[SOLVED 2024] There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required annually or biannually. One of these is often sexual harassment. For this assignment

There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required

There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required annually or biannually. One of these is often sexual harassment. For this assignment
There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required

UNIT VI: Instructions

There are several standardized training events in large organizations that are required annually or biannually. One of these is often sexual harassment. For this assignment, write a training plan for all employees in your firm to educate and develop their awareness of sexual harassment and understanding of legal and organizational policies.

Be sure to include training aspects of planning, design, implementation, and evaluation.

This plan should be in narrative form with a minimum requirement of 500 words. Discuss the following guidelines to complete your plan.

Planning: Should all employees be trained at once? If not, who should be trained first? What are the anticipated outcomes or terminal learning objectives of the training?

Design: In what format should the training be given, and why? What modalities will be used for employees on multiple shifts or in multiple locations? What are the core elements of the training that will align with the learning objectives?

Implementation: Who will lead the training, and how will it be implemented? Will you be training for knowledge or behavior change? How will you conduct the actual training to account for knowledge and/or behavioral change?

Evaluation: How will you know if the training was successful? What measures will you use to know if employees 1) learned from the training, 2) behaved differently after the training, and 3) the training has a bottom line impact to the firm?

Any sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Training Plan


Before carrying out the sexual harassment training program, it is essential to identify the learning objectives that the employees are required to be aware of at the end of the session. At the end of the training program, all the employees are expected not to discriminate each other based on gender on issues like the failure of the manager to promote a worker due to decline on sexual advances.

Also, the employees are expected to avoid indecent exposure through putting on clothes that expose private body parts, avoid stalking each other, and making obscene and threatening communications either through phones, emails, letters, and text messages. The training program should be done through shifts starting with the company executives, managers and key stakeholders then followed by the field employees.

The executives act as the role model to the employees and change should start with them.


The learning format should involve classroom training where the trainees come together, and the instructor shares the sexual harassment ethics. Use of classroom ensures that the employees have a proper learning environment that is safe, quiet and clean thus increasing understanding (Silberman and Biech, 2015).

Modalities in the training program can be done through the use of instructor-led and virtual stimulation learning. The instructor-led training method enables the employees to receive feedback on their questions thus enhancing in-depth knowledge.

Use of virtual stimulation allows the trainees to virtualize the behaviors of the actors; thus, able to make a situational judgment about themselves. The availability of training materials that cover topics on workplace sexual harassment is likely to be aligned with the objectives. Inclusively, the availability of training objectives, having professional trainers, and effective evaluation are essential elements in the achievement of goals.

There are several standardized training


A professional on sexual harassment will be hired to carry out the training program. The implementation will involve the establishment of the training goals by looking at the objectives set by the company. Determination of the training modalities then follows through consideration of the learning needs and the easiest way of increasing understanding and creating awareness.

The trainers then engage with the employees through the provision of the learning experiences like providing inspirational speech and coming up with the winning concepts.

Time of training should be appropriate to ensure no employee is left out. Follow up activities are necessary to ensure the workers adopt the knowledge and behaviors from the training (Lacerenza et al., 2017). The training will be driven towards changing the character and imparting knowledge to the employees.

This will be achieved through the instructor-led training that passes expertise and information on sexual harassment. The use of virtual simulation enables the employees to change their behavior through situational assessment.


The success of a training program will be known by looking at the training outcomes such as changes in the behavior, response to questions asked by the instructor, and the learning takeaways. Knowing whether the employees learned from the training needs checking the key takeaways that are linked with the objectives provided at the beginning of the training.

The application of the training knowledge and behaviors in the learning program can be a useful tool in the determination of changes in behavior. A complete transition of sexual behavior of the employees within a firm is likely to be evident by increased customer relation, reduced interpersonal conflicts, regular promotions, and reduced problems associated with the labor union.


Lacerenza, C. N., Reyes, D. L., Marlow, S. L., Joseph, D. L., & Salas, E. (2017). Leadership        training design, delivery, and implementation: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology102(12), 1686.

Silberman, M. L., & Biech, E. (2015). Active training: A handbook of techniques, designs, case      examples and tips. John Wiley & Sons.

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Workplace harassment policy sample

Here is a sample workplace harassment policy that can be adapted for use in different organizations:

  1. Purpose

Our organization is committed to maintaining a work environment free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. This policy outlines our expectations for all employees regarding behavior in the workplace, and our procedures for addressing complaints of harassment.

