thorough patient interviews, healthcare providers contribute to improving the quality and outcomes of healthcare delivery. The information gathered helps in accurate diagnoses, appropriate treatment plans, and personalized care that aligns with patients’ goals and expectations.

14. Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

Patient interviews facilitate effective communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals. The information obtained during interviews can be shared with other members of the healthcare team, enabling coordinated care, interdisciplinary discussions, and optimal treatment outcomes.

15. Conclusion

In conclusion, patient interviews are vital in the healthcare process. They serve as a means to gather essential medical information, establish rapport and trust, assess symptoms and concerns, identify patient goals, screen for risk factors, and enhance healthcare outcomes. Through effective patient interviews, healthcare providers can diagnose and treat medical conditions, monitor treatment progress, and ensure patients receive high-quality, patient-centered care.


  1. Why is interviewing a patient important? Conducting patient interviews allows healthcare providers to gather crucial medical information, establish rapport, assess symptoms, identify goals, screen for risk factors, and enhance healthcare outcomes.
  2. What is the role of patient interviews in diagnosis? Patient interviews provide valuable information that aids in accurate diagnosis by helping healthcare providers understand the nature, duration, severity, and triggers of symptoms.
  3. How do patient interviews contribute to treatment planning? By understanding patient goals, expectations, and concerns through interviews, healthcare providers can tailor treatment plans to meet individual needs and preferences.
  4. Are patient interviews only for gathering medical history? No, patient interviews serve multiple purposes, including assessing symptoms, monitoring treatment progress, evaluating interventions, and enhancing patient education and empowerment.
  5. How do patient interviews improve healthcare quality? Thorough patient interviews lead to accurate diagnoses, appropriate treatment plans, personalized care, and enhanced communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals, ultimately improving healthcare quality and outcomes.

Post a summary of the interview and a description of the communication techniques you would use with your assigned patient. Explain why you would use these techniques. Identify the risk assessment instrument you selected



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