  1. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and volunteers of our organization. It covers all aspects of employment, including hiring, training, promotion, and termination.

  1. Prohibited Conduct

Harassment of any kind is prohibited in the workplace, including but not limited to:

  • Verbal harassment, such as derogatory comments, slurs, or jokes.
  • Physical harassment, such as unwanted touching, blocking movement, or assault.
  • Visual harassment, such as displaying sexually suggestive images or objects.
  • Written harassment, such as sending offensive emails, texts, or notes.
  • Retaliation against an employee who reports harassment or participates in an investigation.
  1. Reporting Harassment

Employees who experience harassment, or who witness harassment, are encouraged to report it to their supervisor or to the Human Resources department. Reports can be made verbally or in writing, and will be kept confidential to the extent possible.

Employees who make a report of harassment will not be subject to retaliation or adverse employment action for making a report in good faith.

  1. Investigation and Resolution

All reports of harassment will be investigated promptly, impartially, and confidentially. Investigations may include interviews with witnesses, review of documents, and any other appropriate measures.

If it is determined that harassment has occurred, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment. In addition, steps will be taken to prevent further harassment, and to provide support to the victim and other affected employees.

  1. Conclusion

Our organization is committed to providing a work environment that is respectful, inclusive, and free of harassment. We expect all employees to uphold this policy and to treat each other with dignity and respect.

Protecting the scope of practice for nurses, particularly advanced practice registered nurses, is a major initiative at the American Nurses Association (ANA) 2016. The ANA is working together with our Constituent Member (State)

Anti discrimination and harassment policy

Here is a sample anti-discrimination and harassment policy that can be adapted for use in different organizations:

  1. Purpose

Our organization is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. This policy outlines our expectations for all employees regarding behavior in the workplace, and our procedures for addressing complaints of discrimination and harassment.

  1. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and volunteers of our organization. It covers all aspects of employment, including hiring, training, promotion, and termination.

  1. Prohibited Conduct

Discrimination and harassment of any kind are prohibited in the workplace, including but not limited to:

  • Discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.
  • Harassment based on any of the above characteristics, including verbal, physical, visual, and written harassment.
  • Retaliation against an employee who reports discrimination or harassment or participates in an investigation.
  1. Reporting Discrimination and Harassment

Employees who experience discrimination or harassment, or who witness discrimination or harassment, are encouraged to report it to their supervisor or to the Human Resources department. Reports can be made verbally or in writing, and will be kept confidential to the extent possible.

Employees who make a report of discrimination or harassment will not be subject to retaliation or adverse employment action for making a report in good faith.

  1. Investigation and Resolution

All reports of discrimination or harassment will be investigated promptly, impartially, and confidentially. Investigations may include interviews with witnesses, review of documents, and any other appropriate measures.

If it is determined that discrimination or harassment has occurred, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment. In addition, steps will be taken to prevent further discrimination or harassment, and to provide support to the victim and other affected employees.

  1. Conclusion

Our organization is committed to providing a work environment that is respectful, inclusive, and free of discrimination and harassment. We expect all employees to uphold this policy and to treat each other with dignity and respect.

10 benefits of training employees

Training employees offers numerous benefits to both individuals and organizations. Here are 10 key advantages:

  1. Improved Performance: Training equips employees with the skills and knowledge needed to perform their jobs more effectively, leading to increased productivity and higher-quality work.
  2. Enhanced Employee Morale: Investing in employee development demonstrates a commitment to their success, boosting morale and job satisfaction. This, in turn, can contribute to a positive work environment.
  3. Increased Employee Engagement: Training provides opportunities for employees to engage with new ideas and concepts, fostering a sense of curiosity and continuous learning. Engaged employees are more likely to contribute creatively and proactively to the organization.
  4. Adaptability to Technological Changes: As technology evolves, training helps employees stay current with the latest tools and systems. This ensures that the workforce remains adaptable and can leverage new technologies to improve efficiency.
  5. Reduction in Employee Turnover: Employees are more likely to stay with an organization that invests in their professional development. Training programs can help retain talented individuals by offering them opportunities to grow within the company.
  6. Increased Innovation: Training encourages employees to think critically and creatively. It helps cultivate a culture of innovation by providing the skills and knowledge necessary for employees to contribute fresh ideas and solutions.
  7. Consistency in Operations: Standardized training programs help ensure that all employees receive the same foundational knowledge and skills. This consistency promotes uniformity in operations and can lead to higher quality products or services.
  8. Risk Mitigation: Proper training can reduce the likelihood of errors or accidents. Whether it’s in compliance training or safety procedures, well-trained employees are less prone to making mistakes that could have negative consequences for the organization.
  9. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Employees who are well-trained can provide better customer service. Improved communication skills, product knowledge, and problem-solving abilities contribute to a positive customer experience.
  10. Strategic Alignment: Training programs can align employees with the organization’s strategic goals and values. This ensures that the workforce is working towards common objectives, fostering a sense of purpose and unity within the organization.

In summary, investing in employee training pays off by creating a skilled, engaged, and motivated workforce that contributes to the overall success and growth of the organization.

What are the main objectives of training?

The main objectives of training in an organizational context can vary depending on specific needs and goals, but generally, training programs aim to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Skill Development: Enhance the skills and capabilities of employees to perform their current roles more effectively. This includes technical skills, soft skills, and job-specific competencies.
  2. Knowledge Enhancement: Provide employees with the necessary knowledge and information related to their job responsibilities, industry trends, and organizational processes.
  3. Performance Improvement: Improve overall job performance by addressing areas of weakness and building on existing strengths. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.
  4. Employee Engagement: Promote a positive and engaging work environment by investing in employees’ professional development. Engaged employees are more likely to be motivated, satisfied, and committed to their work.
  5. Adaptation to Change: Equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to changes in the workplace, whether they be technological advancements, shifts in industry trends, or organizational restructuring.
  6. Leadership Development: Identify and nurture potential leaders within the organization by providing training that focuses on leadership skills, strategic thinking, and decision-making.
  7. Team Building: Foster collaboration and communication among team members. Team-building training can enhance interpersonal relationships, improve teamwork, and create a cohesive work environment.
  8. Risk Management and Compliance: Ensure that employees are aware of and comply with industry regulations, legal requirements, and internal policies. This helps mitigate risks and ensures a lawful and ethical work environment.
  9. Innovation and Creativity: Encourage a culture of innovation by providing training that stimulates creative thinking, problem-solving, and the generation of new ideas.
  10. Customer Satisfaction: Improve customer service by training employees on effective communication, customer relationship management, and understanding customer needs.
  11. Retention of Talent: Demonstrate the organization’s commitment to employee growth and development, thereby increasing employee retention and reducing turnover.
  12. Cost Reduction: Address inefficiencies and reduce errors through training, leading to cost savings in the long run. Well-trained employees are generally more efficient and less prone to mistakes.
  13. Strategic Alignment: Align training programs with the organization’s strategic goals, ensuring that employee development contributes to the overall success and objectives of the company.

What are the stages of training?

Training typically involves several stages, often referred to as the training cycle. These stages provide a structured approach to developing and implementing effective training programs. The stages of training are as follows:

  1. Needs Assessment:
    • Identify the training needs within the organization.
    • Assess the skills, knowledge, and abilities required for employees to perform their jobs effectively.
    • Determine any performance gaps that training can address.
  2. Setting Objectives:
    • Clearly define the specific learning objectives that the training program aims to achieve.
    • Objectives should be measurable and tied to addressing identified needs.
  3. Designing the Training Program:
    • Develop the overall structure and content of the training program.
    • Choose instructional methods, materials, and resources that align with the learning objectives.
    • Consider the most appropriate delivery methods, such as instructor-led training, e-learning, on-the-job training, or a combination.
  4. Implementation:
    • Deliver the training program according to the established design.
    • Ensure that trainers are adequately prepared and that necessary resources are available.
    • Monitor the training process to address any issues that may arise.
  5. Evaluation:
    • Assess the effectiveness of the training program.
    • Gather feedback from participants to gauge their satisfaction and understanding.
    • Measure learning outcomes and determine if the training met its objectives.
  6. Feedback and Adjustments:
  7. Follow-Up and Reinforcement:
    • Provide ongoing support and reinforcement of the learned skills and knowledge.
    • Implement follow-up activities, mentoring, or additional resources to help transfer training into on-the-job performance.
  8. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement:
    • Continuously monitor the application of trained skills in the workplace.
    • Collect data on the impact of training on individual and organizational performance.
    • Use this information to refine future training programs and ensure ongoing improvement.



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